Opening ceremony of Thap Ba Ponagar Nha Trang Festival in 2023

Opening ceremony of Thap Ba Ponagar Nha Trang Festival in 2023

Ponagar Tower Relic - Nha Trang

On the morning of May 10, 2023 (ie, March 21 of the lunar calendar in the year of the Rabbit), the Ponagar Ponagar Festival in Nha Trang - Khanh Hoa in 2023 officially opened at the Ponagar Tower - Nha Trang relic site. Attending the opening ceremony and offering incense, on behalf of the provincial leaders, there were Mr. Nguyen Hai Ninh - Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of Khanh Hoa Provincial Party Committee; Nguyen Khac Toan - Standing Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Council. On the side of city leaders. In Nha Trang, attending were Mr. Ho Van Mung - Alternate member of the Party Central Committee, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, Secretary of the Nha Trang City Party Committee, and comrades who are leaders of departments and agencies of the province and city. groups of pilgrims inside and outside the province.

This year's Ponagar Thap Ba Festival takes place from May 9-12 (on the 20th to the 23rd day of the lunar calendar year of the Rabbit) with many traditional rituals such as: Offering incense to Mother Mother, Opening ceremony and worshiping ceremony. King; the ceremony to replace the model; the ceremony to pray for national peace, people's peace; almsgiving ceremony; Traditional sacrifices ... Besides, at the festival, there are many cultural and artistic activities such as: Van singing, ball dancing, Mau ceremony of pilgrimage groups.

The annual Ponagar Thap Ba Festival attracts a large number of Cham communities in provinces and cities across the country and tourists to worship, offer incense, and offer sacrifices to commemorate the great merits of the Mother of God Thien Y A Na teach people how to do business and live, and at the same time pray for national peace, good weather, good harvests. Through the festival to contribute to the preservation and promotion of cultural beauty, unique traditional festivals of the nation, national intangible cultural heritage.

This year's festival is expected to have about 100 groups of pilgrims from localities inside and outside the province.

From 09/05/2023 - 12/05/2023

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