Cam Son Lake: Ha Long on land of Bac Giang

Cam Son Lake is known as an attractive tourist destination in Bac Giang, with poetic and lyrical natural scenery.

Cam Son Lake is known as an attractive tourist destination in Bac Giang, with poetic and lyrical natural scenery.

Cam Son Lake is located in 4 communes of Son Hai, Ho Dap, Cam Son, Tan Son of Luc Ngan district, Bac Giang. This lake is not only a large-scale irrigation project but also an enchanting natural landscape. Photo: Communist Party Newspaper

Cam Son Lake is located at an altitude of about 300m above sea level and is the 4th largest irrigation project in the country. Photo: Tran Van Tuan

Cam Son Lake is a lake originating from Huu Lung district, Lang Son province. The stream reached Luc Ngan district and was blocked, forming a lake with an area of ​​about 26 km2. Photo: Duong Duong Blog

Along the lake, there are many beautiful villages, surrounded by high and low mountains. Photo: Duong Duong Blog

People call this lake a place with charming mountain and water scenery, which is not wrong. The scenery here is poetic and romantic like a "Ha Long Bay on the mountain". Photo: @dinhhoangduc.hd

Ngày nay, đa phần các hộ dân cung cấp dịch vụ đi thuyền máy để đưa khách tham quan cảnh đẹp của hồ nước. Ngồi trên thuyền, bạn có thể ngắm cảnh đẹp của mặt hồ xanh trong, xa xa là những dãy núi nhấp nhô cao thấp. Ảnh: @lyn_ly_311

Ngoài việc ngắm cảnh, bạn còn được nghe người dân địa phương kể những câu chuyện huyền thoại, ly kỳ về sự tích núi Ba Hòn, suối Cấm, suối Mọc, suối Vảy Rồng, núi Kín, làng Mấn, đảo Lăn Lóc... Ảnh: Internet

These stories are not only mystical stories but also bring soul to the landscape, making each mountain range and forest surrounding the water become charming and memorable. Photo: Internet

trackingKhông chỉ ngắm cảnh, bạn còn có thể dừng lại các hòn đảo để ăn uống, ngắm cảnh hoặc cắm trại, dã ngoại tùy thích. . Ảnh: giapthi_thiep

According to the experience of many people, summer is the best time to travel to Cam Son Lake. At this time, the cool and pleasant weather and fresh, airy atmosphere are very favorable for outdoor tourism activities such as camping, picnicking, boating or fishing. Photo: Bacgiantourism

Cam Son Lake is an ideal destination for those who love to explore the wild and majestic natural beauty. If you have the opportunity to visit Bac Giang, don't forget to spend time exploring the beauty of Cam Son Lake. Photo: Internet

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