Eagerly checking in to the rice tree on the banks of the Thuong River

In recent days, many people have come to the Ba Co Temple relic in Lang Son commune, Yen Dung district (Bac Giang province) to check-in.

In recent days, many people have come to the Ba Co Temple relic in Lang Son commune, Yen Dung district (Bac Giang province) to check-in.

The atmosphere at the Ba Co Temple relic at noon on March 5. Photo: KUN MON

The reason is that in recent days, the weather in the North has been warmer, and in Bac Giang there have been many dry days, with convenient travel. What is more important is that in March the rice flower blooming season, many villages in the North are bright red with a sky of rice flowers... However, the rice tree near Ba Co Temple attracts more girls because it is located on the dyke and carries the wind. typical scene of the Northern countryside.

In March, rice flowers bloom, many people from all over the village come to take photos

Ba Co Temple relic is located 15km southeast of Bac Giang City, 80km northeast of Hanoi.

Waiting in line to take pictures. Photo: KUN MON


Tourist vehicles are parked on the Thuong River dyke

In 2021, this rice tree was decided by the Vietnam Ornamental Biology Association to recognize it as an "Ancient tree with historical-cultural value".

The rice tree at Ba Co Temple is considered an ancient tree with historical and cultural value

Ba Co Temple rice tree, also known as Lang Son rice tree, has existed for more than 100 years, growing along the dike, on the banks of the Thuong River, in Tan My village, Lang Son commune (Yen Dung district).

Sunset falls on the banks of the Thuong River. Documentary photo

Thuong River is one of the most beautiful and famous rivers in the North of our country, and has been featured in many works of poetry, music, and cinema...

Painting of the Northern countryside in spring. Documentary photo

Ba Co Temple is located right next to the rice tree, creating a poetic complex. Legend has it that Ba Co is worshiped in the temple as the general of the hero Hoang Hoa Tham. Once when she sent troops to protect Phu Lang Thuong, she was chased and surrounded by the enemy. Unwilling to be captured by the enemy, she threw herself into the Thuong River. The body drifted to the current rice plant area and was buried by local people.

On the village dyke along the banks of the Thuong River, afternoon March 5

According to the appraisal record to prepare documents of the Bac Giang Provincial Ornamental Biology Association, the rice tree is 27.5m high with a canopy area of ​​120m2 and trunk diameter of 2.4m. Many cultural experts and people suggest that the authorities of Bac Giang province or Yen Dung district have a policy to preserve the original architectural beauty as well as the poetic and uniform space and context for this relic, avoiding neglect. gentrification and modernization as many places are experiencing.

Bac Giang 451 view


Source : saigongiaiphong.org.vn

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