Experience autumn colors in the highlands of Bac Kan

BBK - Autumn, the weather is cold, golden sunshine spreads across the mountains and hills. This is also the most beautiful time of the year for tourists to come to Bac Kan, experience the natural scenery, and explore attractive tourist attractions.

BBK - Autumn, the weather is cold, golden sunshine spreads across the mountains and hills. This is also the most beautiful time of the year for tourists to come to Bac Kan, experience the natural scenery, and explore attractive tourist attractions.

Mu La area in Lung Phac village, Co Linh commune (Pac Nam) during the ripe rice season.

Beautiful nature and fresh climate bring many emotions to visitors.

Cloud hunting in Quang Khe commune (Ba Be)

Autumn colors of Ba Be Lake.

Tourists visit and experience Ba Be Lake.

Tourists save beautiful moments with Ba Be Lake.

Bac Kan 537 view

Nguyễn Nghĩa

Source : baobackan.com.vn

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Discover Bac Kan

Ba Be Lake

From January to December

434 view

Ba Be National Park

From January to December

428 view

Fairy Cave

May to October

458 view

Puong Cave

May to September

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Dau Dang Waterfall

April to October

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Thach Long Pagoda

May to July

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