List of famous historical relics in Bac Kan

Bac Kan tourism is not only attractive because of its ancient beauty but also because of its timeless historical and cultural values. Let's explore together the list of historical relics in Bac Kan, a place rich in cultural identity and customs of the Vietnamese people in this article!

Historical sites in Bac Kan are not only unique places, but also places that preserve many human values ​​and profound meanings. When you set foot in these locations, you will be immersed in the historical and cultural space of the nation, better understanding the past and traditions of the country. In addition, this is also a place with "ancient" and beautiful views for "virtual living". Below, 63Stravel will list a list of historical relics in Bac Kan for you to visit if you have the opportunity to visit.

List of historical sites in Bac Kan that you should explore

1. Tham Temple

Coming to Bac Kan province, you cannot miss Tham Temple - a special spiritual historical tourist destination. Located about 40km south of Bac Kan city, Tham temple in group 6, Cho Moi town, has long been a destination for Buddhists and tourists everywhere.

Du Lich Tâm Linh Đền Thắm Thị Trấn Chợ Mới Bắc Kạn

Spiritual Travel to Tham Temple, New Market Town, Bac Kan

With a wonderful location amidst charming nature, the romantic Tham Temple is located against the mountain and river, overlooking the confluence of the Cau River, creating a majestic and romantic picture. Here, you can learn about the heroic story of female general Tham - the courageous leader of the army against the Black Flag invaders at the end of the 19th century.

Address: Cho Moi Town, Cho Moi District, Bac Kan Province

2. Khuoi Linh historical site, Khau Ma hill

Khau Ma Hill relic area, where comrade Pham Van Dong - former Prime Minister and the Government Office lived and worked from 1950 to 1951, is a meaningful historical tourist destination when you come to Bac Kan province.

Here, in an emotional historical atmosphere, comrade Pham Van Dong together with the Party Central Committee and the General Command of the Vietnam People's Army held a meeting to discuss opening the border campaign in 1950, opening a period of new for the Vietnamese revolution. Khau Ma Hill has been recognized as a national historical site since 1996.

Di tích lịch sử Khuổi Linh

Khuoi Linh historical site

Khuoi Linh relic area, where comrade Truong Chinh lived and worked from August to December 1950, is also a historical destination not to be missed when you come to Bac Kan. Located in Nghia Ta commune, Cho Don district, Khuoi Linh is famous for its rugged location but convenient transportation. It is the gathering place of many important events in Vietnam's revolutionary history. Khuoi Linh relic site has been recognized as a national historical and cultural relic since 1996.


Khuoi Linh historical site: Nghia Ta commune, Cho Don district, Bac Kan province

Khau Ma hill: Ven village, Luong Bang commune (Cho Don), Bac Kan province

3. Thach Long Pagoda

When arriving in Bac Kan province, you cannot miss Thach Long Pagoda - a mysterious historical tourist destination. Located close to Highway 3, Thach Long Pagoda is located in Cao Ky commune, known as "the sacred pagoda in the cave" with many beautiful stories and epics.

Ghé thăm Chùa Thạch Long – Bắc Kạn

Visit Thach Long Pagoda - Bac Kan

The pagoda is located on a high peak, divided into three floors including the upper floor, middle floor and lower floor. Each floor worships Buddhists and famous people who have contributed to building and protecting the country. When entering deeper into the cave, visitors will admire the vast space with natural stone works creating special beauty.

Thach Long Pagoda Festival takes place on January 7 every year, attracting a large number of visitors to offer incense to pray for luck and happiness for their families and relatives. At the same time, admire the beautiful scenery around the pagoda that nature bestows.

Address: Cao Ky commune, Cho Moi district, Bac Kan province

4. Na Pau Hill Relics

Na Pau Hill is where President Ho Chi Minh left a historical mark during the days of resistance against the American invasion. In early 1951, Uncle Ho came to Na Pau hill to work and stayed in a small shack with two rooms. Na Pau's terrain is convenient for living as well as ensuring security and defense.

Về Nà Pậu những ngày tháng năm nhớ Bác

Back to Na Pau in the days and years of missing Uncle

Here, Uncle Ho directly directed the resistance war, wrote many letters, and signed important decisions. The remains of Uncle Ho's bunker still retain historical marks. Now, Na Pau hill has become an address marking the people's affection for him - the great leader of the nation. This is a precious relic of great historical significance to the country.

Address: Luong Bang commune, Cho Don district, Bac Kan province

5. Ban Ca historical site

Ban Ca is where President Ho Chi Minh stayed and worked during the resistance war against the French from December 1947. Here, Uncle Ho lived very simply, close to the people. Through his work in Ban Ca, Uncle Ho gathered forces and issued many important policies, contributing to encouraging the revolutionary spirit.

BẮC KẠN – Di tích Lịch sử Bản Ca

BAC KAN – Ban Ca Historical Relic

Uncle Ho's historical imprint is passed down through relics such as cooking stirrups and clothes for the people. Although time has eroded, Ban Ca is still a place of deep gratitude to Uncle Ho. This is a meaningful monument to the cause of the struggle for national liberation, expressing the people's love for the great Leader.

Address: Binh Trung commune, Cho Don district, Bac Kan province

6. Phu Thong Fort historical site

Phu Thong Fort is an important base occupied by the French army since 1947. With a difficult geographical location, the Fort was built solidly with a system of trenches and ramparts for defense. Phu Thong Fort witnessed glorious battles, marking the courage of our people and soldiers in the resistance war against invasion.

Di tích lịch sử cách mạng Đồn Phủ Thông

Phu Thong Fort revolutionary historical relic

Address: Phu Thong town, Bach Thong district, Bac Kan province

7. Giang Pass Victory Relic

Giang Pass - Bac Kan witnessed a historic battle on December 12, 1947, our troops ambushed and destroyed an enemy convoy of 60 soldiers and 17 vehicles. This was a glorious victory, contributing to victory in the resistance war against the French colonialists.

Vang mãi chiến công nơi địa danh lịch sử Đèo Giàng

Resounding forever in the historical place of Deo Giang Pass

In order to commemorate the glorious tradition, this place has been ranked as a National Historical Monument and a Memorial Stele House was built. The Battle of Deo Giang marked the courage of Bac Kan's soldiers and people, becoming a symbol of encouragement for patriotism, forever entering the history of the nation's revolutionary struggle.

Address: located on National Highway 3, bordering Bach Thong and Ngan Son districts

8. Na Tu Historical Relic Area

Na Tu is where the Youth Volunteer Army is stationed to carry out the task of ensuring transportation to serve the resistance during the war against the French. In March 1951, during a business trip, Uncle Ho came to Na Tu to visit the health and encourage the youth and people here. He reminded the construction site command board and staff to organize their work scientifically, unite and love each other.

Thăm Di tích Nà Tu – Nhớ lời dặn dò của Bác

Visit Na Tu Relics - Remember Uncle Ho's advice

Today, Na Tu has become a historical relic, marking people's hearts with Uncle Ho, a place to promote revolutionary traditions, and build a prosperous life. That is vivid proof of the comradeship and comradeship that Uncle Ho had for Vietnamese youth during difficult days.

Address: Cam Giang commune, Bach Thong district (Bac Kan) located along National Highway 3

9. Historical site Safety Zone (ATK) Cho Don

Located in the border district of Cho Don, the Cho Don Safety Relic Area was a strategic revolutionary base in the resistance war against the French. This is where President Ho Chi Minh and other revolutionary leaders lived, worked, and led the people's resistance from 1946-1954.

Di tích tích lịch sử An toàn khu (ATK) Chợ Đồn

Historical relics safety zone (ATK) Cho Don

With a system of historical relics, the Cho Don Safety relic site has become a profound source of inspiration for patriotism and the will for national independence. This is a priceless heritage that today's generations need to remember and evoke.

Address: in 3 communes: Binh Trung, Nghia Ta, Luong Bang, Cho Don district, Bac Kan province

10. Hoang Phai historical site

Hoang Phai historical site is where Uncle Ho stopped on the way from Pac Bo to Tan Trao in May 1945. This is a red address marking the revolutionary history of our ancestors in the anti-colonial resistance war. French invasion.

Di tích lịch sử Hoàng Phài

Hoang Phai historical site

This place is not only the pride of local people but also a source of profound inspiration for Uncle Ho's patriotism and revolutionary will for his hometown of Bac Kan and the whole country. The souvenir relic of Uncle Ho's stop at Hoang Phai will forever convey historical and cultural values ​​and valuable lessons to generations of descendants.

Address: Hoang Phai village, Coc Dan commune, Ngan Son district, Bac Kan province

Above is a list of famous historical relics in Bac Kan. If you have the opportunity to visit this land, you can go to these relics to learn about the heroic history of the nation.

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