Quietly admire the magical beauty of cherry blossoms in O Long tea hill, Sa Pa

Every year from December to January of the new year, cherry blossoms bloom in O Long tea hill, Sa Pa, always making visitors "lose their souls" before the seemingly unreal beauty.

Every year from December to January of the new year, cherry blossoms bloom in O Long tea hill, Sa Pa, always making visitors "lose their souls" before the seemingly unreal beauty.

People often say December is the month of cherry blossoms. This is also the best time to enjoy cherry blossoms in full bloom.

When talking about cherry blossom viewing, people often immediately remember Da Lat with the flowers blooming on concrete roads. However, there is a place in Sa Pa that also has hundreds of thousands of colors of cherry blossoms blooming, equally beautiful. That is the Oolong tea hill.

It is known that the road to O Long tea hill is not too difficult, just move from  Sapa town in the direction of National Highway 4D (same direction to Thac Bac, O Quy Ho pass) about 7km. After arriving at O ​​Quy Ho kindergarten, ask people for directions. It only takes about 500 meters to reach the tea hill area.

Cherry blossoms here are planted along the path to the tea garden, on the dirt road. Amidst the simplicity of the green tea tree, cherry blossoms bloom bright pink, a bit sweet, and a bit arrogant.

The distance to admire the most magical beauty of the tea hills is from afar. The alternating bowl-shaped tea hills, a blue color interspersed with bright pink cherry trees under the cover of mist, make visitors bewildered because they are as beautiful as a painting.

Visitors to O Long tea hill "cherry blossom hunting" should best go during the two golden hours: early morning or late afternoon. Early in the morning, when the first rays of the new day shine through the leaves, the whole tea hill looks like a dreamy girl who has just woken up.

The colors of flowers are hidden in the silver mist of the morning, mixed with the pink sunlight that begins to shine, this place appears dreamy and poetic like a wonderful nameless painting - the result between mother nature and human hands. .

In the afternoon, when sunset falls, the tea hills and cherry blossoms sparkle under the last light of the day, the landscape becomes more poetic than ever.

With immense tea hills interwoven with cherry blossom trees along the paths of the oases, this place is a place that attracts tourists.

Lao Cai 656 view

Thiên An; (Ảnh: Chu Đức Giang)

Source : Saostar.vn

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