Pu Luong is a "symphony" of heaven and earth

In Thanh Hoa, Pu Luong is a famous sightseeing and discovery destination on the map of backpacking, self-sufficient backpacking, and cheap mountain resorts. Tourists coming here are impressed with the scenery and wild beauty, especially the terraced rice fields and primeval forests...

In Thanh Hoa, Pu Luong is a famous sightseeing and discovery destination on the map of backpacking, self-sufficient backpacking, and cheap mountain resorts. Tourists coming here are impressed with the scenery and wild beauty, especially the terraced rice fields and primeval forests...

Nature has bestowed upon Pu Luong, Thanh Hoa a wild and poetic beauty

Pu Luong is located in the northwest of Thanh Hoa province, about 130 km from Thanh Hoa city and about 210 km from Hanoi.

Pu Luong is located in Quan Hoa and Ba Thuoc districts, Thanh Hoa province. Pu Luong includes land parts of 5 communes of Quan Hoa district: Phu Le, Phu Xuan, Thanh Xuan, Hoi Xuan, Phu Nghiem and 5 communes of Ba Thuoc district: Thanh Son, Thanh Lam, Co Lung, Lung Cao and Ban Cong commune.

Pu Luong is ripe rice season

Pu Luong Nature Reserve is home to the Thai and Muong ethnic communities.

In Thai, Pu Luong means the highest peak of the village

Homestays in Pu Luong have been built in recent years to serve tourists

Pù Luông "bản giao hưởng" của đất trời - Ảnh 2

Pù Luông có diện tích 17.662 ha, gồm rừng rậm, suối thác lớn nhỏ, hang động và núi non xen lẫn những bản làng yên bình và các thừa ruộng bậc thang

Pu Luong covers an area of ​​17,662 hectares, including dense forests, large and small waterfalls, caves and mountains mixed with peaceful villages and terraced fields.

In recent years, Pu Luong has become a famous tourist destination, attracting domestic and foreign tourists to visit and experience.

The infinity pool of a resort, where you can see the sea of ​​clouds early in the morning, is where many domestic and foreign tourists check-in.

Tourists come to "hunt clouds" in Pu Luong

The sunset scene in Pu Luong is as beautiful as a watercolor painting

Water pond in Pu Luong

Known as one of the most beautiful waterfalls in Thanh Hoa, Hieu Pu Luong waterfall is an ideal destination for tourists to admire and fully feel the beauty of the majestic mountains and forests.

The wild beauty of Pu Luong bat cave

Over the past years, strategies for exploiting and developing tourism in Pu Luong have contributed to helping tourism in the mountainous district of Ba Thuoc "change skin and flesh". Talking to VnEconomy, a representative of Ba Thuoc District People's Committee said that this year tourism activities in the area continue to develop strongly.

During the year, this district is estimated to welcome 130,500 visitors, an increase of 65.6% over the same period last year. Of which, 18,000 international visitors and 112,500 domestic visitors came to visit and relax. Total revenue from tourism activities is estimated at more than 220 billion VND.

Thanh Hoa 552 view

Nguyễn Thuấn

Source : vneconomy.vn

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Sam Son

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Pu Luong Nature Reserve

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