Relics of Ap Soc Pagoda

Bodhicumanani Pagoda (Ap Soc Pagoda) is a national revolutionary historical monument, located in Ap Soc, Huyen Hoi commune, Cang Long district, Tra Vinh province. The pagoda is located about 07 km from Cang Long town, the crow flies to the southwest and about 30 km from Tra Vinh town.

Bodhicumanani Pagoda (Ap Soc Pagoda) is a national revolutionary historical monument, located in Ap Soc, Huyen Hoi commune, Cang Long district, Tra Vinh province. The pagoda is located about 07 km from Cang Long town, the crow flies to the southwest and about 30 km from Tra Vinh town.

Coming to Ap Soc Pagoda is convenient by road, from Tra Vinh town along Highway 53 Tra Vinh - Vinh Long to Binh Phu Commune People's Committee, turn left along provincial road 911 to At Ech market. Go to At Ech market, follow Highway 6, go a further 4 km, you will meet the Relic located on the right. Soc hamlet is one of 9 hamlets of Huyen Hoi commune, Cang Long district, Tra Vinh province, which was a revolutionary base during the two periods of resistance against the French and Americans. The Khmer people account for more than ½ of the population living on sandy soils, most of which live by farming, being diligent and creative in production. The commune has a paved provincial road which is an important traffic axis (Formerly Huong Road No. 6 is now Provincial Road 911, bordering National Highway 53 on the section of Cang Long Road to Tra Vinh City) Social culture Here there is diversity and richness of national identity. The commune has 02 Khmer pagodas and 01 Buddhist temple of the Kinh people, and there are a few ethnic Chinese living in the market area. But under the feudal colonial regime, the people of Soc Hamlet as well as the people of the hamlets of Huyen Hoi commune were exploited to the bone by them. They are fully exploited leading to the impoverishment of workers. In the countryside, the rich and poor were divided into two distinct classes: peasants and landowners. Bodhiculamani Pagoda (Pagoda of Soc Hamlet) was built over 400 years ago, around 1541 D. L. The temple was also restored and repaired many times and Buddhist philosophy has been deeply rooted in people's subconscious mind and life. philosophy of human life. During the two resistance wars, Ap Soc Pagoda was not only a center of religious, cultural and educational activities of the Khmer community in Phum Soc, but also a secret operation base, a place to raise animals. to house and protect revolutionary cadres such as: Comrade Nguyen Dang (Nam Trung) - Former member of the Party Central Committee, term V, former Secretary of the Cuu Long Provincial Party Committee, Mr. Ma Ha Son Thong - Former Vice Chairman of the Association. National Assembly Session VII, Comrade Pham Hong Phuoc (Chin Phuoc) - Former Standing Member of Provincial Party Committee, Comrade Pham Thanh Thuong (Tu Hong) - Former Standing Member of Provincial Party Committee, Comrade Phan Van Xuyen - Former Standing Member of Tra Vinh Provincial Party Committee, Mr. Son Be, Thach Thanh (Prate Thanh), Thach Khene, Thach Huu (Hai Huu), Nguyen Van Phung (Six Phung), Pham Van Dang (Hai Tan), Le Van Rat (Year Rat), Duong Van Tam (Tam Ai), Nguyen Van Tot (Tu Tot), Tam To, Thach Set (Tam Set), Nam Nho, Nguyen Van Hy (Tu Hy), Hang Kinh (Nam Kinh) etc. .. Ap Soc Pagoda, Huyen Hoi Commune, Cang Long District is one of the Khmer temples of Tra Vinh province belonging to the Nam Tong sect. The pagoda has an architectural style in the style of Khmer temples in the South in general and Khmer temples in Tra Vinh province in particular. The architectural complex of the temple includes: main hall, monks, sala, cremated tower, school, kitchen, Neak Ta house....With an area of ​​​​nearly 03 hectares, luxuriant with many ancient trees: oil trees, star trees...With the cool scenery of the green trees increasing the local beauty and contributing to the protection of the green and clean environment, surrounded on all sides by fences that have also been cast in cement. bamboo shoots with Khmer motifs, on each fence post is attached with a lotus image.

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