My Lam Tuyen Quang Mineral Spring TICKET PRICE UPDATE 2023

Tuyen Quang is a land imbued with national heroism. A province with many ethnic minorities living together, as a place of interference between the highland ethnic groups, the culture in Tuyen Quang is extremely unique and interesting.

Tuyen Quang is a land imbued with national heroism. A province with many ethnic minorities living together, as a place of interference between the highland ethnic groups, the culture in Tuyen Quang is extremely unique and interesting. As the living place of many ethnic groups such as: San Diu, Tay, Nung, Cao Lan, Dao, ... has created a unique cultural area and attracted many tourists to Tuyen Quang. Tuyen Quang not only has a national culture, but also has a long history, is a province with a deep patriotic spirit, and was the focal point of the old resistance wars. Not only that, but Mother Nature also favors Tuyen Quang with many tourist destinations such as Na Hang, Lam Binh, Son Duong, Tan Trao, My Lam hot mineral springs which are extremely famous. My Lam hot spring is a very famous relaxation area and attracts many young people here. 

Where is My Lam hot mineral spring located? 

My Lam mineral spring resort is located in Phu Lam commune, Yen Son district, Tuyen Quang province. It is about 13 km from the city center. 

As a source of water discovered by French geologists in 1923. After that, this place was built into a mineral spring tourist area, extremely attractive to tourists. Because here, when tourists come to visit, not only can they relax and feel comfortable when they are immersed in a warm mineral spring, but mineral springs also have good health benefits. Not only can you soak in the mineral stream, but you can also bathe in the traditional medicinal leaf water of the Dao ethnic group here. My Lam Mineral Spring is also known as "Sun-Phua Mineral Spring" because the content of Hydrogen Sulfide is up to 5mg/liter. 

So how much is the ticket price to My Lam mineral spring?

Specific ticket prices are as follows:  Outdoor mineral bath: 200,000 VND/person; Outdoor jacuzzi bath: 250,000 VND/person; Mineral bath in the palace: 200,000 VND/person; Mineral bath in the palace: 250,000 VND/person; Mineral mud bath: 290,000 VND/person; Hotel mineral bath: 250,000 VND/person. 

Swimming pool: 100,000 VND/person; Basic massage: 80,000 VND/ticket; Hotel: 150,000 VND/ticket; 

Sightseeing: 50,000 VND/person. 

Is an extremely attractive resort destination that attracts a lot of tourists, a place where visitors can throw away all the pressures of life to relax and enjoy life. And if you want to go on the tour, call the hotline:  1900633278  for more details. 

What are some useful notes when visiting My Lam mineral spring? 

As a tourist destination, when you come here you will be relaxed and comfortable, it is a suitable place to enjoy life, but especially you need to note a few things:  

If you If you don't know the exact location, google map will be an extremely useful tool to accompany you, don't let your phone run out of battery. 

Please bring a swimsuit along with clothes to be able to take virtual photos here. 

Please bring sunscreen so that you can comfortably take a mineral bath or take a bath without fear of blackness. 

If you're staying here overnight, bring some coats because it's cooler and cooler at night up here. 

Don't forget to bring some basic medicines and some medical supplies so you can use them when you need them most. 

Above is my own experience when coming to My Lam Mineral Spring, please refer to it for the best preparation. 

Tuyen Quang 965 view

Nhung Pooh

Source : Cinvestratravel

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