The special season of the Le flower blooming in the middle of Hong Thai mountains and forests

In the early morning sunlight, the pear orchards with pure white flowers in Hong Thai commune (Na Hang) are as beautiful as a giant crystal strip that captivates visitors. The warm spring weather is also the time when the pear garden blooms the most and the most beautiful. Whether the weather is cloudy with dense fog or in the green and sunny yellow, being immersed in the beautiful pear gardens in Hong Thai gives us a wonderful feeling that we don't want to leave.

In the early morning sunlight, the pear orchards with pure white flowers in Hong Thai commune (Na Hang) are as beautiful as a giant crystal strip that captivates visitors. The warm spring weather is also the time when the pear garden blooms the most and the most beautiful. Whether the weather is cloudy with dense fog or in the green and sunny yellow, being immersed in the beautiful pear gardens in Hong Thai gives us a wonderful feeling that we don't want to leave. 

Pear tree blooming white like a beautiful crystal strip on the hillsides always attracts tourists to visit and enjoy 

The whole Hong Thai commune currently has 91  crystals with  164 growing households. Households planted many  several hundred roots, households with a few dozen roots scattered in 7/7 villages, but the most in Khau Trang village. 

Many tourists enjoy taking pictures of pear flowers with the local people's traditional Dao money dress. 

The romantic and enchanting beauty of Hong Thai pear blossom season conquers the hearts of many tourists. 

Visitors swoon over this simple, ethereal and romantic beauty. 

Hoa Le is a typical flower of Hong Thai commune (Na Hang), blooms in late February, the flowers are clustered together, lasting from 2 to 3 weeks. 

Clouds, mist make the scene of pear blossoms in Hong Thai more poetic. 

Old, shaggy, mossy pear branches adorned with clusters of white flowers always have a strange attraction. 

The pure and poetic beauty of pear flowers along with the culture of hospitable highland people have made Hong Thai a rendezvous for many tourists from all over the world. 

Tin, Photo: Trung Thanh

Tuyen Quang 1025 view

Tin, Ảnh: Trung Thành

Source : Công Thông Tin điện tử huyện Na Hang

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