Van Thuy Tu Palace

Van Thuy Tu Palace

Van Thuy Tu Palace is located on Ngu Ong Street, Duc Thang Ward, Phan Thiet City, Binh Thuan Province. This is an ancient artistic architectural work associated with the history and culture of seafaring, especially the custom of worshiping the god Nam Hai (fish - whale) of fishermen in Binh Thuan province in general and Phan Thiet. in particular. According to the beliefs of seafaring residents in the South Central region in particular and Vietnamese people in general, Ong fish is the water god who often appears to help them whenever they encounter storms or accidents at sea, so people People who go to the beach revere the Ong fish, considering it a guardian deity. Therefore, when encountering a dead Ong fish (customarily called Ong Giay fish), people often hold a burial ceremony and worship it very respectfully. Returning to the story of Van Thuy Tu palace, according to ancient documents, this palace was established in the year of Nham Ngo (1762) to worship the Ong fish. At first, the palace was just a wooden house with a thatched roof, then it was gradually renovated with brick walls and a yin-yang tiled roof with a total area of ​​about more than 500 square meters. Even though it has been through more than 250 years of wind and frost, this architectural work is still quite intact. Because the design, decoration and worship of Van Thuy Tu palace are quite similar to communal houses, it can also be called a communal house. The main incense box in the middle of Van Thuy Tu palace worships the Nam Hai Cu Ngoc Lan Ton Than (ie Mr. Nam Hai), the left side worships Hy Hoang Thai named Tien Su Ton Than (the ancestor of agriculture and fishery), the right side worships Thuy Long Thanh Concubine Nuong Nuong Ton Than (water goddess). In short, worshiping characters related to the marine profession. In addition, Van Thuy Tu Palace also has many Sino-Nom cultural heritages related to maritime craft, shown in the worship content in altars, statues, horizontal panels, parallel sentences, and inscriptions of Dai Hong. general... This place is also one of the ancient relics with a large number of ordinations bestowed by the Nguyen Dynasty kings. Because according to old history, in the past, when fighting with the Tay Son Dynasty, the Nguyen Dynasty's generals were rescued many times by whales at sea. Currently in the palace there are 24 ordinations of kings: Thieu Tri, Tu Duc, Dong Khanh, Duy Tan, Khai Dinh. King Thieu Tri alone bestowed 10 divine colors, which is rare compared to other relics. In the grounds of Van Thuy Tu palace, there is a large area of ​​land called Ngoc Lan Holy Land, used to bury the whale whenever he died and drifted in from the sea. According to custom, the fisherman who sees the "grandfather" first becomes his "eldest son", and this person is responsible for taking care of the funeral carefully, mourning after three years. This shows a strange custom of fishermen regarding Ong fish according to beliefs similar to relationships between people. In particular, in the Van Thuy Tu palace, a skeleton of the Ong whale, the longest and largest species of gray-backed whale in Vietnam and Southeast Asia, is currently being kept and worshiped, with the length and weight when he was alive. about 22m, 65 tons, preserved with almost no bones missing. The skeleton is more than 100 years old. Van Thuy Tu Palace is truly a sacred place, bringing many blessings to the people of Phan Thiet coastal area." Source: Binh Thuan Province Tourism Promotion Center

Binh Thuan 733 view

Rating : National monument

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