Thanh Lang Son Pagoda

Thanh Lang Son Pagoda

During the Ly Tran dynasty, the court built a public house as a resting place for envoys of the two countries Vietnam and China. People built a pagoda next to the public house and named it Dien Khanh Tu. The ancient pagoda is located next to Doan Thanh in the north, so people still call it Thanh pagoda. Dien Khanh pagoda is located on the Ky Cung river at the foot of Ky Lua bridge, Hung Vuong Street, Chi Lang ward, Lang Son city. Legend has it that this ancient pagoda was built above to protect the bronze pillar built by the Han invaders that was buried by our people. In the 1st century, Han general Ma Vien brought troops to suppress the Hai Ba Trung uprising, annexing our country into Eastern Han. Wherever they went, they built ramparts there. At the border between Giao Chi and China (now in Lang Son province), Ma Vien ordered his troops to erect a bronze pillar, engraved with six words "Bronze pillar, Giao Chi will be destroyed" (If the bronze pillar falls, the Giao Chi people will be destroyed). Any Vietnamese who passed by that place would throw a stone at the foot of the bronze pillar. Over many generations, stones covered the bronze pillar. According to the Complete History of Dai Viet, in the year of the Goat (1271), Kublai Khan demanded that King Tran Thanh Tong pay his respects, but the king said he was sick and could not go. Kublai Khan sent an envoy to ask King Tran to show them the bronze pillar of Ma Vien in the past, with the intention of using the bronze pillar to threaten to level Dai Viet. The king did not tremble but answered them firmly: "That column had been lost for a long time." In the 17th century, the year of the Ox (1637), flower detective Giang Van Minh was sent by King Le to meet the emperor. Bright. Seeing the Vietnamese envoy's extraordinary talent, King Minh responded: "The bronze pillar is the same as the golden tower, the continent is green" (meaning that the bronze pillar from Ma Vien's time until now has been covered with green moss, King Minh boasted of the power of the local people). North). Giang Van Minh responded: "Dang Giang is from the ancient blood do the red" (a reminder of the many defeats of the Northern Dynasty, many times stained with blood on the Bach Dang River when they invaded the South). King Minh turned pale and served Giang Van Minh. At the temple's three-entrance gate hangs a new 2,100kg bell cast in 2007 for early recruitment. The pagoda's three gates are stacked with 24 roofs, covered with funny-nosed tiles and curved knife-heads. The pagoda's roof system is meticulously carved in a "seven-pointed" style, with phoenix heads supporting the entire diaphragm and rafters. The mascots: dragon, lyre, tortoise, and phoenix are elaborately and gracefully painted. Completely The set of couplets on the outside in Chinese characters is mounted on porcelain very meticulously and elaborately. The pagoda consists of 38 large and small compartments, with many construction items: Buddha worshiping harem, worship hall, Phuong communal house, Tien Duong, Tam Quan, To Duong, Hau Duong... The entire system of worship statues of the pagoda is cast in Solid gold bronze with over 40 large and small statues. This is the only temple in the country that has a complete system of Buddha statues according to Northern Buddhism. The pagoda's system of horizontal panels and couplets is extremely delicately carved and painted with gold, many of which are hundreds of years old. In the pagoda, there is currently a bell cast in 1671 during the reign of King Le Hien Tong, weighing 600kg. The pagoda was restored many times in 1967, 1980, 1992 and was ranked as a national historical and cultural relic in 1993. Source: Lang Son Tourism

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