Serai Cro Sang Pagoda

Serai Cro Sang Pagoda

Serai Cro Sang Pagoda, also known as Ca Sang Pagoda - is located in Ward 2, Vinh Chau Town, about 40km East-South from Soc Trang city center. This is one of the ancient Khmer pagodas in Soc Trang province with a harmonious architectural complex, dating back over 400 years. The pagoda was built in 1576, with an area of ​​22,230 square meters. The overall architecture of the temple includes: Main hall, sala, housing for monks, Khmer literacy school, tower for ashes of the dead and crematorium,... The gate of Seray Cro Sang pagoda is an architectural work built of dark red concrete, below the gate there are 2 square pillars that support the tower roof. The upper archway includes three towers embossed with Khmer patterns, on which is written the name of Serai Cro Sang pagoda in Khmer with red letters. The main hall of the pagoda faces the East. According to the Khmer people's concept, Buddha in the West faces the East to bless the people, so the pagoda must be built in the East to match the direction of worshiping Shakyamuni Buddha in the main hall. The current main hall of Seray Cro Sang Pagoda was rebuilt in 2005 under the abbot of Venerable Ly Thi. The main hall was built on two levels higher than other buildings in the temple grounds. In the middle of each edge is a Buddha sitting in meditation facing the four directions with the intention: Buddha Dharma spreads and permeates all four directions. The main hall's ground level is surrounded by fences and there are stairs leading up to the Buddha worship area on each side of the main hall. The roof structure of the main hall is a special structure consisting of 5 towers, including 4 towers located on 4 sides corresponding to the positions of 4 meditating Buddhas below. Each tower is about 5m high and 3m wide at the base. The central tower in the middle of the main hall is about 7m high and 5m wide. It is this special feature that makes the main hall's roof so massive, but it does not lose its elegance and lightness; Each roof level is decorated with stylized dragon images in Khmer culture. Inside the main hall is a large space to worship Shakyamuni Buddha and many different Buddha statues, each reflecting a certain important event in the Buddha's life. Around the inside and outside walls of the main hall are decorated with images of Shakyamuni Buddha's life from birth to nirvana. Serai Cro Sang Pagoda is a religious architectural work of art with aesthetic value that represents the traditional cultural characteristics of Southern Khmer in general and Soc Trang in particular. The pagoda is a complete collection of visual elements that combine closely and support each other in a unified whole. The pagoda is both a cultural education center for Khmer people and a community cultural activity spot for local residents. During the resistance war against foreign invaders, especially the resistance war against America to save the country, Seray Cro Sang pagoda was both a breeding ground for revolutionary cadres and one of the spearheads for resistance movements. The struggle of the Khmer people against the oppression of the US-Diem puppet government until the successful revolutionary struggle to liberate the South on April 30, 1975. With that historical significance, on May 12, 2004, the Chairman of the People's Committee of Soc Trang province recognized Serai Cro Sang pagoda as a provincial-level revolutionary historical relic. Source: Soc Trang province electronic information portal

Soc Trang 277 view

Rating : Provincial level relics

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