Bao Mon pagoda revolutionary historical relic

Bao Mon pagoda revolutionary historical relic

Bao Mon Pagoda, also known as Dom Bon Bak Pagoda, is located in Bao Mon hamlet, Don Chau commune, Tra Cu district, Tra Vinh province. Right from the early days when the Don Chau Commune Party Cell was established, the Party Cell went to Bao Mon Pagoda to build a legal base of operations, to serve as a place to house cadres, and at the same time mobilize monks to establish the Love Increase Committee. The province organized protests against conscription and demanded a reduction in taxes. In 1946 - 1950, through classes, the Party cell propagated the Party's policies, explained the evil plots of the enemy, and educated patriotism and revolutionary spirit for young people. From these classes, many people later became revolutionary officers and soldiers. In 1951, during the raid on Bao Mon hamlet and Mo Coi hamlet, Don Chau commune, the enemy shot dead a number of officials, the head monk of Bao Mon pagoda mobilized Buddhists to bring the cadres' bodies to the pagoda for burial. Later, during a raid by Commendo soldiers, the pagoda took some officials into the towers and the ceiling of the main hall to hide. Many revolutionary cadres in the resistance war against the French were sheltered, sheltered, and sheltered by the pagoda. During the resistance war against the US, Bao Mon Pagoda continued to be a solid base of the revolution. Many secret vaults were made in the temple grounds, under the Buddha altar, on the ceiling of the main hall and right in the eldest monk's room. At the end of 1968, the enemy discovered guerrilla forces stationed at the pagoda, they sent troops to surround it and called for surrender. Faced with that difficult situation, with his acumen, the chief sent the guerrilla squad down to spray water in front of the main hall. Then, with skillful and resolute words, the chief explained to the enemy that this was the place Practicing, as a Khmer, we must respect monks and temples. Faced with the monk's convincing arguments, the enemies could not find evidence and had to retreat in anger. During the Ho Chi Minh campaign to liberate Tra Vinh, monk Kim Toc Chon - Head of the Provincial Transport Committee assigned monk Lam Ruong Son (Bao Mon Pagoda) and monks Son Song, Thach Suong, and Son Sa Ra to the provincial palace. The chief persuaded Nguyen Van Son, governor of Vinh Binh province, to call on the puppet army and puppet government to surrender, contributing to the overall victory of the resistance war against the US. With the spirit of "All for the front line, all for the resistance", Buddhists and monks of Bao Mon pagoda contributed dozens of taels of gold, thousands of bushels of rice and many other items. There were 25 monks and Buddhists who heroically sacrificed their lives for the cause of national liberation. Particularly, the elder monk was awarded the Second Class Resistance Medal and Medal for National Development by the State. Bao Mon Pagoda was recognized by the People's Committee of Tra Vinh province as a provincial historical relic on June 10, 2005. Source: Tra Vinh Tourism Promotion Center

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Rating : Provincial level relics

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