Victory location Hill 722 - Dak Sak

Victory location Hill 722 - Dak Sak

Hill 722 - Dak Sak is a US-Puppet commando base established in 1965. This is where a fierce battle took place between regular troops and local military forces attacking and destroying the commando base on September 19. August 22 and 23, 1968. Hill 722 is at an altitude of 722m above sea level in Tho Hoang 4 village, Dak Sak commune, Dak Mil district. In May 1965, the US - puppet government and the Saigon government built the Hill 722 military base (also known as Duc Lap special forces camp) about 10 km east of the center of Duc Lap district to strengthen their forces. volume and increased military activities. To deal with the enemy's plots and tricks, in 1968 the Politburo and Central Highlands Field Command determined it was necessary to destroy the enemy at Duc Lap district headquarters, whose core was the military base Hill 722 - Dak Sak, one of the enemy's key strongholds on the Central Highlands front. Implementing that policy, during the years 1968 to 1975, our main force coordinated with the local army and people to organize many battles at this base, on the one hand to drain the enemy's vital forces, and on the other hand to defeat the enemy. destroyed the system of posts that were sabotaging the Ho Chi Minh Trail on the Southern Central Highlands battlefield. After 1968, after many heavy defeats in the Southern Central Highlands battlefield, the enemy retreated and entrenched in military bases, in which Hill 722 - Dak Sak was an important military base. From here, they continued to implement the policy of gathering people to form hamlets. Faced with that situation, to maintain the posture, the Quang Duc Provincial Party Committee directed the Dak Mil District Party Committee, determined to overcome difficulties, implement the "three clings" (cadres cling to the people, people cling to the land and guerrillas cling to the enemy). continue to fight the enemy, promote the construction of rear bases, increase production, and ensure food supply for the front; Expand the liberated area, push the enemy into a clustered position, and prepare to fight with the people of the whole country. By 1975, Dak Sak and Duc Lap strongholds were completely wiped out by our troops. After the liberation day, to commemorate the great sacrifice of our officers and soldiers at Hill 722 - Dak Sak in particular, and in the Duc Lap campaign in the fall of 1968 in general, Dak Nong province established a memorial to them. heroic martyrs. On October 24, 2012, Hill 722 relic - Dak Sak was recognized by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism as a national historical relic. Currently, Hill 722 - Dak Sak Historical Site has a total area of ​​nearly 4 hectares. On this site, there are still some relics and military equipment, such as shoes, hats, and bullet casings. In 2010, Area I of the monument was invested by the State to build a memorial stele house, green campus and fence with a total construction investment area of ​​2,485m2. Every year, the relic serves over 1,000 visitors to visit and study. This is a historical relic of great significance in traditional education, political awareness for the young generation, and gratitude for the great contributions of our ancestors. It is one of the historical milestones in the struggle for national liberation of the Party Committee and People of Dak Nong province in particular and Vietnam in general. Source: Dak Nong Electronic Newspaper

Dak Nong 767 view

Rating : National monument

Open door

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