Long Khanh Dong Nai Administrative Court

Long Khanh Dong Nai Administrative Court

The Long Khanh Provincial Administrative Building relic located on Cach Mang Thang Tam street, Xuan An ward, Long Khanh town, was ranked a national historical relic by the Ministry of Culture on November 16, 1988. Long Khanh Administration Building has a total area of ​​9,000 square meters, built in 1965 in French-style architecture, including a ground floor and an upper floor. This was the highest working headquarters of the American puppet in Long Khanh province at that time. In March 1975, the US - puppet government built the strategic defense line of Phan Rang - Xuan Loc - Tay Ninh to prevent the advance of our troops along the North-East gateway to Saigon. Long Khanh Administrative Building was chosen as the control center for all military activities of this defense line. Thoroughly grasping the ideology of the Party Central Politburo, the Regional Command decided to launch the Xuan Loc campaign to liberate Long Khanh town, destroy the enemy's strategic defense line, and advance to liberate Saigon. On April 9, 1975, 5 hours after the campaign started, a major battle took place at the Long Khanh Administrative Building. Comrades Pham Le Canh, Nguyen Van Trong, battalion 5; Nguyen Thanh Son, Nguyen Minh Duc, the 7th battalion of Regiment 266 of the 341st Division's assault spearhead led by comrade Tran Van Tran, attacking from the north of the town, planted the flag "Determined to win, determined to win" on the top of the flagpole. on the 1st floor of the Administration Building. This is a historic turning point victory for the Vietnamese revolution and the pride of the people of Long Khanh in the resistance war against America to save the country. After the liberation of the South on April 30, 1975, Long Khanh province was reorganized into Xuan Loc district. The Administration Building was repaired and became the headquarters of the People's Committee of Xuan Loc district. In 1991, Long Khanh district was separated from Xuan Loc district, the Administrative Building became the headquarters of the People's Committee of Long Khanh district. In 2004, the Administration Building was assigned to the Department of Culture, Sports and Information of Long Khanh town to manage and use: The ground floor is a library to store documents to serve readers, the upper floor is a traditional gallery with 176 documents and artifacts. Every year it attracts about 500 visitors, researchers and students. Source: Dong Nai Electronic Newspaper

Dong Nai 928 view

Rating : National monument

Open door

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