Historical relic site of the 1940 southern uprising, in Phu Huu

Historical relic site of the 1940 southern uprising, in Phu Huu

The 1940 Southern Uprising relic was previously located in Phu Huu village, Dinh An district, Phung Hiep district, now in Phu Thanh hamlet, Phu Hoa commune, Chau Thanh district, Hau Giang province. In the years 1930 - 1935, farmers in Phu Huu village lived in a situation of heavy oppression and exploitation by the French colonialists and feudal landlords. During this time, on the other side of the left bank of the Hau River, Tra On and Vinh Xuan Party cells were born and led the people to fight against rentier landlords, feudalists, and colonialists. The Party cell in Phu Huu was born and led a very vibrant peasant struggle movement and built a very good revolutionary base. From the base with the cell and the house of Mrs. Ngo Thi Lua (mother of comrades Nguyen Phuoc Ngoan and Nguyen Van Phuc) in Nga La canal, Phu Le hamlet, Phu Huu village, the Can Tho Inter-Provincial Party Committee chose as the place to locate the agency. Here, the Can Tho Inter-Provincial Party Committee has opened many training classes, many conferences of the Inter-Provincial Party Committee and printed many documents to provide for Hau Giang provinces. Under the leadership of the Party cell, the movement to fight for rent reduction, income reduction, people's livelihood, and democracy took place strongly and enthusiastically; Grassroots organizations of the Party and the masses: Youth and women opposed the empire, the Red Farmers' Association developed strongly, especially since receiving the "Uprising Outline" of the Cochinchina Regional Party Committee deployed by the Can Tho Provincial Party Committee in September. April 1940. The Party cell diligently prepared for the uprising, organized many good mass meetings to launch the movement and chose a place in the deep forest to build a hut under the shade of palm trees (hence the name "Cay Ke" hut). ) to serve as a learning and training place for young people and farmers with revolutionary enthusiasm in the village. These meetings often had senior officials such as comrades Luu Nhan Sam and Ngo Huu Hanh (in the Can Tho Provincial Party Committee) often come to talk about the situation, practice revolutionary songs and teach martial arts. The activities of the masses under the leadership of the cell, preparing for the uprising were secret but very exciting, everyone looked forward to the day the uprising would seize power. The uprising order from the Southern Party Committee arrived in Can Tho at 12 noon on November 22, 1940, but it was not until late at night on November 23, 1940 that the Phung Hiep District Party Committee received the uprising order. Although it was late, the District Party Committee still carried out the uprising. The task of the Phung Hiep District Party Committee was to organize an insurrection force to attack the district capital, attack the Phung Hiep bridge and surround and hold back the enemy from going to reinforce elsewhere. The enemies in Tra On were informed that district chief Chi sent troops to suppress the uprising. The core leaders of the uprising and the patriotic masses were arrested and sentenced to life imprisonment to five years in prison and exiled to Con Dao. Because he could not bear the imprisonment in the natural forest and toxic water, he sacrificed himself here. Although the Cochinchina uprising in Phu Huu and some places in the province did not win, because the revolutionary situation was not yet ripe, the uprising plan was revealed, so it was brutally suppressed by the enemy, many cadres, party members and The Party's loyal masses were massacred by the enemy, arrested and imprisoned. But it was an organized uprising of the people under the leadership of the Party, attacking the enemy's stronghold, signaling the general breakdown of the ruling regime. That was an important exercise, the Can Tho Party Committee learned valuable lessons from organizing the August 1945 revolutionary uprising, winning a glorious victory. The 1940 Southern Uprising in Phu Huu was recognized as a national historical and cultural relic by the Ministry of Culture and Information. Source: Hau Giang province electronic information portal

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