Tay Thien scenic spot

Tay Thien scenic spot

Tay Thien - Tam Dao historical and scenic spot (Tay Thien Scenic Area) belongs to Dai Dinh commune, Tam Dao district, Vinh Phuc province. Tay Thien is located in the valley of the Tam Dao mountain system, with an altitude of 54m to 1,100m above sea level, a distribution range of about 11km2 with beautiful and majestic landscape. Tam Dao refers to 3 consecutive mountains (in a mountain range) that suddenly emerge, floating in the clouds, like 3 islands in a sea of ​​clouds, according to ancient geology, Phu Nghi is 1,250m high; Thien Thi (Kim Thien) is 1,585m high; Thach Ban is 1,585m high. Tay Thien relics and scenic area is located on the slopes of Thach Ban mountain in Tam Dao range with a length of 11km and a width of 1km. It is a complex of historical - cultural relics and scenic spots, including a system of communal houses and pagodas with cultural and archaeological value such as Thuong temple, Thhong temple, Mau temple, Cau temple, Co temple... This place has a large concentration of old traces as well as cultural works and localities. only valuable for archaeological research hidden under old forests along Tay Thien stream... Thhong Temple: is the starting architecture for the entire Tay Thien relic system. The temple is located at the foot of the mountain, on a high and wide platform, built in a traditional style. The stone pedestal system runs along the front, with three ways up, separated by four large dragons. Next is the four-pillar ritual gate, newly rebuilt in the traditional style, with stone materials. Behind the ritual gate is the temple yard, very large and paved with stone. The main temple has a Dinh-shaped floor plan, including a front porch, with three compartments, two large wings, and the "malle", where the altar of the Holy Mother is located, has three vertical compartments. Cau temple - Co temple: pass Thhong temple on a bumpy stone road along the stream bank for more than 1km to Cau temple. There used to be a small temple there, but now it has been replaced by a seemingly simple house as a place of worship. In the center of the main hall, there are statues of three forest boys placed in the shrine. Cau Temple originated from Truong Sinh stream, which is said to be the place where "Cau" stayed to recruit and raise troops to follow the National Mother. The temple was renovated in 1993. Co Temple, about 2km from Cau Temple, near Silver waterfall, next to Giai Oan stream (upper part of Truong Sinh stream), so that sentient beings can shake off the dust of the world and gently move on to the holy land. Co Temple also has a long history and is currently worshiping Co Be, who is said to be a child of Heaven who together with the National Mother helped the people and the country. The scenery here is elegant, spacious and peaceful with rich vegetation and a fresh, cool climate all year round. Giai Oan stream and the ancient well near the foot of the temple add solitude and tranquility to the space here. If anyone takes water from there and offers it with offerings and then drinks, they will feel strangely relaxed, peaceful and calm. Thuong Temple area: Currently, this is a common spiritual area of ​​both folk beliefs and religions, the center of which is the shrine of the National Mother Tay Thien. Thuong Temple: The alternating levels of the mountain circuit here have created the foundation of different shrines, in which, Thuong Temple is located in the center, with its back leaning against Thach Ban mountain, on both sides are two mountain arms running down, The front is spacious. Here, clouds play with the mountains, trees are lush, birds gather, streams ring happily, creating one of the Holy Lands of the Tam Dao mountain range. Thuong Temple faces West - South; The ritual gate is structured in a four-pillar style, with a wall connecting the large pillar and the side pillar, leaving only one door in the middle for pilgrims to enter and exit. On these walls are covered dragon fruit (green dragon), white tiger (white tiger) and plants symbolizing the four seasons. The stone-paved courtyard in the middle has a spiritual path, carved with three large letters Phuc, Loc, and Tho (connected vertically) leading to the steps leading up to the temple. This architecture has a Dinh-style base, three compartments, and two large wings. Looking at the front, the architecture is quite balanced with two "matching" floors and eight graceful curved roof corners. In the middle "match pile" hangs a large horizontal painting, titled "Temple of the National Mother Tay Thien" in the national language. On the main hall, there is only a statue of her sitting on the central pedestal, with a majestic and luxurious appearance, her legs hanging straight, her hands resting on the pillow, her right hand holding a folding fan. In addition, in this area there are also newly built works such as: Son Than Temple, Co Chin Temple, Dia Mau Temple, Tam Toa Thanh Mau Temple, Ta/Huu Vu. Tam Dao mountain god temple: Legend has it that the god had a blessing for the island bridge during the reign of Tran Nhan Tong (1279 - 1293), so he was awarded the title "Thanh Son Dai Vuong" by the king. During the early Le Dynasty, the reign of King Nhan Tong, the 8th Thai Hoa year (1450), the king sent his minister Le Khac Phuc to sacrifice, he left behind a ma chew stele (carved into the cliff) recording this event. (about 700m from the temple along the path). Stone stele: a valuable historical relic, is a stele written by ghosts in the area that locals call Stone Stele. This stele was previously known to many people but no one had published it because of the difficulties in traveling and coming into contact with the artifacts. Through actual survey, it is an epitaph carved directly into the middle of an ivory stone slab, about 5m long, about 3m high. The entire stone slab lies sideways on the bank of the stream, creating an arch shape, like a frog's jaw, preventing the letters of the stele engraved in the middle of the frog from being eroded by rain and sun. The stone stele has a total of 121 Chinese characters, inscribed in vertical rows, distributed on 11 lines, large lines have 16 characters, small lines have 3 characters. The text used is in the style of a book, with the characteristics of deeply engraved, easy-to-read letters. Only the three words Prajnaparamita (Prajna Stream) placed at the end of the stele are engraved large. With the above typical value, the historical relic and scenic spot Tay Thien - Tam Dao (Tam Dao district, Vinh Phuc province) was ranked by the Prime Minister as a special national monument on December 23, 2019. 2015. Source: Department of Cultural Heritage

Vinh Phuc 952 view

Rating : Special national monument

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