Missing the garden of Cai Be

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Missing the garden of Cai Be

Cai Be garden is a large fruit growing area located along the banks of the Tien River and belongs to Cai Be town, Cai Be district, Tien Giang. Thanks to favorable natural conditions with fertile soil and a suitable climate for fruit trees to grow, the garden is always lush and full of branches. - Address: Trung Nu Vuong Street, Area 2, Cai Be, Tien Giang On a land area of ​​about 1,500 hectares along the North bank of Tien River, there are many different types of fruit trees grown. In particular, the fruit trees here bear fruit all year round, with extremely attractive round and succulent fruit shapes. The sweet taste of the fruit is all thanks to the quality of the fertile alluvial soil that is deposited on the Tien River every year. Because they realize that the trend of exploring fruit gardens in the Mekong Delta is increasingly blooming, local people have launched tours that combine enjoying fruit right in the garden. They probably did not expect that the number of people responding would be so large. Many visitors are also interested in checking in at Cai Be garden to enrich their albums. If you are new to Cai Be Garden for the first time, you will probably be very confused and not know where to start. In fact, this garden is a large fruit growing area on the North bank of the Tien River, about 5km from Cai Be district, about 130km from the center of Saigon. If you depart from Ho Chi Minh City, you can travel according to the following plan. First we will move in the direction of National Highway 1A, then go straight on National Highway 1A through Long An, My Tho, Cai Lay to reach Cai Be district. After arriving at the district center, you should ask local people for the shortest route to Cai Be garden. To cover this distance it usually takes us about 3-4 hours by motorbike. According to the experience shared by many people, to relieve fatigue, we should visit My Tho to rest, eat and drink before continuing the journey to Tien Giang. However, it is best to choose the route on Ho Chi Minh City - Trung Luong highway, then continue in the direction of DT878 to National Highway 1A. This route we only have to travel about 110km. Cai Be garden owns a large area and accounts for 1/3 of the fruit tree area of ​​the whole province. The garden is surrounded by canals and rivers, creating an extremely poetic space. It can be said that the most unique feature of this place is the diverse, colorful fruits hanging on the branches. When visiting, most people will feel like they are lost in the garden of Eden. The garden has Tien Giang specialties with strong Western imprints such as: Hoa Loc mango, Cai Mon durian, king orange, honey orange of all kinds... If you have enjoyed it, you will be aware of the differences between fruits. garden here compared to other places. After enjoying looking at the fruit trees with their branches, everyone can pick the fruit themselves right in the garden. Especially if you buy fruit right from the garden, the price is also extremely cheaper than in the city. Coming to Cai Be garden, you will admire a natural picture with bold characteristics of the river countryside, where we can immerse ourselves in the natural space and typical lifestyle of the river region. It is a rustic and simple life with gentle and simple people, erasing the hustle and bustle of urban life. At Cai Be garden, there is an area for families or groups of visitors to enjoy cuisine. Here we will enjoy many different specialties such as boneless snakehead fish, fried giant fish... with typical flavors of the region. Food prices here are considered reasonable, even quite cheap and not exorbitant. Fruit trees in Cai Be garden appear all year round so we can enjoy them anytime. However, the most ideal time to visit is around June - August. This is also the fruit harvest season, so the whole area will smell of the faint aroma of ripe fruit, which is extremely attractive. It can be said that coming to Cai Be garden, we will be immersed in the vibrant fruit harvesting atmosphere and love the sincerity and simplicity of the people of the West in particular and Tien Giang in general.

Tien Giang 807 view From January to December

Ngày cập nhật : 01/04/2023

Tourist destination in the same city

Vinh Kim fruit garden

As one of the largest fruit gardens in the Southern region, in Tien Giang there are many famous fruit gardens such as fruit gardens inside the tourist area of ​​Cu Lao Thoi Son and Con Lan Tien Giang. Among them, Vinh Kim Fruit Garden located in Chau Thanh district is still the most famous name and attracts a large number of people to visit every day. This place has a fresh, spacious and airy space, so it is extremely suitable for you to enjoy sightseeing, relax as well as enjoy many delicious and attractive fruits. Next summer is also the time when Vinh Kim Fruit Garden welcomes a large number of people to visit because this is also the time when fruits are in harvest season. Located about 70km from Saigon, if you travel to Vinh Kim Fruit Garden by motorbike, it will take you nearly 2 hours to get there. Depending on the vehicle you choose, the distance may be shorter or longer than 2 hours. After arriving in Tien Giang, you can ask local people for directions to the right place without worrying about getting lost. Below is the guide to Vinh Kim fruit garden that you should save before leaving. Dressed in a simple, rustic beauty, Vinh Kim Fruit Garden is the ideal destination for those who are looking for a peaceful, unhurried place to rest. The climate in the West is quite hot, but in return the green space inside Vinh Kim Fruit Garden has eased the harsh sun outside, creating an extremely cool place for you to comfortably rest and relax. At Vinh Kim Fruit Garden, many different types of fruits are grown such as Vinh Kim Lo Ren Star apple, durian, grapefruit, longan... Each type of fruit in harvest season radiates a fragrant aroma that makes anyone who orders it. When I come here, I can't help myself. Coming to Vinh Kim Fruit Garden, you will be "entertained" with a hearty, delicious and extremely attractive fruit party.

Tien Giang

From January to December

876 view

Missing the garden of Cai Be

Cai Be garden is a large fruit growing area located along the banks of the Tien River and belongs to Cai Be town, Cai Be district, Tien Giang. Thanks to favorable natural conditions with fertile soil and a suitable climate for fruit trees to grow, the garden is always lush and full of branches. - Address: Trung Nu Vuong Street, Area 2, Cai Be, Tien Giang On a land area of ​​about 1,500 hectares along the North bank of Tien River, there are many different types of fruit trees grown. In particular, the fruit trees here bear fruit all year round, with extremely attractive round and succulent fruit shapes. The sweet taste of the fruit is all thanks to the quality of the fertile alluvial soil that is deposited on the Tien River every year. Because they realize that the trend of exploring fruit gardens in the Mekong Delta is increasingly blooming, local people have launched tours that combine enjoying fruit right in the garden. They probably did not expect that the number of people responding would be so large. Many visitors are also interested in checking in at Cai Be garden to enrich their albums. If you are new to Cai Be Garden for the first time, you will probably be very confused and not know where to start. In fact, this garden is a large fruit growing area on the North bank of the Tien River, about 5km from Cai Be district, about 130km from the center of Saigon. If you depart from Ho Chi Minh City, you can travel according to the following plan. First we will move in the direction of National Highway 1A, then go straight on National Highway 1A through Long An, My Tho, Cai Lay to reach Cai Be district. After arriving at the district center, you should ask local people for the shortest route to Cai Be garden. To cover this distance it usually takes us about 3-4 hours by motorbike. According to the experience shared by many people, to relieve fatigue, we should visit My Tho to rest, eat and drink before continuing the journey to Tien Giang. However, it is best to choose the route on Ho Chi Minh City - Trung Luong highway, then continue in the direction of DT878 to National Highway 1A. This route we only have to travel about 110km. Cai Be garden owns a large area and accounts for 1/3 of the fruit tree area of ​​the whole province. The garden is surrounded by canals and rivers, creating an extremely poetic space. It can be said that the most unique feature of this place is the diverse, colorful fruits hanging on the branches. When visiting, most people will feel like they are lost in the garden of Eden. The garden has Tien Giang specialties with strong Western imprints such as: Hoa Loc mango, Cai Mon durian, king orange, honey orange of all kinds... If you have enjoyed it, you will be aware of the differences between fruits. garden here compared to other places. After enjoying looking at the fruit trees with their branches, everyone can pick the fruit themselves right in the garden. Especially if you buy fruit right from the garden, the price is also extremely cheaper than in the city. Coming to Cai Be garden, you will admire a natural picture with bold characteristics of the river countryside, where we can immerse ourselves in the natural space and typical lifestyle of the river region. It is a rustic and simple life with gentle and simple people, erasing the hustle and bustle of urban life. At Cai Be garden, there is an area for families or groups of visitors to enjoy cuisine. Here we will enjoy many different specialties such as boneless snakehead fish, fried giant fish... with typical flavors of the region. Food prices here are considered reasonable, even quite cheap and not exorbitant. Fruit trees in Cai Be garden appear all year round so we can enjoy them anytime. However, the most ideal time to visit is around June - August. This is also the fruit harvest season, so the whole area will smell of the faint aroma of ripe fruit, which is extremely attractive. It can be said that coming to Cai Be garden, we will be immersed in the vibrant fruit harvesting atmosphere and love the sincerity and simplicity of the people of the West in particular and Tien Giang in general.

Tien Giang

From January to December

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Cu Lao Thoi Son

Located in the cluster of four sacred islands (Long, Lan, Quy, Phung), Cu Lao Thoi Son is also known as Thoi Son island or Lan island. This is an attractive garden tourist destination located in My Tho City, with charming river scenery and many sweet and fragrant fruits that will attract tourists to Con Lan. Thoi Son Islet is the largest of the four dunes on the My Tho River (a section of the Tien River) with an area of ​​about 1,200 hectares with many interlaced ditches. Although located on the same river, Rong Islet (also known as Tan Long Islet or Long Islet) and Lan Islet belong to My Tho city, Tien Giang province; while Quy and Phung islands (the smallest islands) belong to Tan Thach commune, Chau Thanh district, Ben Tre province. The population here lives mainly by growing fruit trees (mostly longan and sapodilla), beekeeping, fishing and aquaculture. Coming to Con Thoi Son, you will experience the typical form of tourism of the river region, which is going down the boat down the winding canals between two dense rows of nipa palm trees. Besides, you can also stroll along winding stone paths, pass through lush fruit orchards, and sit in garden houses to drink honey tea and listen to amateur folk music. A particularly attractive feature is that you can ride a horse-drawn carriage around the orchards. A horse-drawn carriage tour will carry about 4 people and take you to tourist attractions such as traditional craft villages, fruit gardens,... Coming here, in addition to visiting and experiencing tourist services in Con, you can also enjoy Western specialties such as banh xeo, fried/grilled snakehead fish rolled with rice paper,...

Tien Giang

From January to December

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Vinh Trang Pagoda

If anyone has once set foot in Tien Giang to enjoy the garden flavors of Thoi Son island, see the nature reserve at Dong Tam snake farm but have not yet admired the beauty of combining European and European architectural features? The Asia of Vinh Trang Pagoda cannot be called a complete trip. Vinh Trang Pagoda is the largest Buddhist temple in Tien Giang province, ranked as a national historical-cultural relic in 1984. The pagoda was built in the early 19th century by Mr. and Mrs. Bui Cong Dat. In 1894, Venerable Thich Hue Dang of Giac Lam Pagoda (Gia Dinh) became the abbot and organized the construction of a great pagoda and named it Vinh Truong Pagoda with the implication of wishing for the pagoda to be "Eternal for mountains and rivers, forever." heaven and earth exist". That's why people in the surrounding area still call it Vinh Trang Pagoda. In 1907, Venerable Tra Chanh Hau repaired the main hall, mixing both Asian and European architectural features. In 1930, Venerable Minh Dang completely restored the pagoda to its current appearance. As a pagoda with the most unique architecture in the South, the highlight of Vinh Trang Pagoda is the three-entrance gate with the art of assembling pieces of porcelain and porcelain. From the colors of ceramics, ancient artisans skillfully arranged many paintings illustrating Buddhist stories, folk tales, themes of four sacred animals, four precious animals, flowers, clouds, sky... with the utmost care. wonderfully picturesque dithering. The soft scrolls inscribed with Buddha's names in skillful handwriting: Tran Tinh Mountain Mon, Vast Vow Mon, Pure Land Mysterious Mon... Including four consecutive items (front hall, main hall, ancestral house, back house), the pagoda has an area of ​​14,000m², 70m long, 20m wide, built of cement and precious wood, 1m high molded foundation, surrounding Build a solid wall around it. The front of the street is built in a harmonious European-Asian architectural style with slender columns, curved arches and colorful patterns. Going inside, we will see a shiny golden color applied to the carved images and Buddha statues. Most notable are the pair of dragon pillars in the main hall, which are large round pillars, made of precious wood, architecturally styled in the style of "upper and lower autumn". Looking from a distance, visitors will have the feeling that the pagoda is like a house in European architectural style with slender curved columns, with reliefs of Eight Immortals riding animals with Renaissance patterns, and Roman-style arches. , iron wool from France, ceramic tiles from Japan. Inside the main hall and the ancestral house, there are bold Vietnamese architecture, the horizontal panels and wooden statues are skillfully and sophisticatedly carved with joyful and lively images. The space inside the pagoda is home to many fine art works of generations of artisans throughout the North, Central and South. For example, in the middle of the column is a set of blue and eight immortal beasts. This work was created around 1907 - 1908 by local artisans. Compared to the surrounding lamella sets, this set dates back to an earlier date, but has a higher artistic level. This is a rare relief from the early 20th century, proving that visual arts in the South developed quite early. The four pillars of Vinh Trang Pagoda all have dragon pillars hanging from them. The outer pair carved with four sacred animals was donated by Mrs. Le Thi Ngoi in Ba Tri (Ben Tre) in 1909. A special feature is that this pair of dragon pillars has a unique and unique layout: carved with a phoenix standing on top. dragon head. It can be said that the entire beauty of Vinh Trang Pagoda focuses on visual arts, of which statues make up the majority. In particular, at the pagoda there is also a set of statues of eighteen Arhats that are not inferior in terms of art to the statues of Arhats at Tay Phuong pagoda. These 18 statues are located on both sides of the main hall wall, carved from jackfruit wood, each statue is about 0.8m high, with a pillow width of 0.58m. The Arhats all ride animals, holding treasures in their hands. The description of this group of statues also has its own, very Southern appearance, but is successful in describing the typical emotions of each Arhat, proving that in addition to his craftsmanship, the author is also quite knowledgeable about the teachings of the dynasty. Buddha. Researcher Truong Ngoc Tuong determined that the most beautiful statues of this pagoda were made by artist Tai Cong Nguyen and his students around the early 20th century. The largest is the Amitabha statue donated by Mr. Tong Huu Trung in Vinh Long. There is also a statue of Ho Dharma Protector promoting good and punishing evil... All represent the pinnacle of the art of round statue carving in the Mekong Delta region. Around the pagoda are ornamental gardens planted with many types of fragrant flowers and exotic grasses, lakes fragrant with lotus scent and ancient trees providing shade, creating a wonderful harmony between the natural scenery and the architectural space. , making the pagoda more ancient and solemn. Prominent in the middle of the garden is the 24m high Amitabha Buddha statue (pedestal 6m, statue 18m). The white statue depicts the Buddha standing and watching over sentient beings in all realms. The Buddha statue is considered by many locals to be the symbol of the current temple. About 80km from the center of Ho Chi Minh City, Vinh Trang is considered a famous ancient temple and a unique architectural work. It can be said that the beauty of the pagoda focuses on visual art and is also a reflection of the artistic history of the land of Tien Giang. Today, the pagoda has become a must-see tourist destination for domestic and foreign tourists when they have the opportunity to visit My Tho city. Moreover, it is also a place of research for many people when visiting this impressive temple.

Tien Giang

From January to December

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Cai Be floating market

The floating market is the contiguous place of three provinces: Tien Giang, Ben Tre, Vinh Long, one of the three largest wholesale markets in the Southwest region, along with Cai Rang and Nga Bay floating markets, so Cai Be floating market is always crowded. entertainment, seafood to household appliances, drinks,... Visitors can go to the floating market by many means such as motorbikes, personal cars, passenger cars... but the most interesting thing is still going by motorbike. Traveling to Cai Be floating market by motorbike will be a new experience, bringing visitors many unforgettable memories. The road is nearly 80km long, you can move in the direction of Kinh Duong Vuong street to National Highway 1A and then through Vo Van Kiet. Next, you turn onto Provincial Road 875 to find the way to Trung Nu Vuong, then drive a little further and you will see Cai Be floating market. Here, if you want to see with your own eyes the crowded activities of boats and boats and see forms of underwater trading, you should go early in the morning, just before dawn. Morning is the time when the market is bustling, with the most trading and many types of agricultural products. You should pay attention to the market closing time at 8am to avoid being late. For those who like silence and peace, they should visit the floating market in the afternoon to see the activities of people on boats, one of the characteristics of the Southwest. In the afternoon, you should go around 4:00 p.m., when the sun is less sunny. You will have moments watching the sunset on the river. Sunset is also the time when the whole market lights up, bringing a bit of poetry and sadness. This is considered the most beautiful and sparkling time of this floating market area. The floating market in Tien Giang province is where boats come to exchange goods. This place still retains the typical cultural activities of the Mekong Delta market. The highlight is the transfer station for fruits and produce to all regions. Each boat is hung with a pole so that buyers can easily identify it and do not have to advertise. To visit this floating market, you can rent a boat to Cai Be floating market with about 10 to 15 seats, the price ranges from 500,000 - 800,000 VND. If you want to have an interesting experience here, you can rent a Western-style dinghy, with a cheaper price of 150,000 - 200,000 VND for 3 - 5 people. If you want to buy a package ticket to visit the floating market, traditional villages, fruit gardens and amateur music,... With many diverse goods, Cai Be floating market is famous for specialized fruits such as green-skinned grapefruit, Lo Ren star apple, Cai Be tangerine,... and has the largest amount of fruit in Tien Giang and is located in other provinces. Others come here to buy goods such as Vinh Long, Ho Chi Minh City, Ca Mau,... Today, due to people's needs, Cai Be floating market in Tien Giang not only sells fruit or agricultural products, but also dishes. Small boats weave between fruit boats, mainly selling drinks and breakfast to market-goers: wet cakes, noodles, porridge, noodle soup, vermicelli noodles, coffee, da tea... Tourists come and go. You will have the opportunity to experience relaxing moments amidst the river, sipping a cup of coffee. From about 13:00 to 16:00, when the water is low, the islands emerge, people on many neighboring islands, especially those in the area, flock to mud bath. Hundreds of boats running back and forth bustling the entire river. Cai Be floating market is one of the attractive Tien Giang tourist destinations visited by a large number of domestic and international tourists. Therefore, if you have the opportunity to come to Tien Giang, do not miss the opportunity to experience interesting things in this countryside.

Tien Giang

From January to December

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Discover Tien Giang

The North: Van Ho - Moc Chau - Mai Chau - Where Northwest Identity Spreads (Experience 5-star Avana Retreat service)

Destination : Hanoi , Son La , Hoa Binh

Schedule : 3 days 2 nights

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North: Ha Long - Lan Ha Bay - Cat Ba - Sea Dance (Paradise Grand & M-Gallery Hotel Perle D'Orient class cruise experience)

Destination : Quang Ninh , Hai Phong

Schedule : 4 days 3 nights

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The North: Sapa - Lost in Europe (5-star luxury experience Hôtel de la Coupole - MGallery)| 30 Tet

Destination : Lao Cai

Schedule : 3 days 2 nights

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The North: Tu Le - Son La - Moc Chau - Mai Chau - Colorful touchpoints in the Northwest (Experience 5-star service)

Destination : Son La , Yen Bai

Schedule : 5 days 4 nights

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Combo Journey to Explore Saigon by Double Decker Bus and Enjoy the Evening on the Indochina Cruise

Destination : Ho Chi Minh City

Schedule : 1 day

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Hanoi - Ha Long Bay - Bai Dinh Pagoda - Trang An - Tuyet Tinh Coc

Destination : Hanoi , Quang Ninh , Ninh Binh

Schedule : 4 days 3 nights

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Flower and Sea Journey: Da Lat - Nha Trang

Destination :

Schedule : 5 days 4 nights

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The West: Chau Doc - Tra Su Melaleuca Forest - Ha Tien - Rach Gia - Can Tho - Experience the West's Newest Expressway

Destination : Can Tho

Schedule : 4 days 3 nights

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Phu Quoc: Truc Lam Ho Quoc Zen Monastery - Bai Sao (3-star hotel) | Stimulate tourism

Destination : Kien Giang

Schedule : 3 days 2 nights

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