Tourist destination

Ca Mau Silver Stone

Hon Da Bac is an island cluster in Kinh Hon hamlet, Khanh Binh Tay commune, Tran Van Thoi district, Ca Mau province. Viewed from land, Da Bac Island looks like a wonderful rockery in the middle of the vast ocean. Ca Mau people call Hon Da Bac the Pearl Eye of the West, not only to honor the beauty of the island but also to compare this place to a keen eye guarding the western sea of ​​the country. The island cluster includes three islands: Ong Ngo island, Troi island, Lon island (Da Bac island) connected by beautiful bridges. Hon Da Bac was formed 180 million years ago (Middle Jurassic - Mesozoic) with a total area of ​​nearly 6.5 hectares. Besides Troi island, which has an insignificant area, the remaining two islands are formed by stacked rocks. The highest peak at Hon Lon is 50m above sea level. Located 50 km west of Ca Mau city, although the area is not large, Hon Da Bac is an island with an important position in protecting territorial sovereignty, exploiting the sea and developing Ca Mau tourism. The sheltered Silver Stone Island creates a beautiful, safe bay, peaceful natural landscape, and fresh air. Departing from Ca Mau city to Hon Da Bac tourist area takes 1 hour and 30 minutes by car or motorbike along the road to U Minh Ha National Park, through Co Xang and Coi Nam, there is a bridge leading from the mainland to the island. . This place is called Hon Da Bac because there are many granite stones stacked around each other, creating unique and impressive shapes. From a distance, you will see that the island is plated with silver, sparkling in the light. sun. Ong Ngo Island, where you arrive as soon as you cross the 400m bridge across the sea connecting the mainland to the island, has the beauty of pristine primeval forest, towering mountain rocks, and a surrounding coastline with foaming waves. . Hon Da Bac is a place with bold historical traces. During the years of resistance against the US, the army and people of Khanh Binh Tay commune destroyed the enemy's 105 mm artillery platoon, liberated Hon Da Bac and ensured the safety of the coastal corridor of the revolutionary base area. Hon Da Bac is also the place where the counterintelligence campaign of the Vietnam People's Police forces (CM-12 Plan) took place to defeat the invasion of the counter-revolutionary organization "United Front of Forces". patriotic liberation of Vietnam" led by Mai Van Hanh and Le Quoc Tuy. On June 22, 2009, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism issued a decision to recognize Hon Da Bac - CM12 counterintelligence plan command center (September 9, 1981 - September 9, 1984) as a Monument. The country has become one of the "red addresses" to educate and pass on revolutionary traditions to the young generation. Currently, the Hon Da Bac historical relic site has 3 major works: the National Security Protection Monument, Uncle Ho's Memorial Temple, the People's Public Security Museum and the Relics Additional Exhibition House. Hon Da Bac, in addition to the wild beauty of the mountains, rocks, and clear blue sea, also has masterpieces tinged with "fairy" looks such as the Fairy yard, Fairy well, Fairy hand... Everything seems to have been created by a magical hand. Some people knead them into strange, beautiful shapes, arranged in rows and beaches stretching around the coast, adding to the magical look of the island. Located on the top of Hon Da Bac is Lang Ong Nam Hai - a place that displays a giant whale skeleton (about 14m long, 4m wide) and records the mysterious story of the Ong fish saving people in distress at sea. On the 23rd day of the 5th lunar month every year, local fishermen, those who are fishing offshore and tourists from everywhere often flock to Hon Da Bac to pay their respects to him. In addition, Hon Da Bac also attracts tourists with its abundant seafood resources. Tourists coming here can fish for brown fish, squid, shrimp, and dive into the sea with fishermen to catch oysters clinging tightly to underwater rock cavities. If visitors want to enjoy newly caught seafood, the fishermen's charcoal stoves are ready to serve visitors.

Ca Mau

December to April every year

1143 view

Ca Mau floating market

Ca Mau floating market is located at the end of Ganh Hao river, about 200m from Ganh Hao bridge in Ward 8, downtown Ca Mau city. This is where many trading ships gather, filled with agricultural products and people's goods. This is a market where local people meet every day and are busiest between 2 and 3 am. Visitors coming here will have the opportunity to experience a trip around the floating market in the early morning. Visitors can travel from Ca Mau city bus to Ca Mau floating market in only about 4km. You can travel by taxi or motorbike taxi. To make traveling more convenient, you can choose to ride a motorbike to move more freely when visiting. This floating market in Ca Mau only focuses on wholesale buying and selling all kinds of items from food, necessities, fresh fruits, and vegetables from gardens to traders. The people here are sincere and simple, they trade on small and large canoes and boats on the river, which will definitely leave in you unforgettable impressions of the uniqueness of the floating market typical of most of the islands. all western provinces. Fruits from the gardens such as gourds, squash, guava, melon, water coconut, papaya, mango, pineapple, rambutan, etc. In addition, this floating market also sells street mats, a typical item. But most of the time when people mention it, they immediately remember Ca Mau. Visitors here can sit on canoes or boats to visit stalls to buy necessary things or exchange goods right on the river, creating a bustling scene. You can buy gifts for the people and experience the daily life of the merchants here. In the evening, visitors can visit the floating market when it becomes romantically silent and peaceful. The boats in the morning have now become floating houses floating on the water. Children sit fishing, playing,... creating a beautiful, dim scene that is hard to find elsewhere. There are many types of fruits for you to enjoy, or buy to try your favorite fruits and buy them as gifts for your loved ones. You can ask the waiter to peel them for you to try the wonderful flavors of the fruits. Besides, the floating market also attracts many people to enjoy snacks and fresh meals every day in the city. On both sides of the river, there are also many shops selling beautiful small cakes with the typical flavors of Southern people. Ca Mau floating market is an interesting tourist destination that anyone coming to Ca Mau should visit. Coming to the floating market is to relax in a peaceful river area and explore the vibrant river culture. If you have the opportunity to travel to Ca Mau, definitely do not miss the opportunity to visit this famous market.

Ca Mau

From January to December

1013 view

Nam Can mangrove forest

Ca Mau mangrove forest or Nam Can mangrove forest is a famous mangrove forest in the West. The forest has formed a solid protective membrane, preventing sea erosion, helping to control landslides and maintaining ecological balance. Coming here, tourists traveling to Ca Mau can not only visit, but can also participate in many other interesting outdoor activities such as boating, fishing and enjoying closeness to nature. During the resistance war against the French and the Americans, Nam Can mangrove forest became an important shelter for the revolutionary army. With its rugged river terrain, it played an important role in preventing enemy attacks and destroying small naval campaigns on the river. With the second largest area in the world, the mangrove forests here are second only to the Amazon forests of Latin America. The total area of ​​the mangrove forest is 63,017 hectares, which is a habitat for many diverse species of creatures. When viewed from above, the forest looks like a V-shaped peninsula, with three sides facing the sea. Nam Can Ca Mau mangrove forest is a land with a quite pleasant climate. The best time to explore this land is during the dry season, from December to April. During this time, the air is dry and cool, creating favorable conditions for sightseeing and experiencing. However, from May to November, the long rainy season can hinder tourism activities. In particular, if visitors plan to tour Ca Mau in July or August, they will have the opportunity to enjoy many more delicious and attractive specialties. To visit Nam Can mangrove forest, visitors must travel by tourist boats, along both sides are rows of mangrove trees. Floating on the boat, the deeper you go, you will clearly feel the fresh and cool air. While walking, I heard local people tell stories about the origin of this forest. It's very interesting, isn't it? Going deeper inside, visitors will see wild, majestic natural scenes, the gradual appearance of an almost unexplored core of primeval forest. There are ancient trees with huge trunks that 5 to 6 people cannot hug... This place is extremely worthy of being chosen as the most attractive tourist destination in Ca Mau. Not only that, visitors also have the opportunity to see thousands of flocks of birds converging on the branches of mangrove trees, creating an extremely beautiful and interesting scene. Just by raising the camera, visitors will see countless wonderful photos with interesting scenery appearing before their eyes.

Ca Mau

From May to November

855 view

U Minh Ha Forest

U Minh Ha National Park is an ideal destination for those who love the natural and wild beauty of Dat Mui Ca Mau river. As a large-scale biosphere reserve, U Minh Ha is famous for its green vegetation, diverse ecosystems and unique natural scenery. U Minh Ha National Park is located in the west of Ca Mau province, within the administrative boundaries of 4 communes in 2 districts of U Minh and Tran Van Thoi. U Minh Ha is about 40 km from Ca Mau city center and can be reached by car. The total area of ​​the forest is up to 8,527 hectares, one of the three core areas of the Ca Mau Cape World Biosphere Reserve. This place is famous for its Melaleuca forest ecosystem formed in alum, flooded conditions, and on peat soil. The ecosystem is diverse and rich with more than 250 species of plants, 40 species of mammals, 182 species of birds, 20 species of reptiles, amphibians and many other insect species. Among them, there are many rare species listed in the Red Book of the International Organization for Conservation of Nature. The weather in U Minh Ha is divided into two distinct seasons: dry season and rainy season. The dry season starts in May and ends in October, the rainy season lasts from November to April of the following year. According to U Minh Ha travel experience, visitors can visit and explore this National Park at any time of the year. The rainy season is when the water level is high, making it easier to travel by boat around the mangrove forests. On the contrary, the dry season will be more favorable for sightseeing because it is sunny and there is no rain. If you want to come here to explore the ecosystem or take check-in photos, the dry season will be a more ideal time. From City. Ho Chi Minh, there are 2 ways to get to U Minh Ha National Park. If traveling by motorbike, from City. Ho Chi Minh City, you can follow National Highway 1A, cross Ca Mau bridge to Ngo Quyen and Vo Van Kiet streets, follow the signs to reach U Minh Ha forest. On the way, you should ask local people to avoid getting lost. If traveling by bus, City Line. Ho Chi Minh - Ca Mau has passenger buses departing from Eastern, Western or An Suong bus stations. Bus ticket prices usually range from 180,000 - 200,000 VND/ticket. Reputable bus companies that you can refer to are: Phuong Trang, Lien Hung, Ngoc Ha, Mai Linh, Giap Diep... From Ca Mau bus station, take a taxi or motorbike taxi to get to U Minh Ha. Most tourists coming to U Minh Ha National Park go back and forth during the day, not staying overnight. Accommodation services around the forest are not yet developed, so you can stay at motels and hotels in Ca Mau city. U Minh Ha travel experience also shows that staying in the city center will be more convenient for moving and exploring other tourist destinations. When visiting U Minh Ha forest, you can participate in activities such as: Admiring the scenery of U Minh Ha forest from the observatory, Visiting the mangrove forest by boat, Fishing and collecting honey in the forest,... In addition, you need to note the following points when traveling to U Minh Ha Forest. First, bring a hat and umbrella to protect yourself from the sun, and choose comfortable clothes for ease of movement. Second, if you come here during the rainy season, you should wear long clothes and apply insect repellant cream to avoid mosquitoes. Third, call the Management Board in advance if you want to experience the boat trip to visit the U Minh Ha mangrove forest. Fourth, watch the time to get out of the forest, do not stay alone or sleep overnight in the forest to ensure safety. Finally, do not cut down trees or harm animals in the forest.

Ca Mau

From January to December

896 view

Khai Long Beach

Khai Long beach, located in Dat Mui hamlet, Dat Mui commune, Ngoc Hien district. Khai Long beach is located between two canals, But Mien and Khai Long. This is a golden sand beach stretching from a few dozen meters to over 100 meters, running nearly 4km long. The beach is 230 hectares wide and continues to reach the sea every year. When the tide is low, the sandy beach gradually widens and forms beautiful long, wavy sand beaches. The coast here is still wild and majestic with a clean ecological environment, surrounded by a marine forest ecosystem. Inside the beach, there is sea water spinach growing wild, blooming purple flowers like wallflowers. Along the Khai Long coast, there are many shrimp, fish, shrimp, cockles, clams... living and residing. Adjacent to Khai Long beach is Ca Mau Cape National Park (located in the world biosphere reserve of Ca Mau Cape). This place has Nam Can mangrove forest, Ca Mau Cape and is adjacent to Hon Khoai island cluster, Vam Lung wharf where weapons are received from the North to the South along the Ho Chi Minh Sea route. Source: Ca Mau Geography Board of Directors

Ca Mau


839 view

Ca Mau potato island

Hon Khoai is the name of a cluster of islands located southeast of Ca Mau cape in Tan An commune, Ngoc Hien district, Ca Mau province. Hon Khoai is more than 6 nautical miles (14.6km) from the mainland and has an important position in national defense and security. This place is considered a forward station guarding the air, sea and land in the southwest of the country. Hon Khoai Island includes many small islands: Hon Khoai, Hon Tuong, Hon Sao, Hon Doi Moi, Hon Da Le. Hon Khoai is the largest island with an area of ​​about 4km2 and is also the highest island above sea level at 318m. In the past, this place was also known by many different names such as: Giang Huong Island, Doc Lap Island or Poulop Island during the French period. However, because of its shape like a giant potato, local people still call it Hon Khoai to this day. With a mild climate, not hot and dry all year round, visitors can visit Hon Khoai at any time of the year. However, to fully enjoy the beauty of Hon Khoai, you should come here during the dry season from November to April every year. For tourists in the Central or Northern provinces, you can choose to fly to Tan Son Nhat airport in Ho Chi Minh City then take a bus or rent a motorbike to Ca Mau with a ticket price of about 500,000 - 800,000 VND/ afternoon. For tourists in the South, with the developed inter-provincial bus system, you will not lose too much money and time if you choose a passenger car as a means of transportation. Some bus companies such as Phuong Trang, Thanh Buoi, Van Lang, Viet Hoang are operating routes to Ca Mau from the provinces with ticket prices of only about 100,000 - 150,000 VND/trip. In addition, if you are in the Western provinces, traveling to Hon Khoai by personal vehicle will bring many interesting experiences along the way. With a distance of about 300km from Ho Chi Minh City to Ca Mau, it will take you about 6-7 hours to travel by this type. Hon Khoai is an island of rocks, hills and primitive forests that are almost intact with many precious woods and rich flora and fauna, which has captivated many tourists. According to the latest research, the flora in Hon Khoai has more than 1,400 species including fruit trees, timber trees, medicinal trees... Animals are also quite rich with monkeys, wild chickens, pythons, monitor lizards, squirrels. white... and more than 20 species of precious birds. On the island there are 2 beaches, including Bai Lon in the southeast and Bai Nho in the north. When visiting Hon Khoai, the tourist boat will stop at Bai Nho, from there take a small boat to the shore about 50m. The first time you set foot here, visitors will be overwhelmed by the beautiful scenery. The most unique feature of this island is that the beaches have many strange round pebbles like goose eggs. Mother nature also favors this place with shady maple trees and casuarinas swaying in the cool breeze. When spring comes on Hon Khoai, apricot flowers bloom brightly yellow all over the island. Hon Khoai has a long, sheltered coastline, an anchorage and storm shelter for fishermen and a breeding and sheltering place for many marine species. From tiny plankton species to aquatic species with high economic value such as: squid, lobster, mantis shrimp, grouper, cobia,... Hon Khoai beach has wide sandy beaches. When the tide is low and the sea is calm, visitors can walk on the sand to learn about marine life and breathe the fresh air of the forest and sea. The road on the island has one main road from Bai Lon to the top of the island, about 3 km long, paved with smooth asphalt and shaded by green trees. What is special is that there are two streams on the island, providing fresh water all year round for units stationed on the island and fishermen fishing around the area. It is said that, because ancient fairies came down to this sweet stream to bathe, the island has since then been named Giang Tien. Because the island has few residents, there are only a few small grocery stores, mainly staffed by border guards guarding the island. Because of that, Hon Khoai still retains its wild beauty that is rare to find anywhere else. The most prominent building is probably the 100-year-old lighthouse - a place you cannot miss when coming to Hon Khoai. This tower is located on the highest peak of Hon Khoai, built by the French colonialists in 1920, this is considered one of the earliest lighthouses in Vietnamese waters. Traveling to Ca Mau, coming to Hon Khoai, you cannot miss the sea specialties with extremely attractive dishes such as: sweet potato fish, cobia fish, lobster, mud crab, grilled mantis shrimp,... Aromatic flavor Delicious and nutritious, the seafood dishes here become an interesting highlight and leave an unforgettable impression in the hearts of visitors. What makes tourists always remember Hon Khoai is probably the sincere hospitality of the island's soldiers, who guard the sea and sky for their homeland island day and night. And surely when leaving, visitors will love the beautiful Hon Khoai even more.

Ca Mau

November to April every year

876 view

Bird Garden

It can be said that Ca Mau is the only province with a bird garden located right in the heart of the city. This unique bird garden is located within the grounds of the President Ho Chi Minh Memorial Area in Ward 1, Ca Mau city, Ca Mau province. With a large campus, many airy and cool green trees, President Ho Chi Minh Memorial Area in Ca Mau is not only a place to commemorate Uncle Ho, but also a tourist destination in Ca Mau that attracts tourists from near and far. President Ho Chi Minh's memorial area includes many works such as: Uncle Ho's worship space (where flower and incense offering ceremonies are held to commemorate Uncle Ho); Uncle lake floor; Bird garden (with an area of ​​more than 3 hectares, the number of resident birds is estimated at over 12,000 individuals); Exhibition house, movie screening (serving the need to learn about the life and career of President Ho Chi Minh);... Harmoniously combined with a system of green trees and ornamental flowers to bring a cool and airy feeling . In particular, this area has many individual birds, storks, etc., coming in flocks and staying crowded, creating a unique bird garden in the heart of the city. Every year, on Tet holiday, birds gather here as if they had been dating forever. The scene of the bird garden in spring is so lyrical and poetic. In the afternoon, the sound of singing calls to you, the sound of flapping wings stirs the whole forest. According to counting results of the Institute of Natural Resources and Environment (under Hanoi National University) and the Royal Institute of Ornithology of Japan in April 2018, this bird garden has about 6,603 individual birds with about 53 other bird species. together. However, the number of birds in the garden fluctuates with each season of the year. At its peak, the garden had more than 10,000 birds coming to nest, breed and settle in the artificial bird garden in the heart of Ca Mau city. Most of these birds are storks (white storks, storks, storks), pileated gongs, cauldrons, red-necked birds (also called snake-necked birds) and gray herons. If you have the opportunity to travel to Ca Mau, this will be the closest and interesting place to visit for all tourists. Just less than 6 meters from a ditch, visitors will witness with their own eyes tens of thousands of birds, storks, gongs, teals, cauldrons, waterfowl, waterfowl... flying down to the mangrove forests and crowded bamboo banks. This bird sanctuary has existed for decades and has always been carefully and thoughtfully protected by the locality. Despite the streets and construction projects developing around it, the bird garden still exists as a precious feature of a city in the southernmost region of the country.

Ca Mau

From January to December

995 view

Ca Mau cape

Ca Mau Mui National Park was established in 2003 when Dat Mui Nature Reserve was transformed into a National Park in the system of special-use forests of Vietnam. This is the largest primeval mangrove forest in our country, adjacent to the East and West seas, so it is influenced by both tidal regimes: semi-diurnal tides in the East Sea and diurnal tides in the West Sea, and is the breeding ground for many species. Seafood has economic value and is a stopping point for many winter migratory waterbirds. Currently, Mui Ca Mau National Park has a very diverse number of flora and fauna, with about 28 to 32 species of mangrove trees; about 26 species of mammals, 93 species of birds, 43 species of reptiles, 139 different species of fish, with 9 species of amphibians, 49 species of plankton, and many other rare species... Of which two species are in the The world red book is the long-tailed macaque (Macaca fascicularis), the silver langur (Trachypithecus cristatus) and four species in the Vietnam red book. Cape Ca Mau National Park, the mainland part belongs to the administrative territory of the communes: Dat Mui, Vien An and Dat Moi, in Ngoc Hien district, Ca Mau province, about 100km from Ca Mau city and Ho city. Chi Minh is nearly 400km. Because the distance is quite far, the most reasonable means of transportation is by car or bus. Note that if you ride a motorbike, you need to be healthy and need to rest along the way. In Ho Chi Minh City, to get to Ca Mau, you can travel by bus with reputable bus companies such as Phuong Trang, Giap Diep, Hung Thinh... travel time is about 7-8 hours. In addition, you can book a flight with Vietnam Airlines with a flight time of 1 hour. Depending on the budget you have, choose to travel by car or plane. From Can Tho, you can go along National Highway 1A through the provinces of Hau Giang, Soc Trang, Bac Lieu, then continue about 67km to the center of Ca Mau City. Starting from Ca Mau City, you can rent a motorbike or car to go more than 50km along National Highway 1A for more than 1 hour, visitors will arrive at Nam Can town. From here, go more than 50km along the newly opened Ho Chi Minh Road to Dat Mui commune, Ngoc Hien district. When traveling to Ca Mau to Mui Ca Mau National Park, visitors will be impressed by the unique interesting things of this Dat Mui region. Each destination will be a unique and profound journey of new experiences. Ca Mau Cape National Park has the tourist attraction Ca Mau Cape Culture and Tourism Park, which is the sacred southernmost land of the Fatherland that any Vietnamese people wish to visit once. Coming here, visitors can visit and take commemorative photos at typical symbols of Dat Mui such as GPS coordinates milestone 0001, miniature panels (images of ships), visit the breakwater, and wool symbol. , mudskipper, forest village bridge, landmark at the end of the Ho Chi Minh Trail, Lac Long Quan Temple, Mother Au Co Statue, ... Or walk to the upper floors at the Hanoi Flag Tower project to see the panoramic view of the forest Ca Mau's salty sea, the vast East Sea, and the island cluster of Hon Khoai hidden in the distance. The forest and sea blend together to create a beautiful, poetic scene that is rare to find anywhere else. The people of Dat Mui "revealed" that Dat Mui Ca Mau has many flavors bestowed by the coastal region. Here, there are many delicious dishes such as stir-fried wool snails with coconut, roasted crab with tamarind, braised pineapple fish, cobia cooked with sour rice, brown fish braised with fruit, mudskipper grilled with salt and chili... Especially crab and Ca shrimp. Mau is famous for its sweet taste, fragrant and firm meat in every fiber because it lives in coastal alluvial lands, with mineral-rich alluvium and abundant food. A more interesting part of coming to Mui is enjoying Southern-style meals under the roofs covered with nipa palm leaves, surrounded by cool breezes with fruit wine, known as "Ca Mau wine". ” and listening to amateur music, it's hard to forget. Visitors can also buy as gifts for relatives and friends typical products of Dat Mui region such as: dried shrimp, dried pineapple fish, dried fish of all kinds, fish sauce, mangrove chopsticks, honey, other products. Souvenir bearing the Dat Mui symbol... after finishing the trip to Ca Mau.

Ca Mau

From January to December

886 view

Bac Lieu wind turbine field

Referring to wind power fields in Vietnam, of course, it is impossible not to mention the extremely poetic fields in Bac Lieu. In the past, almost everyone knew about Bac Lieu mainly because of anecdotes surrounding the house of Prince Bac Lieu or musician Cao Van Lau. Nowadays, coming to this southern land, visitors also have new experiences at the wing. Bac Lieu wind power farm. From Bac Lieu city, go through the ancient longan garden and Xiem Can pagoda to arrive. Bac Lieu wind power area is also known as wind power field or wind fan field, located in the coastal area of ​​Vinh Trach Dong commune, Bac Lieu City, more than 10km from the city center. The road to the wind farm is paved so it is not too difficult to move. In addition, this is also an opportunity to explore the landscape surrounding the wind farm area with pristine mangrove forests and cages. Goby fish farming by coastal people. Bac Lieu Wind Power Park is the first wind power project in Vietnam, built in 2010 with an investment of thousands of billions of VND. Currently, there are 62 towers and turbines located at sea, each turbine is about 80m high, the rotor is 42m long,... With what is happening here, Bac Lieu Wind Power Plant is truly worthy of being considered as a typical example of clean and sustainable energy development not only in Bac Lieu but also in a large area of ​​the western coastal region. Sun and wind. Anyone who comes here will enjoy the arrangement of wind turbines like giant and silent knights in the middle of a vast field where wherever they stand, they can take beautiful and impressive photos. The arrangement of turbine pillars combined with a concrete road above ground makes it easy to go from one area to another, and from afar the scenery is as beautiful as the European sky. Tourists coming here can freely check in and live virtually every corner. The scenery of walking in the distance, the wind blowing away a shawl or parasol is full of dreams. Right on the concrete road winding like a silk strip in the middle of the field, you can take a close-up portrait of yourself to see the wind turbines slowly rotating behind you. If you like, pan the camera down and you will see the sparkling mud fields, the biological system of the mudflats is also extremely interesting, in the distance are fish sauce trees and mangrove trees with deep roots in the ground... In particular, recently the Mekong Delta Tourism Association decided to recognize Bac Lieu wind power area as a typical tourist destination of the Mekong Delta, making Bac Lieu a locality with 9 typical tourist destinations. in the region. 8 previously recognized sites include: Uncle Ho's Temple, Southern Don Ca Tai Tu Art Memorial Area and musician Cao Van Lau, Hung Vuong Square, Hunan Ecotourism Area, Nhan Dan Beach. - Nha Mat Tourist Area, Quan Am Phat Dai Area, Bac Lieu Hotel, Bac Lieu Prince's House Area. Only after a period of being recognized as a tourist destination, the wind power field increased its appeal to visitors, with an average of tens of thousands of visitors coming here every month to admire it. Currently, Bac Lieu wind power area has become a famous tourist destination in the Southwest region, enriching Bac Lieu tourist destinations. When visiting the wind power area, visitors should pay attention to the safety requirements of the national grid corridor and mandatory work areas that must be strictly enforced, especially in areas where entry is prohibited. Visitors can freely visit within the permitted scope but be polite and do not make noise that would affect the work of the engineers working here.

Bac Lieu

From January to December

949 view

Mat house tourist area

Nha Mat tourist area is located on Bach Dang street, far from the city center. Bac Lieu is about 7km, located along the Bac Lieu coast with an area of ​​more than 21 hectares. This is considered the largest and most attractive tourist destination in the Dong Bang Mekong region, combining an amusement park and a complex resort. One of the most tourist attractions of Nha Mat tourist area is the artificial beach also known as Tien Rong Beach, inside the beach is a towering majestic artificial mountain range. The amusement park is also equipped with a wave generation system, giving you the feeling of immersing yourself in real waves at sea. It is known that the water in the beach and water park is taken from the sea water source 3km away. In addition to the water play area, there are also many other monumental projects such as a green park along the beach, a high-end resort, a water music area designed according to Singaporean technology, and a food area serving delicious dishes. Southern food, shopping mall, 6D cinema, tennis court. And thrilling games such as skateboards, slides, rope swings, 30m high water slides... give you an exciting experience. In particular, Nha Mat tourist area pays great attention to green space, green grass fields, shady trees, giving visitors a feeling of comfort and relaxation when visiting. The scene is highlighted with unique and strange statues for you to take photos and preserve beautiful moments of your memorable vacation.

Bac Lieu

From January to December

837 view

Xiem Can Pagoda

If you have traveled to the West many times and visited pagodas in this land, perhaps you will not feel too strange about the unique beauty of Khmer pagodas. However, for first-time visitors to Bac Lieu, Xiem Can Pagoda is truly a magnificent, beautiful and outstanding architectural work. According to historical records, this temple was built in 1887 with an initial area of ​​4,500 m2. In the beginning, the pagoda had the Khmer name Komphisako, demonstrating the erudition and profoundness of Buddhist wisdom. Later, a group of Chinese people who came to settle here translated the pagoda's name into Xiem Can. In Chinese, Xiem Can means "bordering water" and refers to the temple located next to the sea. So from then until now, the pagoda has been called Xiem Can, which is both simple and easy to remember, but also has something very impressive. To date, this beautiful temple in the West has gone through 9 generations of abbots and several times of restoration and repair. Maybe Xiem Can is not the oldest ancient pagoda, nor is it the largest pagoda, but in terms of magnificent beauty and scale, this pagoda is always the most popular destination in Bac Lieu. What distinguishes Khmer pagodas from other normal pagodas is the sophistication and meticulousness in each wall, roof and pillar. Only by going deep into the inner campus and looking closely will you fully feel the beauty that Xiem Can Pagoda possesses. The Siamese spiritual architectural complex includes many items facing East, built according to the typical Theravada Buddhist school. There is a system of surrounding city walls, three-entrance gate, main hall, bell tower, symbolic pillars, tomb tower and area for monks to rest. In terms of color, Xiem Can Pagoda in Bac Lieu has the same color scheme as other Khmer pagodas. It is a brilliant dark yellow color, mixed with orange-red tones to create the most points. The beauty and colors of this temple easily make visitors think of the majestic temple systems in Cambodia and Thailand. Coming to the three-entrance gate, you will see the cultural and religious imprint of the Khmer people expressed through many embossed reliefs. The gate nameplate is designed in the style of a pointed tower typical of Angkor architecture, with an image of a majestic Buddha sitting in the middle. In addition, below the gate nameplate there are two Krut magical birds and two winding five-headed snakes. Stepping through the gate, visitors will enjoy the feeling of walking under a cool, tree-lined street before admiring the beauty of the main hall of the temple. The main hall was built in a rectangular shape, 18m wide and twice as long. A special feature of the Main Hall is to focus on opening wide doors on both sides to avoid the morning sunlight shining directly into the shrine. Because all items in the temple are facing straight East. According to Khmer beliefs, the main hall usually faces East because they believe that Buddha's spiritual path goes from West to East. Located on a 1.5m high brick foundation with three steps and a surrounding corridor, the main hall of Xiem Can Pagoda has a roof corner of each peak covered with a long, curved, soft snake's tail. The main hall has a height of 36.3 m and is considered the tallest in the Southern Khmer pagoda complex in Vietnam. The beauty inside the Main Hall has a vibrant, outstanding and solemn color. This place is made with a total of 100 round concrete pillars, creating stability for the elegant building. At each junction between the column heads and the roof is the head of the snake god Nagar. In the Khmer concept, the snake was transformed by Buddha with compassion. Since then, the snake has become a protective mascot for the temple. Outside, opposite the main hall is a symbolic pillar with the image of a 5-headed snake, used to light candles on holidays. Here we want to imply that the teachings of Buddha Dharma will enlighten humanity, helping everyone to live a good life like a snake tamed thanks to the Buddha's compassion and forgiveness. Behind that is a traditional house - sala built extremely solidly and completely made of wood. Also quite elaborately decorated with unique motifs that remain intact even after many years. In the hallway there is also a large black bell. More specifically, above the sala at Xiem Can Pagoda, there are statues of Prince Sidatta riding on the back of a white horse being taken across the river by Xanac to find the path to enlightenment. Coming to Bac Lieu, don't forget to visit this temple. Source: Industry and Trade Magazine

Bac Lieu


904 view

Ancient longan garden

Bac Lieu is one of 13 southwestern provinces in the Mekong Delta region. Above all, compared to other western provinces, Bac Lieu is considered a place with many tourist destinations attracting thousands of tourists to check-in here. Among them, Bac Lieu's ancient longan garden is famous for many tourists not only because of its sweet taste but also leaves an unforgettable impression with its unique sinewy, curving tree shape. Bac Lieu ancient longan garden is known as the most prominent longan garden in the Mekong Delta region with a history hundreds of years old. This place is about 6km from Bac Lieu city center towards the sea. The longan garden runs 11km long, passing through 2 communes (Hiep Thanh commune and Vinh Trach Dong commune) with a total area of ​​more than 200 hectares. Moving on the road along the ancient longan garden, you will see ancient villas hidden deep in the longan garden, while on the other side are blue vegetable fields running for kilometers. At the same time, in the distance are the pure white salt fields that have been famous since ancient times. Currently, you can travel to the ancient longan garden by bus or personal vehicle. If you live far away, May bay will choose for you. You can take a flight to Ca Mau and then travel by bus about 60km to Bac Lieu. Next you need to follow the road named after the late musician Cao Van Lau about 6 km to the sea to reach the ancient longan garden. If visitors visit the longan garden from April to May, right in the longan flowering season, they will have the opportunity to see the unique and poetic scenery. The whole longan garden is dressed in the ivory white color of longan flowers and is filled with fragrance that attracts hardworking bees to collect honey. The combination of the gentle scent mixed in the wind and the characteristic color of longan flowers creates a charming picture while bringing a sweet scent to visitors, bringing an indescribable feeling of comfort. Besides, if tourists visit the longan garden from September to October, they will have a completely different experience. At this time, the foliage has gone to give way to the characteristic yellow-brown color of the longan fruit that covers the entire tree. Exploring the ancient longan garden in Bac Lieu at this time, visitors will enjoy specialty longans such as longan varieties of Su-bic and Tu-hut with thick flesh and unique sweet scent. The longan garden is located in the land created through the natural sedimentation process. This type of soil has good drainage, deep water level, thick cultivation layer suitable for fruit trees and especially longan trees. Coming to explore the ancient longan garden in Bac Lieu, visitors will learn about two famous longan varieties, Subic and Tu-hut, originating from China. Bac Lieu ancient longan garden with large, airy, dry and clean green space is suitable for visitors to organize picnics and camping activities with relatives, family and friends. In particular, if you come during the longan harvest, visitors will have the opportunity to participate in an extremely interesting longan picking experience with the people. The elegant sweetness and sweet scent of each longan makes it difficult for visitors to forget. Besides enjoying and buying delicious bunches of longan as gifts, visitors can try the wonderful banh xeo sold along the way to the longan garden. In addition, join in the festive atmosphere during Tet and Mid-Autumn Festival. Visitors to the longan garden can also eat seafood dishes that have just been caught from the sea, served with green vegetables grown on this land while listening to the melancholy melody from the song "Da Co Hoai Lang" to relax. Immerse yourself in the culture and cuisine of Bac Lieu.

Bac Lieu

April to May and September to October

839 view

Tac Say Church

Tac Say Church, also known as Father Diep Church - The most famous church in the Western region. Coming to Tac Say church, in addition to visiting the grave of Father Truong Buu Diep, people can admire the unique architecture of the Catholic church, one of the most beautiful churches in the western provinces. Tac Say Church is located right on National Highway 1A, 37km from Bac Lieu in Hamlet 2, Tan Long commune, Gia Rai district, Bac Lieu province. According to local elders, the name Tac Say is due to the fact that in the past there was a small shortcut passing by the church, located among the reeds. The pronunciation of the Southern people gradually changed the sound "off" to "off". occlusion”. Tac Say church is considered a branch of the ancient Bac Lieu church. Initially, this place was visited by Father Jules DUCQUET, a French priest. Father then established 4 parishes in the Western region, including the Bac Lieu parish. In 1925, Tac Say church was established. In August 1926, Father Paul Tran Minh Kinh was appointed as the first parish priest of the church. In March 1930, Father Francis Truong Buu Diep took over a new position to replace Father Kinh. During his time here, Father Diep moved the church from the inside to the outside facade to its current location. Father Diep is also a person who has made great contributions to the formation and development of Tac Say church. Tac Say Church - a place associated with a famous figure - Father Truong Buu Diep, a priest who is considered a saint because of his holiness, bestowing grace and blessings on those who believe and pray. There are many different anecdotes about Father's death as well as the story about Tac Say church. But all say that Father Diep is a courageous man who dares to sacrifice his life to protect others. With the contributions of fellow workers and pagans at home and abroad, Tac Say Church has recently been restored and built with many new spacious items, not only a place of pilgrimage for local people but also a place of pilgrimage for local people. A spiritual tourist destination for many domestic and foreign groups to pilgrimage and worship. The church has a strange and unique architecture consisting of 3 floors, the ground floor is a place for guests to rest, the 2nd and 3rd floors are where mass is held with a very large lobby. The sanctuary is a place of worship and is also decorated with delicately carved precious woods, making the sacred atmosphere here more solemn. Diep's father's resting place has the architecture of a building with three large roofs, the middle roof has a large clock creating a highlight for the building. Built according to Asian architecture but still carries the beauty of Vietnamese culture. This project has the same shape as ancient Vietnamese temples but has been renovated and renovated accordingly. Traveling to Bac Lieu, coming here, everyone sincerely prays for peace, bringing people peace of mind, serenity, putting aside daily worries and worries with the desire to create for each person. human beings a peaceful, good, tolerant and compassionate life. Every year, especially on March 11 and 12, large numbers of people from many places come to pilgrimage and visit Tac Say Cathedral and Father Diep's grave. On weekdays, the church has 3 masses: 5:00 am, 9:00 am and 5:00 pm. On Sunday, there is an additional mass at 7:00 am.

Bac Lieu

From January to December

899 view

Prince's house in Bac Lieu

When talking about Bac Lieu, people not only mention Cao Van Lau and the art of Don Ca Tai Tu, but also many anecdotes about Ba Huy (The Prince of Bac Lieu), famous for his entertainment at one time. Traveling to Bac Lieu, it would be a mistake if you did not take the time to visit the Prince of Bac Lieu's house to admire the majestic architecture of the largest house in the six ancient Western provinces. Bac Lieu Prince's House is currently located at 13 Dien Bien Phu, Ward 3, Bac Lieu City, next to the bank of Bac Lieu River. The house has luxurious Western architecture, built from 1917 to 1919 when completed. The house possessed the most majestic architecture in the Western provinces at that time, so the people here called it "big house". The mansion was built by Mr. Tran Trinh Trach, aka Trach Council, father of Prince Bac Lieu when the prince was only 19 years old. Mr. Tran Trinh Trach is the owner of 74 fields, with 110,000 hectares of rice land and nearly 100,000 hectares of salt fields. At that time, the entire Bac Lieu province at that time had 13 lots of salt fields, 11 of which belonged to him. Mr. Trach has 7 children, 4 girls and 3 boys. Among the three sons, Tran Trinh Huy is notorious for playing around and is famous for his love of girls. It is known that the total assets that Prince Bac Lieu inherited and "wasted" on luxury entertainment is estimated to be over 5 tons of gold. The villa was designed by a French engineer, most of the construction materials were brought from Paris. Many details, materials, and furniture in the house are imported from France, from bolts and screws to construction details, all of which are stamped with the letter P to show their origin. As soon as you step into the house, visitors will be fascinated by the meticulous and sophisticated design lines, exuding elegance and magnificence. Yellow lights radiate shimmering light, creating a cozy and elegant feeling. Each pillar of the house is decorated with many beautiful patterns. The first floor (ground floor) of the mansion includes 2 bedrooms, a living room and two large halls with a large staircase leading upstairs. Upstairs there are also 2 bedrooms and two large, airy halls, absorbing sunlight and wind, making the mansion always airy and cool. The stairs to the second floor are made of marble, divided into 3 sections, each section has 9 steps symbolizing longevity and eternity. The wooden stairs leading to the terrace were formerly the place where Mr. Trach, Prince Bac Lieu's father, used to dry money. Up to now, the project is more than five years old, but the architectural and artistic values ​​at Mr. Ba Huy's mansion are not only not "outdated" compared to the times, but on the contrary, have become even more precious and appreciated. expensive. The kitchen part of the house was converted into a ticket counter for customers. The house also displays many objects associated with the anecdote of "The Black Prince". This car was bought by Mr. Tran Trinh Trach in 1930 in Saigon to welcome his son, Prince of Bac Lieu, back from studying abroad in France. Visiting the prince's house in Bac Lieu today, you will admire the precious remaining artifacts such as: 2 hot beds and a cold bed, a set of sofas made from a single piece of wood, a set of "Three unicorn" turntables. (round table with stone surface, triangular kneeler carved with 3 unicorns), "Panh Tuong" set (shaped like an armchair placed on the back of an elephant), "Tam Thanh" stall (3 walls) is the sleeping place of Tran Trinh Khuong , younger brother of Prince Bac Lieu), the bed of Mr. and Mrs. Council Trach, the bed for guests to smoke opium, the card table, flower vases,... are all very valuable items. One place where people stopped the longest was the altar of Mr. Tran Trinh Huy and his first wife. It is said that no one can count how many wives the Prince of Bac Lieu has, but his first wife is Mrs. Ngo Thi Den, who was married properly, the daughter of a rich lord in the area. The remaining people are his concubines, including a woman of French nationality. When visiting the Bac Lieu Prince's mansion, in addition to being introduced to the architectural features, the birth of the house, and related items and utensils, visitors will also be told many anecdotes by the tour guide. about its owner (Mr. Ba Huy). According to these anecdotes, the Prince of Bac Lieu was the first Vietnamese to own a private plane in the country; first visit to fields by plane; The first organizer of beauty contests (predecessors of later beauty contests) in the South... He is from Bac Lieu, owns a lot of land, salt fields (salt making land), coal mining, and streets for rented the most so he was very rich. Typically, the story of burning money to cook tea with Prince Bach or "The prince of Bac Lieu burns money to cook eggs to show that he is rich" has entered the lyrics... The Prince of Bac Lieu and his anecdotes have become nostalgic and of the past. Today, the mansion, also known by the popular name Bac Lieu Prince's House, has become a favorite destination for domestic and foreign tourists. And it is also the anecdotes about the dissipation, bohemian and luxurious lifestyle of the Prince of Bac Lieu that make tourists from far away even more curious, curious to once see the prince's accommodation. from Bac Lieu.

Bac Lieu

From January to December

955 view

Bac Lieu Bird Sanctuary

Bac Lieu Bird Park in the Mekong Delta is a remaining part of the rare mangrove forest in Vietnam today. 6km from Bac Lieu town towards the sea. Visitors just need to move on the road named after the late musician Cao Van Lau to the right, to the 30/04 canal to reach the bird garden in Hiep Thanh commune, Bac Lieu town. If you travel from the northern provinces, you can book a flight to Ho Chi Minh City. From here you will have two ways to move to Bac Lieu Bird Park. The first way is to travel by bus, from the Eastern or Western bus station to catch a bus to Bac Lieu with ticket prices ranging from 160,000 VND to 180,000 VND/person. The second way is to use a motorbike, follow National Highway 1A to Bac Lieu. From the center of Bac Lieu city, cross Quay bridge (Kim Son bridge), follow Cao Van Lau street in the direction of Mat house about 3km, turn right and continue about 3km across the 30/4 canal to reach the nature reserve. Bac Lieu bird garden. Bac Lieu Bird Sanctuary with an area of ​​more than 385 hectares, including 15 hectares of primary forest, this place is home to about 46 different bird species such as guinea pigs, small cormorants,... 150 animals, 58 species of fish, 7 frog species, 10 mammal species, 8 reptile species, 109 plant species belonging to 90 genera of 46 families and a number of other animal species create a rich flora and fauna with high biodiversity. In addition, the flora of Bac Lieu bird park has about 181 species including date palms, toadstools, bean sprouts, fish sauce,... which play an important role in the life, reproduction and nesting of wild birds. wild. Normally, birds belonging to the stork group use date palm trees to make nests and breed, while fire herons will use betel trees and toads to build nests during the breeding season. Nowadays, with the stress of work and life, many people tend to go to nature to enjoy fresh, comfortable atmosphere. Therefore, Bac Lieu bird garden is increasingly becoming the focus of attention, attracting thousands of tourists here. Exploring Bac Lieu bird garden, visitors seem to be lost in a new world, when the noise of moving vehicles or skyscrapers growing close together gradually disappears, leaving only the silvery blue. of the natural jungle, the melodious sounds emanating from all kinds of birds and immersing yourself in the cool and fresh atmosphere. Coming to Bac Lieu bird garden, visitors can choose to walk around following the signs or rent a car to see the 5km long natural scenery with a rental price of about 40,000 VND/person. In addition, visitors can take a boat trip to see birds along the two sides. If you come to the bird garden in the afternoon, you can see a rare, charming and poetic scene when the purple color of the sunset blends with the nursery color of the ripe rice fields in the distance. Adding to the colorful picture is the image of different flocks of birds flying back to their nests. They fly in an orderly formation, some species fly forward in an arrow shape, some species choose to scatter and scatter so that when they return to their nest, they rush across a corner of the forest. Besides, when night falls, it is also the time when nocturnal foraging birds wake up and begin their hunting trip, breaking the silence of the night. The canal was built around the forest containing fish,... creating an additional food source for the animals here. Therefore, the number of bird species gradually increases, becoming increasingly rich and diverse. From May to October every year, birds often gather at Bac Lieu bird garden, they often nest in trees until January, then move to another place. This is considered the festival season for birds and is also the ideal tourist season to explore Bac Lieu bird garden.

Bac Lieu

May to October

805 view

Vinh Hung ancient tower

Vinh Hung ancient tower is located in Trung Hung 1B hamlet, Vinh Hung A commune, Vinh Loi district, Bac Lieu province, about 20 km from the city center. Follow National Highway 1A, from Bac Lieu towards Ca Mau, go 5km to Sap bridge, turn along the Vinh Hung market path to reach Vinh Hung tower. Not only is this the only remaining Oc - Eo culture tower architecture in the Southwest, but during the excavation at Vinh Hung tower, archaeologists also obtained many extremely valuable artifacts. with many stone, bronze, ceramic, precious stone statues... marking a rather long period of existence and development (from the 4th century to the 13th century AD) of Vinh Hung ancient tower. Vinh Hung Tower has undergone many surveys. In 1911, French scholar Lunet de Lajonquiere discovered it under the name Tra Long Tower. In 1917 Henri Parmentier came to survey this area and reported it in the journal of the Far Eastern North Ancient School (No. XVII, volume 6, 1917, pages 48-49). In this report (under the name Luc Hien tower) he listed a number of artifacts discovered inside and outside the tower. In particular, among them is a stele found in Phuoc Buu Tu pagoda next to the tower engraved with Sanskrit characters, clearly stating the month Karhila, year 814, corresponding to 892 AD, and the name of King Yacovan-Man (20th century AD). 9th century). Archaeologists have determined that the tower was built around the 9th century AD to worship the Khmer king named Yacovar - Man. In May 1990, archaeologists from the Ho Chi Minh City Institute of Social Sciences. Ho Chi Minh City Institute (now the Institute for Sustainable Development of the Southern Region) in collaboration with Minh Hai Provincial Museum came to survey and dig a survey hole, discovering a number of artifacts such as god statue heads, inscriptions, grinding tables, Linga – Yoni… Continuing the journey to clarify the value of a national monument, as well as to serve the restoration, embellishment, and anti-degradation of Vinh Hung tower relics, in 2002 and then in 2011, The Archaeological Research Center coordinated with the Bac Lieu Provincial Museum to excavate around the tower. These excavations continue to do things such as revealing the base of the tower, solving traces buried in the ground to have solutions to restore and embellish the tower to promote the value of the monument. Many valuable artifacts have been discovered during surveys such as: the Goddess statue carved in the traditional style, the round Oc Eo Phu Nam statue, the right hand of the "God Statue", a number of Linga - Yoni, objects ceramics used in everyday life and especially the set of bronze statues are considered by archaeologists to be a unique collection of statues, a "national treasure", including a number of unique statues of very high value. In 2011, the Vinh Hung tower relic was restored and renovated, including the following items: exhibition house, stele house, guard house, fence and a number of other items to preserve and promote the value of the relic. From a distance, the tower looks like a cylindrical block standing tall in the middle of the forest, with an ancient appearance - part of it is covered with moss, while the rest has many places with patchy bricks pushed deep into the heart of the Tower due to long periods of exposure. the influence of rain and sun. Bac Lieu province had to go to the East to find soil and bring it back to be baked into bricks to restore a damaged front part. The ancient tower has a quite simple and rustic architecture on a promontory of about 100m2, the Tower's door faces west, the base of the Tower is rectangular with two sides of 5.6m and 6.9m. The height of the Tower is 8.2m (calculated from the Tower's base). All three sides East - South - North are built of bricks. The wall at the base of the Tower is 1.8m thick. The higher you go, the thinner the wall becomes. The wall is gradually tilted towards the top, forming a rolling dome. Through many changes in history, what created an ancient tower thousands of years old? According to many scientists, the ancient Khmer people used a special construction technique, they used a vegetable glue to stick bricks together, without using construction materials such as cement, or lime mortar like now. The tower was built with two types of bricks of different colors. From the base of the tower to a height of 4m are red bricks and from 4m upwards are white bricks. Looking in from the main door is the restored Linga - Yoni set symbolizing yin and yang harmony. The original Linga - Yoni set is being preserved at the museum. From the unique values ​​recorded, Vinh Hung Ancient Tower has been recognized by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism (now the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism) as a national architectural and artistic relic since 1992. If you have the opportunity to travel to Bac Lieu, remember to take the time to visit Vinh Hung ancient tower to better understand an ancient civilization. The scenery here is very attractive to tourists. In addition to the tower architecture, visitors can breathe fresh air filled with the scent of field flowers, and look over the vast fertile fields of a land that has been sweeten.

Bac Lieu

From January to December

816 view

Bac Lieu Beach

It doesn't stand out with its fine white sand beaches stretching along the clear blue water like Nha Trang, Vung Tau,... but Bac Lieu sea with one side salt water and alluvial silt brings a new flavor to the West. The south of our country creates a wild, rustic and equally interesting beauty. In terms of geographical location, Bac Lieu province is the land following Ca Mau province, forming the southernmost region of the country, all belonging to the Southwest region. Although quite remote, Bac Lieu is not inferior to other Western provinces in terms of tourist attraction because there are many famous attractions such as wind power fields, Nha Mat tourist area, Quan Am Nam Hai pagoda or Prince's house. Bac Lieu and the famous beach of the same name,... Traveling to the West and visiting these destinations, you will feel the beauty of the landscape, the architecture as well as the honesty and spontaneity of the people. people of the "land of fortune". The famous beach of Bac Lieu province is located along DT38 road. Located in Nha Mat ward, Bac Lieu city. This place is only about 10km from the city center so it is very convenient to move and combine sightseeing with many other famous tourist attractions in the inner city. If you want to go to this beach from Ho Chi Minh City and other provinces, you can choose one of two main means of transport: motorbike and passenger car. Departing from Ho Chi Minh City to Bac Lieu, it will take you about 6 hours to travel the 280km long road. If you choose to ride a motorbike, you will be able to take the initiative in your journey and have the freedom to stop and admire the scenery to take photos any time you like. Because along the way, there are many beautiful scenes typical of the West such as golden rice fields or fruit gardens or many bustling floating markets in the early morning like Nga Bay Hau Giang floating market. If traveling by motorbike, you can climb the following route. First depart from Binh Chanh and then go to Binh Thuan intersection. Then visitors turn onto National Highway 1A and continue moving about 30km to reach Tan An bridge in Long An province. You continue to reach Tien Giang province, pass the My Tho city welcome gate and head to National Highway 1A, go about 65km further to reach My Thuan bridge. Crossing this bridge will reach Vinh Long province. You continue to move about 33km more to reach Can Tho bridge. Coming here, tourists continue to drive another 110km long to reach Nga Bay Hau Giang area. The journey is about to end because you only need to go through Soc Trang province a little further to reach Bac Lieu city. At this time, go about 10 km more to reach Bac Lieu beach. If traveling by bus, the simplest way is to take the bus from the Western bus station in Ho Chi Minh City to Bac Lieu. Bus ticket prices range from 160,000 VND - 300,000 VND/person depending on the type of car. With this way of traveling, you only need to get on the bus and get some sleep before arriving at your destination because the travel time is about 6 hours. Traveling to Bac Lieu and checking in to the beach of the same name by bus is quite convenient because it saves you time and keeps your health, but in return it will not bring you as many experiences as riding a motorbike, so it depends on the situation. health and schedule of your choice. Once arriving at Bac Lieu Bus Station, visitors just need to get off the bus and take a motorbike taxi to the beach, the price is only about 20,000 VND. Source:

Bac Lieu


863 view

Bat Pagoda

Bat Pagoda, also known as Ma Toc Pagoda (or Mahatup Pagoda), is located on Van Ngoc Chinh Street (with signage) in Ward 3, Soc Trang city. The reason for this special name is because the pagoda is home to crowded colonies of bats. The pagoda is the only cultural space worshiping Shakyamuni Buddha of the Southern Khmer ethnic community in Soc Trang province. According to the remaining ancient bibliography, it is recorded: The pagoda was started construction in 1569, more than 440 years ago. Initially, the main hall of the pagoda was built only with bamboo leaves, then rebuilt with bricks and tiled roof. In 1960, the pagoda was majorly repaired in the main hall and until it had the beautiful and spacious appearance it has today, the pagoda went through many restorations and embellishments. In 2008, an unfortunate incident caused the temple to burn down in the main hall area. But there were continuous positive signs when in April 2009, the main hall of the pagoda was restored to its original state. In 2013, Bat Pagoda tourist area in Soc Trang province was put into operation. Although the budget is not abundant, the tourist area located opposite the temple gate has a spacious parking lot and other convenient services such as restaurants, trams... that are very popular with tourists. Since 1999, Bat Pagoda has been recognized as a national historical-cultural relic. Up to now, the Soc Trang government is still considering policies to preserve and restore this place to both educate religious beliefs and turn Bat Pagoda into a familiar tourist destination of the province. Bat Pagoda is an architectural complex including: Main hall, Sala, meeting house of monks and followers, living room of monks and abbots, towers for storing ashes of the dead, living room... All works Located in a large campus with many ancient trees, an area of ​​about 4 hectares. Although it is a space to worship Shakyamuni Buddha, the architecture of Bat Pagoda in Soc Trang is still strongly influenced by Khmer culture. The pagoda stands out in the green space of trees thanks to its characteristic Khmer orange-yellow color. The pagoda has a tiled roof, four curved ends of the roof are carved with Naga snakes, and on top of the roof is a pointed tower. Surrounding the main hall are rows of supporting columns, each column has a statue of the goddess Kemnar clasping her hands in front of her chest... Going deeper into the sanctuary, we will see a monolithic stone statue of Shakyamuni Buddha placed on a lotus flower about 2 meters high. Equally impressive nearby is a statue depicting Buddha riding on the sacred snake Muchalinda. Tourists have the opportunity to learn in detail about the life of Buddha through paintings depicting the Buddha, from his birth until his enlightenment and entering Nirvana.. Sutras recorded on palm tree leaves along with Rare artifacts with unique cultural and religious values ​​of the Southern region are also kept in the solemn grounds of the pagoda. The tour guide will definitely explain about Soc Trang Bat Pagoda to help you understand many things better. Visiting Bat Pagoda, visitors can rest in rows of chairs under the cool shade of ancient trees. On the campus, there are also many stupas containing the remains of the temple's abbots, and the Sa La Assembly Hall with communal house-style architecture, serving as a place for monks to rest and study...

Soc Trang

From January to December

841 view

Nga Nam Floating Market

Anyone who comes to the Southwest and doesn't go to the floating market is truly missing out. This place is not only a place to trade but also an ideal destination for tourists to learn about the unique cultural features of the Western river region. In the Mekong Delta, there are many floating markets, but Nga Nam floating market still has a simple and idyllic character and is one of the oldest floating markets with a history of more than a hundred years, on a large scale in the region. Nga Nam floating market in Nga Nam town, about 60 km from Soc Trang city, is a place that attracts tourists to visit and experience Western river life. If you want to visit Nga Nam floating market, starting from the center of Soc Trang city, visitors can follow National Highway 1A to Phu Loc, then turn right onto Provincial Road 42 to arrive. The name Nga Nam appeared when the French dug the canal around Phung Hiep route. This canal and Xang canal cross Xeo Chinh canal to form five river branches flowing to 5 intersections: Ca Mau, Vinh Quoi, Long My, Thanh Tri, Phung Hiep. Nga Nam floating market usually opens quite early and lasts until 8 o'clock, then gradually dissipates. The busiest time is usually from 5am to 6am with the scene of hundreds of boats gathering, making a bustling noise all over the river wharf. This is the most ideal time to experience the floating market. Near the Lunar New Year, Nga Nam floating market is open almost from morning to night, making the atmosphere even busier. The variety of goods at Nga Nam floating market is very rich and diverse, from famous delicious rice from large rice granaries in the area to garden vegetables and fruits; from agricultural products and seafood to daily living and household items, etc. To help transmit information easily between sellers and buyers, Beo trees are an effective advertising medium. of the floating market type. This tool is usually made from old bamboo, bent straight, about 4-5 m long, with sharp corners for easy insertion and pliers when parked. The top is perforated to allow a rope to be skewered through to hang goods. Buyers just need to stand from afar, look at the Beo trees to observe and find the type of goods they want to buy. Currently, due to the increasingly improved road transportation system, some traders have switched to the form of onshore market groups. However, the floating market still operates quite bustlingly, still retaining the typical soul of the Western floating market, a tourist destination not to be missed in Soc Trang. Coming to Nga Nam market, visitors will see the panorama of the market like a vivid, colorful realistic painting. Colors from vegetables and fruits; the color of grandmother's dresses fluttering in the wind... In the middle of a vast river area, the sound of oars splashing water, invitations to buy goods on boats, canoes, five-leaf canoes, three-leaf canoes going up and down... create a joyful scene of buying and selling. Visiting the Floating Market, visitors can enjoy breakfast right on the boat with Soc Trang specialties such as noodle soup, vermicelli noodles, silkworm cakes and drinks including da coffee, sugar tea, fruit juice... Find and buy There's nothing better than visiting this place, eating some agricultural products, eating some breakfast on the river.

Soc Trang

From January to December

800 view

Clay Temple

If you have the opportunity to visit Buu Son Tu, visitors will have the opportunity to learn about the unique cultural, spiritual and religious life of the people of Soc Trang. Buu Son Tu, also known as Clay Pagoda, is located at 286, Ton Duc Thang Street, Group 1, Ward 5, Soc Trang City, Soc Trang Province. Clay Pagoda is not famous for its external architecture or large scale in area, but it is a unique pagoda in Vietnam because thousands of artifacts inside are shaped from clay and made from clay. There are pairs of candles and giant incense sticks. According to the elders, Buu Son pagoda was previously just a small hermitage built around the beginning of the 19th century, built by Mr. Ngo Kim Tay for the purpose of practicing at home. At first, the pagoda was made entirely of available natural materials such as bamboo, paintings, etc. It was not until the fourth abbot, Mr. Ngo Kim Tong (1909 - 1970), that the small temple was renovated and expanded. to have Buu Son throne like now. Buu Son pagoda has an area of ​​about 400m2 with traditional architecture of wooden columns and corrugated iron roof, but this ancient pagoda contains many unique cultural and artistic values. There are nearly 2,000 large and small Buddha statues, along with sacred animals and worship objects, molded by artist Ngo Kim Tong in clay for 42 years (from 1929 to 1970). Traveling to Soc Trang, visiting Clay Pagoda, everyone admires and admires the genius who used his lifelong determination and love for Buddhism to create this miraculous work. Mr. Ngo Kim Tong is the son of Mr. Ngo Kim Dinh. When he was young, he was often sick. In 1929, when he was 20 years old, he fell seriously ill and thought he would not survive. The family had no choice but to take Mr. Tong to a mountain temple in An Giang province for treatment and to pray to God and Buddha. While taking medicine and practicing meditation and calming down, he gradually got better. Mr. Ngo Kim Tong became a monk and returned to the temple to become the fourth generation abbot, an artist who did not go to sculpting or painting classes, did not study with a formal teacher, but only through folk contemplation created amazing works. Clay sculptures have extremely rare religious historical value. The raw materials used for making statues are mainly clay, dug by Mr. Tong from fields a few kilometers away from the pagoda, brought back to dry, then put in a mortar and pounded with a pestle until smooth, filtering out all impurities and roots. trees, grass roots, take fine soil and mix it with sawdust to make incense (incense powder) and acacia acacia to create a fragrant mixture. At that time, he just started shaping the statues. The statues were smooth and not cracked. In addition, he also researched and applied support methods for sculpting statues to meet high aesthetic requirements. He used wire mesh and wooden trees to build the ribs, then used mosquito net fabric to cover it and covered it with mixed materials to make the statue. , the exterior is covered with a layer of metallic paint and varnish. Not only with his skillful and talented hands, but also with his extremely rich imagination, hundreds of large and small statues were formed without duplication. Each statue has a different look, clearly showing the spirit on each face. It is also the result of the mind of a Buddha-oriented person, the diligence, diligence, and quietness that brings sweetness to life. Mr. Ngo Kim Tong also created other works, the most prominent of which is the Da Bao tower built in 1939 when he was only 30 years old, about 4 meters high and very sophisticatedly designed. The tower has 13 floors, each floor has 16 doors, each door has a Buddha statue, in total Da Bao tower has 208 doors, 208 Buddhas and around the tower there are 156 winding dragons flying into the sky. tall, protecting the tower. Bao Toa is the second unique building built in 1940, about 2 meters high. Above there is a lotus flower with 1000 petals in an octagonal shape, below there are 16 fairies standing as attendants. The base of the tower is shaped like 4 animals of the four sacred animals (unicorn, dragon, tortoise, phoenix) and 12 unique, lively and impressive fish transformed into dragons. Looking at this tower and lotus flower as a whole, visitors will immediately think of a talented sculptor who took advantage of Buddhist teachings to create statues that speak the Buddha's meaning. In the worship space above the ceiling, there is hanging a chandelier called "Luc Long Dang" also made of clay, consisting of three peaks with 6 curved dragons symbolizing the six provinces of the Southwest region, their tails bunched together. each other, heads sticking out in all directions. The dragon's body is made entirely of clay with many delicate details, so the weight is quite heavy. At the bottom of the lamp is an upside-down lotus that radiates its petals to the altar. The lotus petals are quite thin, but according to the passage of time, Luc Long Dang has not fallen or chipped at all. This is a rare artistic masterpiece and the last work of his life. Around the pagoda, contributing to guarding the system of Buddha statues, there are many animal statues also made of clay. The most prominent and sharpest is the pair of Kim Lans holding their heads high in front of the altar in the middle of the hall, holding pearls in their mouths. The feet resting on the ball look so majestic, plus the statues of Thanh Su, Bach Ho, Long Ma,... some are gentle and some are very majestic. Clay Pagoda is not only famous for its thousands of statues made of clay, but is also known to tourists for its four rather special pairs of giant candles. In the last years of his life, he temporarily stopped making statues and cast candles to erect them in the main halls of the temple. He bought pure, unadulterated wax from Saigon many times with his trusted disciples, chopped the wax into pieces, melted it, and then "cast" the lamp. Because these lamps were too large, Mr. Ngo Kim Tong could not find a suitable mold, so he used roofing iron to make the mold. Pour wax into a large pan and cook continuously for many days until the tube was full until noon. 2 meters high. After a month, the new pairs of candles were completely dry. When the mold was removed, these pairs of lamps naturally took on the wavy shape of corrugated iron sheets. After several months of continuously doing this, he was able to cast six large candles (3 pairs). ), each weighs 200 kg, each pair is estimated to burn continuously for more than 70 years and two small candles each weigh 100 kg. The pair of candles was lit on the full moon day of July 1970 since the day Mr. Ngo Kim Tong The tree has been burning continuously for more than 40 years and nearly 1/5 of the tree remains. The works made from clay created by Mr. Ngo Kim Tong more than 60 years ago are still intact over time. However, what all tourists and scientists cannot explain is that all of the most famous and strange works in the world were created by a monk. I just finished 3rd grade at the village school and don't know anything about the art of painting.

Soc Trang

From January to December

820 view

Chen Kieu Pagoda

Located in the Southern Khmer pagoda system in Soc Trang, Chen Kieu Pagoda is known as one of the pagodas with a "unique" architectural style that leaves a deep impression in the hearts of visitors. The outstanding feature of this temple is the walls. It is not evenly cemented, tiled or painted like other temples. The walls of this temple are covered with pieces of cups, plates, and ceramics that look very unique but extremely beautiful and aesthetically pleasing. Chen Kieu Pagoda, also known as Sa Lon Pagoda, is located in Dai Tam commune, My Xuyen district, Soc Trang province, located right on National Highway 1A, about 12 km from Soc Trang city, in the direction from Soc Trang city to Bac Lieu. The pagoda's Khmer name is Wath Sro Loun. For ease of pronunciation, the word Sro Loun is spelled Sa Lon. Sro Loun originates from the word Chro Luong - the name of a canal running along the village road that used to be near the pagoda, and that name is also used to name the pagoda. In 1815, Chen Kieu Pagoda began to be built with materials like leaves, wood, soil... like many other Khmer pagodas. During the war, under the devastation of bombs and bullets, the main hall of the pagoda was seriously damaged. In 1969, the pagoda was rebuilt according to today's architecture, including: Main hall, sala, stupa, place for prayer books, etc. During the construction process, due to lack of materials, the monks came up with an idea. The idea is to donate cups and plates from people in Phum and Soc to put on the wall. This idea not only saves construction costs but also creates impressive decorative motifs. Since then, the pagoda has also been known by the people by its second name: "Chen Kieu Pagoda". Khmer artisans cleverly took advantage of these cups and plates to decorate the walls and towers, creating a harmonious and impressive architectural work. New items are placed directly on the wall, or made into convenient fences surrounding hallways or stair handrails, while broken or chipped items are arranged and assembled into decorative patterns. fancy. The first impression when entering the temple is the three-entrance gate with three towers carved with vibrant patterns and colors in the traditional Cambodian Angkor style. Among the three towers, the middle tower stands out with a glass cage inside, enshrining a majestic sitting Buddha statue. Surrounding the pagoda is a fence decorated with the image of the dancing goddess Apsara, symbolizing peace and prosperity. On both sides of the entrance gate are two stone lion statues, facing the street as if protecting the temple. On the gate wall are the words Khmer and national language: "Sa Lon Pagoda (Chen Kieu)". Along the entrance to the pagoda are two rows of statues of the god Kayno (kerno), these are statues with the face of the fairy Apsara - symbolizing eternal beauty and the body of the god Garuda - symbolizing strength. The campus of Chen Kieu Pagoda is very large with many cool green trees, making visitors feel very comfortable. Like other Khmer pagodas, the roof of Chen Kieu Pagoda consists of 3 staggered roofs, the top roof being the smallest. At the edge of each roof layer there are decorative patterns, motifs, and traditional statues of Khmer culture, carrying the wish for peace and escape. The triangular roof is beautifully decorated like a colorful carpet exposed to the sky. The two ends of the knife on both sides are curved as if there is a spiritual communion with the savior of human souls, blessing and protecting sentient beings for peace and happiness. The most outstanding and impressive architecture on the facade of the main hall is the column heads decorated with the image of the winged goddess Kayno. These statues of the goddess Kayno are in a rising position to support the roof's fringe, creating a transition between the vertical direction of the columns and the horizontal direction of the roof. The main hall of the pagoda is spacious and airy, with 16 rows of large columns. Around the pillars are carved and embossed with images from Khmer cultural legends. On both sides of the wall are many paintings telling the story of Shakyamuni Buddha from birth until attainment of enlightenment. The walls and paintings are even more special when decorated and shaped with broken pieces of cups and plates. The worship space is a complex of 20 large and small Buddha statues, with many standing, lying, and sitting positions, arranged reasonably and artistically. The smoke of incense and the light of candles swaying with each gentle breeze make the already solemn temple even more solemn. In the middle of the courtyard of Chen Kieu Pagoda is a flagpole, with a vivid image of the Nagar snake spreading its 5 heads, referring to the legend of a snake spreading its head to protect the Buddha from the rain while he was meditating. The Nagar snake is an important decorative motif in Khmer Buddhist sculpture. The Khmer people of Soc Trang in particular and the South in general are influenced by Indian Buddhism, so Theravada Buddhism is the main religion that governs their spiritual life. That's why they only worship Shakyamuni Buddha, not other Bodhisattvas or Avalokiteshvara. Furthermore, Khmer people believe that their ancestors are snake mothers, so they worship snakes and snake images often appear in temples. Behind the pagoda is the Garden where Shakyamuni Buddha preached and entered Nirvana. This is an architectural complex consisting of many large and small Buddha statues, vividly simulating the process of birth, searching for truth, enlightenment until entering Nirvana of Buddha Shakyamuni. Chen Kieu Pagoda is a famous pagoda in Soc Trang, an indispensable spiritual pilgrimage site for the lives of people and the Khmer community. It is a sacred place for people to find peace and tranquility. Coming to Chen Kieu Pagoda, in addition to admiring the unique architecture of the pagoda, visitors also have the opportunity to learn about the culture of the Khmer people. For those who love to explore or check-in with ancient architectural works, this is an ideal place. Every corner of the temple can become an artistic background for thousands of likes, guaranteed to surprise many people when posted.

Soc Trang

From January to December

799 view

My Phuoc Island

My Phuoc Islet with its fresh, cool climate, green trees, lush fruit in all four seasons, charming poetic scenery, generous, gentle, hospitable people... has become a green Soc Trang tourist destination. Attractive, attracting a large number of domestic and foreign tourists to visit, experience and relax. My Phuoc Islet, also known as Cong Dien Islet or Mud Dune, is located near the downstream end, down the Hau River, in the West - North, East - South direction, between the banks of the two provinces of Soc Trang and Tra Vinh, in the hamlet My Phuoc, Nhon My commune, Ke Sach district, Soc Trang province. The tip of the dune faces Hau Giang, Can Tho, the tail of the dune faces the East Sea, adjacent to Cu Lao Dung district, about 1km from the beginning of the island, about 40km from the East coast, about 25km from Soc Trang city center. If viewed from above, My Phuoc dune has an oval shape like the shape of a canoe or a cana fruit, the two ends are concave, the middle is bulging, the widest part is the section across the middle of the dune body. , diameter about 600m. My Phuoc Islet is about 5km long, with a natural area of ​​more than 1,020 hectares, of which over 300 hectares of fruit trees are located, and currently has 540 households with more than 1,280 residents. According to the old people here, My Phuoc island was formed about 150 years ago. At first, the surface of the dune was very low, on the dune there were only mud flats, weeds, vines, some miscellaneous plants, mostly cork trees, and some wild animals and birds living. From the initial upland cultivation, people began to grow common fruit trees such as bananas, coconuts, citrus, grapefruit, sabo... and then developed other specialty orchards such as mangos, Longan, rambutan, durian, mangosteen... Perhaps because it is suitable for the soil and climate conditions, the fruits here grow very well, have a richer flavor, are more delicious and nutritious than other regions. other land. Traveling to Soc Trang to visit My Phuoc Island with its vast space and poetic rivers, you will definitely feel the cool breeze on the year-round roads lined with fruit trees. In addition, you can also participate in exciting entertainment activities such as visiting the garden, picking fruit yourself; cast nets, set nets to catch fish, pick vegetables; rowing canoes to collect cork, catching goby fish, diatoms, and catching chem carp; Fishing, bathing in the river... or making folk cakes, listening to Southern amateur music with rustic and lyrical "homegrown" folk songs, discovering rustic dishes with alcohol-based flavors such as snakehead fish boiled with wort, sour fish soup cooked with cork, snails boiled in coconut water dipped in rice... thereby understanding more about the lives of gardeners.

Soc Trang

From January to December

778 view

Lung Ngoc Hoang Nature Reserve

Lung Ngoc Hoang Nature Reserve is located in Phung Hiep district, Hau Giang province, about 40km from Vi Thanh city. With a total area of ​​over 2,800 hectares stretching from the west of the Hau River to the U Minh region, not only is it known as the "green lung" of the Mekong Delta, Lung Ngoc Hoang is also a place to preserve biodiversity. The most unique in the country today. In the local language, "lung" is a wild, swampy area of ​​land. Lung Ngoc Hoang roughly explains it as "God's flooded lowland". According to folk legend, in the past, there were many herds of elephants (statues) moving and looking for food from one place to another. The herds of elephants caused land subsidence and landslides, forming valleys, pools, ditches, ponds, etc. creek. From time to time, the Jade Emperor descended to earth to visit here, so gradually this lung was named Lung Ngoc Hoang! Lung Ngoc Hoang is a wetland full of wildness and mystery, having existed for a long time. In the past, this place was known as the "dead land", flooded all year round, and weeds grew towering. If you get lost in this area, it is difficult to find the way out, due to the vast terrain and tangled vines, wild and deserted. According to the book "Can Tho Geography" (2003), about 120 years ago, someone came to exploit Lung Ngoc Hoang. Before 1945, there were many landowners who hired people with broken land to farm and exploit fish. Later, due to the war, Lung Ngoc Hoang was abandoned and became a revolutionary base during the two resistance wars against the French and Americans. Previously, this area was assigned to Phuong Ninh Forest Enterprise to invest in planting melaleuca trees, exploiting aquatic resources and protecting the environment. By 2002, Lung Ngoc Hoang Nature Reserve was officially established to become the most prominent destination of Hau Giang tourism. This place is known as a wetland and is home to hundreds of rare species of animals and plants, with hundreds of thousands of melaleuca trees growing nearly ten meters high one after another. Researchers said that the Lung Ngoc Hoang nature reserve has over 330 plant species with 224 genera and 92 families. Among these, there are 56 newly discovered species. Lung Ngoc Hoang is a diverse biological area with many flora of different wetland ecosystems. These are species of vine growing under the roots or on the stems of Melaleuca, reeds, reeds, buong bong... There are also quite a lot of terrestrial species such as cassava, hairy, mua, gaa...etc. Lung Ngoc Hoang also gathers many rare animal species, including species listed in Vietnam and the world's red books such as hairy-nosed otters, turtles, cobras... With a system of rich and wild valleys. Combined with strictly protected Melaleuca forests, Lung Ngoc Hoang is a suitable place for countless species of amphibians, fish and shrimp to live. This place was once considered the fish's navel of the area west of the Hau River. To visit and explore the Melaleuca forest, you have to buy a ticket to rent bamboo sticks (also known as loin shells). Entering Lung Ngoc Hoang, visitors will feel like they are lost in a fairy-tale sky, peaceful and full of wilderness like Lung Sen, Lung Tran, Lung Chuoi Nuoc. Coming to Lung Ngoc Hoang, you will have the opportunity to take a canoe through the cool melaleuca forest, see firsthand the huge cajuput trees, spreading their roots like a unique dress... Visitors will encounter desolate fields as far as the horizon with flocks of teal and white storks fluttering their wings. The deeper you go, the wilder and more poetic the scenery becomes. More interestingly, you can go fishing and be guided in how to draw, cast, catch fish... just like a farmer. From the 21m high observation tower located in the center of Ngoc Hoang lung, visitors can see the panoramic view of the endless melaleuca forest, the surrounding canals... bringing a refreshing feeling when immersed in the surrounding green nature. cool, fresh. You can go to the restaurant area with small leaf huts to enjoy delicious and attractive dishes such as: grilled snakehead fish, boiled eel, kitchen duck, boneless fish, famous specialties of Hau Giang. A meal with a strong Western flavor and a very rustic feel amidst the romantic scenery of this forest will surely be an unforgettable experience for visitors.

Hau Giang

From January to December

793 view

Long My cultural and historical area

From the center of Long My town, follow the inter-commune road through Thuan Hung and Xa Phien to Luong Tam commune, where Uncle Ho's temple remains. The monument was built on the northern land where the intersection of the Long My II and Nam Can canals intersect; 21 km from Long My town; located about 28km from Vi Thanh town, 78km southwest of Can Tho city. Long My was the revolutionary base of Hau Giang province and the Southwest region during the two resistance wars against the French and the Americans. Coming to Long My, visitors will visit Uncle Ho's temple in Luong Tam commune, established by Long My Party Committee and soldiers and civilians in 1969 when Uncle Ho passed away. The temple has now been restored more spaciously with many fences and the main temple, on a 1 hectare land area. Every year on May 19 and September 2, a large number of tourists from inside and outside the province come here to visit and commemorate. In addition, Long My also has a "victory relic of 75 puppet battalions" in Vinh Vien commune, this is a project that helps visitors find the glorious past of their ancestors. In the relic area, there are also many play and entertainment areas that are being increasingly improved to attract more tourists to come here. Coming to Long My, in addition to visiting relics, tourists can also see storks and other unique birds typical of the southern river region. This is the most unique stork garden in Hau Giang province with tens of thousands of storks of all kinds and dozens of bird species...a place that still retains its original pristine features. You will feel your soul at extraordinary peace when you close your eyes and listen to the symphony of wild birds... Here, visitors can also enjoy freshly picked fruit from the garden and watch the sunlight. The afternoon glimmers through the trees with flocks of birds spreading their wings to fly back to their nests... Truly a peaceful place away from the noise and bustle of a city full of worries and chaos.

Hau Giang

From January to December

774 view

Nga Bay floating market

Floating markets are a typical cultural feature of the Mekong Delta. When talking about floating markets in the Mekong Delta, it is impossible not to mention Nga Bay - Phung Hiep floating market. Familiar images to tourists are boats filled with goods and tall trees to introduce the products being sold so that buyers can easily choose. Not only is it a unique cultural feature, the "soul of the river", Nga Bay floating market also retains the footsteps of its ancestors, demonstrating the cultural practices of its ancestors for nearly a century on the rich alluvial land. fat. Nga Bay floating market, also known as Phung Hiep floating market, was once famous for its history of more than a hundred years and the busiest trading atmosphere in the Mekong Delta. Nga Bay floating market was formed around 1915, after 10 years of digging canals here. The market is located right at the intersection of 7 rivers: Cai Con, Mang Ca, Bung Tau, Soc Trang, Xeo Mon, Lai Hieu, Xeo Vong. Many craft villages have been formed along the river such as boat building, weaving, farming... With the Nga Bay floating market, the gathering at 7 river branches has become a unique feature that is difficult to mix and will be an attractive mystery. Those who like to travel to the West should explore, because each branch of the river has a different unique craft village... This place has also entered poetry and music, making it even more captivating. In the South, there are many floating markets, but none is as "famous" as Nga Bay market in terms of scale, affluence as well as its reputation and status. In the past, the central area of ​​Nga Bay market had over 1,000 large and small boats; During peak Tet holidays, there may be more than 3,000 units; There are also hundreds of boats across. At night, oil lamps and vase lanterns float in the water waves all night long like a lantern festival, it's so exciting.. Nga Bay floating market usually opens in the early morning every day. From 5 to 8 am is the peak time for buying and selling fresh agricultural products. From then until the afternoon and evening, the market continues to operate. Goods at the floating market are extremely diverse, especially fruits. According to each season, looking at the bustling boats and boats full of fruit, visitors will know which fruit is the main crop. One point that creates an unforgettable impression is when the sun rises, which is also the time when cargo boats spread out in many directions. Visitors will feel the rich flavors of rustic dishes, sold on small boats: hot porridge, vermicelli, noodles... or sip a cup of coffee and listen to the story of "Love". Mr. Selling Mat" is extremely interesting. From early morning, when the sky was still covered with a thin mist, hundreds of boats of people bustled here like a festival. We can encounter many different colors and sounds creating a bustling, cheerful atmosphere... The bright red color of rambutan, the bright yellow color of mangoes and the sweet aroma of durian... fresh fruits are picked during the day in time for the early market. Looking from above, the whole river looks like a colorful shimmering silk strip. All are delicious Southwestern fruit specialties at very affordable prices. In particular, here there is no need to advertise or sell, each boat has a long tree hanging the items it sells, like a "living sign", buyers do not have to waste time searching. In addition, the market also has small boats selling food that skillfully weave their way through large boats. In 2002, Nga Bay floating market (Nga Bay town, Hau Giang) was moved to a location on Ba Ngan canal in Dai Thanh commune, about 3 km from the old location because the market was too busy and many vehicles were anchored. traffic safety, pollution... Since being moved to Ba Ngan canal, the market is no longer bustling and is gradually sinking into oblivion because of the scarcity of boats and boats, not meeting the sightseeing needs of tourists. The bustling image of buying and selling "on the wharf under the boat" in the past now only remains in the memories of the people here. To save the Nga Bay floating market and develop Hau Giang river and river tourism, in 2015 Hau Giang province invested in a road system, tourist wharf, power supply, lighting, and water supply and drainage systems. It is expected that after completion, Nga Bay floating market will be relocated to its old location to become a tourist highlight, not only for Nga Bay, but also for Hau Giang province.

Hau Giang

From January to December

714 view