Tourist destination

Long My cultural and historical area

From the center of Long My town, follow the inter-commune road through Thuan Hung and Xa Phien to Luong Tam commune, where Uncle Ho's temple remains. The monument was built on the northern land where the intersection of the Long My II and Nam Can canals intersect; 21 km from Long My town; located about 28km from Vi Thanh town, 78km southwest of Can Tho city. Long My was the revolutionary base of Hau Giang province and the Southwest region during the two resistance wars against the French and the Americans. Coming to Long My, visitors will visit Uncle Ho's temple in Luong Tam commune, established by Long My Party Committee and soldiers and civilians in 1969 when Uncle Ho passed away. The temple has now been restored more spaciously with many fences and the main temple, on a 1 hectare land area. Every year on May 19 and September 2, a large number of tourists from inside and outside the province come here to visit and commemorate. In addition, Long My also has a "victory relic of 75 puppet battalions" in Vinh Vien commune, this is a project that helps visitors find the glorious past of their ancestors. In the relic area, there are also many play and entertainment areas that are being increasingly improved to attract more tourists to come here. Coming to Long My, in addition to visiting relics, tourists can also see storks and other unique birds typical of the southern river region. This is the most unique stork garden in Hau Giang province with tens of thousands of storks of all kinds and dozens of bird species...a place that still retains its original pristine features. You will feel your soul at extraordinary peace when you close your eyes and listen to the symphony of wild birds... Here, visitors can also enjoy freshly picked fruit from the garden and watch the sunlight. The afternoon glimmers through the trees with flocks of birds spreading their wings to fly back to their nests... Truly a peaceful place away from the noise and bustle of a city full of worries and chaos.

Hau Giang

From January to December

777 view

Nga Bay floating market

Floating markets are a typical cultural feature of the Mekong Delta. When talking about floating markets in the Mekong Delta, it is impossible not to mention Nga Bay - Phung Hiep floating market. Familiar images to tourists are boats filled with goods and tall trees to introduce the products being sold so that buyers can easily choose. Not only is it a unique cultural feature, the "soul of the river", Nga Bay floating market also retains the footsteps of its ancestors, demonstrating the cultural practices of its ancestors for nearly a century on the rich alluvial land. fat. Nga Bay floating market, also known as Phung Hiep floating market, was once famous for its history of more than a hundred years and the busiest trading atmosphere in the Mekong Delta. Nga Bay floating market was formed around 1915, after 10 years of digging canals here. The market is located right at the intersection of 7 rivers: Cai Con, Mang Ca, Bung Tau, Soc Trang, Xeo Mon, Lai Hieu, Xeo Vong. Many craft villages have been formed along the river such as boat building, weaving, farming... With the Nga Bay floating market, the gathering at 7 river branches has become a unique feature that is difficult to mix and will be an attractive mystery. Those who like to travel to the West should explore, because each branch of the river has a different unique craft village... This place has also entered poetry and music, making it even more captivating. In the South, there are many floating markets, but none is as "famous" as Nga Bay market in terms of scale, affluence as well as its reputation and status. In the past, the central area of ​​Nga Bay market had over 1,000 large and small boats; During peak Tet holidays, there may be more than 3,000 units; There are also hundreds of boats across. At night, oil lamps and vase lanterns float in the water waves all night long like a lantern festival, it's so exciting.. Nga Bay floating market usually opens in the early morning every day. From 5 to 8 am is the peak time for buying and selling fresh agricultural products. From then until the afternoon and evening, the market continues to operate. Goods at the floating market are extremely diverse, especially fruits. According to each season, looking at the bustling boats and boats full of fruit, visitors will know which fruit is the main crop. One point that creates an unforgettable impression is when the sun rises, which is also the time when cargo boats spread out in many directions. Visitors will feel the rich flavors of rustic dishes, sold on small boats: hot porridge, vermicelli, noodles... or sip a cup of coffee and listen to the story of "Love". Mr. Selling Mat" is extremely interesting. From early morning, when the sky was still covered with a thin mist, hundreds of boats of people bustled here like a festival. We can encounter many different colors and sounds creating a bustling, cheerful atmosphere... The bright red color of rambutan, the bright yellow color of mangoes and the sweet aroma of durian... fresh fruits are picked during the day in time for the early market. Looking from above, the whole river looks like a colorful shimmering silk strip. All are delicious Southwestern fruit specialties at very affordable prices. In particular, here there is no need to advertise or sell, each boat has a long tree hanging the items it sells, like a "living sign", buyers do not have to waste time searching. In addition, the market also has small boats selling food that skillfully weave their way through large boats. In 2002, Nga Bay floating market (Nga Bay town, Hau Giang) was moved to a location on Ba Ngan canal in Dai Thanh commune, about 3 km from the old location because the market was too busy and many vehicles were anchored. traffic safety, pollution... Since being moved to Ba Ngan canal, the market is no longer bustling and is gradually sinking into oblivion because of the scarcity of boats and boats, not meeting the sightseeing needs of tourists. The bustling image of buying and selling "on the wharf under the boat" in the past now only remains in the memories of the people here. To save the Nga Bay floating market and develop Hau Giang river and river tourism, in 2015 Hau Giang province invested in a road system, tourist wharf, power supply, lighting, and water supply and drainage systems. It is expected that after completion, Nga Bay floating market will be relocated to its old location to become a tourist highlight, not only for Nga Bay, but also for Hau Giang province.

Hau Giang

From January to December

719 view

U Minh Thuong forest tourist area

U Minh Thuong National Park is one of three key areas of the Kien Giang world biosphere reserve that possesses the highest biodiversity value in the Mekong Delta region. Along with implementing many local solutions, Kien Giang province promotes international cooperation to improve the effectiveness of ecosystem protection and restoration in this area. U Minh Thuong National Park is recognized as the 2,228th Ramsar Site in the world and the 8th in Vietnam, formed and concentrated in the west of Ca Mau peninsula, adjacent to the mangrove forest range along the Gulf of Thailand. , U Minh Thuong is a special type of alum flooded forest in Vietnam, and is even recognized in the list of unique and rare forest types in the world. According to research by functional agencies, in the alum forest ecosystem of the Mekong Delta, only the forest flora of the core area of ​​U Minh Thuong National Park has the characteristics of primeval peak forests. born. These are mixed melaleuca forests and melaleuca forests on peat land, with an area of ​​nearly 3,000 hectares. This was also the base of the revolution during the resistance period. With this characteristic, U Minh Thuong National Park is one of the two most important areas of peat swamp forest remaining in Vietnam. On the peat remains the natural landscape of the ancient U Minh forest with ancient cajuput trees and the red water stream of the U Minh region. The melaleuca forest ecosystem on peatland has become an ecosystem of special importance, nurturing and sheltering hundreds of species of wildlife. U Minh Thuong possesses the most biodiversity of species. Plants in the Mekong Delta, besides the growth of Melaleuca trees, there are more than 254 species belonging to 84 families, with many endemic species such as ground orchids, duckweed, ferns... In U Minh Thuong there are 72 Rare and precious animal and plant species are recorded in the Vietnam Red Book. Over the past years, Kien Giang province has made great efforts in implementing the process of preserving and restoring natural resources in peatlands, ensuring the naturalness, wildness and integrity of the ecological system. , the diversity and outstanding value of the population in U Minh Thuong National Park. Recently, with the aim of restoring and protecting the integrity of the melaleuca forest ecosystem on typical peatland of the Mekong Delta and of Vietnam to adapt to climate change. Improving agricultural - forestry - fishery production capacity for buffer zone communities to reduce pressure on the conservation of forest and wetland resources of the National Park, Kien Giang Provincial People's Committee approved aid from the Swiss International Organization for Nature Conservation in Vietnam to implement the project to restore the ecosystem integrity of U Minh Thuong National Park. Accordingly, the project aims to restore the integrity of the wetland ecosystem in U Minh Thuong National Park through planting and restoring 280 hectares of melaleuca forest on burned and degraded peatland, increasing canopy cover. Forest cover of U Minh Thuong National Park increased by 3.48%. Improved livelihoods for 900 buffer zone community households in U Minh Thuong National Park through applying better management practices and diversifying agricultural, forestry and fishery products. The aid met the maximum results of planting 280 hectares of special-use forests with native species that grow well on heavily burned peatland in the core area of ​​U Minh Thuong National Park, contributing to the Government's 01 billion trees. In addition, the project aims to achieve at least 20% of households in the buffer zone whose income is likely to increase by 10-15% thanks to the application of better management practices and product diversification in production. Agriculture, Forestry and fishery. The project benefits 900 households in 2 communes An Minh Bac and Minh Thuan, U Minh Thuong district. Implemented in 05 years, with total non-refundable aid capital of over 6 billion 529 million VND.

Kien Giang

From September to November

837 view

Rach Gia

Rach Gia is located in the Southwest region so it has a humid tropical monsoon climate, with two rainy and sunny seasons a year. From January to June every year is the most ideal time to travel to Rach Gia. At this time, the weather in Rach Gia is beautiful and sunny, no rain, so sightseeing and entertainment are not interrupted. During the rest of the year, Rach Gia's weather is often unstable, with lots of rain and rough seas, which will affect sightseeing, especially fun activities at sea. During this time, seafood in Rach Gia is not much and is often quite expensive. Therefore, to have a complete trip to Rach Gia, you should avoid choosing this time! Depending on your travel needs and travel time, you can choose the most suitable means of transportation to Rach Gia. Passenger cars: Phuong Trang, Kumho Samco, Tuyet Hon, Hoang Minh, Gia Hue... are bus companies that operate buses from Ho Chi Minh City to Rach Gia bus station and vice versa. Ticket prices range from 120,000 VND - 200,000 VND/person/turn. Guests from Hanoi to Rach Gia can travel by plane or train to Ho Chi Minh City and then take a bus to Rach Gia. Airplane: Currently, only Vietnam Airlines operates flights from Ho Chi Minh City to Rach Gia airport, so ticket prices are often quite expensive and there are few price promotion programs for this flight. Airfare from Ho Chi Minh City to Rach Gia is about 1,200,000 VND/trip. If you live near Rach Gia, or like to travel freely and stop at many places to explore, you can choose a motorbike as your means of transportation. Choosing this means of transportation will help you save money on travel and be more convenient in sightseeing and moving. Rach Gia is the central city of Kien Giang province, so it will not be difficult for you to find a suitable place to stay. In Rach Gia, there are many types of hotels, from high-end hotels suitable for relaxation to affordable hotels and motels. Some hotels in Rach Gia for your reference include: Hoa Binh Rach Gia resort (room price from 1,000,000 VND - 1,550,000 VND/room/day), Saigon Rach Gia hotel (room price from 1,200,000 VND - 1,500 VND) 000 VND/room/day), Kim Co 1 hotel (room price from 350,000 VND - 400,000 VND/room/day), Ngoc Tran hotel (room price from 350,000 VND/room/day)... Rach Gia is a fairly developed city in the Southwest region and is considered to have great potential for tourism. Not only does it have historical and spiritual tourist attractions, Rach Gia also has marine tourism that is being exploited to meet the increasing tourism needs of tourists. Some impressive Rach Gia tourist destinations that you can visit include: sea reclamation urban area, Rach Gia pier, Nguyen Trung Truc temple, Tam Bao pagoda, Tam Quan gate, An Hoa cultural park, Rach Gia market.... If possible, after a cheap trip to explore Rach Gia city, you can rent a boat to Nam Du island, one of the famous tourist islands recently and loved by many young people. Nam Du Island attracts tourists thanks to its blue sea, white sand, pristine and very attractive beaches. Coming to Rach Gia, how can we forget to enjoy the famous specialties of this land. Bun trumpet and fish noodles are the two most famous dishes here. In addition, don't forget to enjoy Rach Gia's most delicious snacks such as: Siamese sticky rice, pandan leaf cake, clam salad, seafood dishes. ... Rach Gia has a gentle, simple beauty of the Southern region. The beautiful scenes here not only bring many emotions to you but also help you take sparkling beautiful photos. Any! Don't wait any longer and plan a trip to Rach Gia to explore the peaceful beauty of the Southwest region.

Kien Giang

From January to June

940 view

Phu Tu Island

Hon Phu Tu has been present on Ha Tien land (now in Binh An commune, Kien Luong district) since the mountain creation period, countless millions of years ago. The island has beautified the Ha Tien sea area with many charms. Legends and associated with this land are unforgettable historical events. Looking up historical documents, in the history books of the Nguyen Dynasty, we do not see the name Hon mentioned, only Ho Lo Mountain (Ho Lo Son), Ho Lo Cave (Ho Lo Coc) and Hon Chong (Kich Son). . It can be confirmed that Ho Lo cave is the cave where today Hai Son pagoda (Hai Son pagoda) is located, often called Hang Pagoda, and Hon Chong has been clearly located. According to the Southern Geographical Records kept at the Han Nom Institute (copy number A938), it is recorded: (Ho Lo mountain in the eastern province is forty-eight li, Chu Nhi Ly, Phong Loan Tuan Tieu, Lava Coc Tieu Bu Moc. Ha invades the coastal sea, ruins of Lang Tang, boats are inconvenient to enter and exit. Foreign country Tieu Du, Ba Dao attacked, responded like lightning). Roughly translated: Mount Ho Lo is located 48 miles east of the provincial capital, the peak is towering, the cave has no trees, the foot of the mountain is out to the sea, reefs, sand and rocks are towering, boats are not convenient to get in and out, there are There are many small islands where the waves crash creating a sound like thunder. The above passage shows us some of the scenery of the Phu Tu Island area. According to folk legend combined with historical records, when the Siamese court had a change, the two princes of Siam came to rely on the protection of Mac Thien Tich. He let these two princes reside here, after Then, when they returned to their country, these two were grateful so they donated two very large Buddha statues placed in the cave. These two Buddha statues still exist today. In the early years of the French colonial occupation of three southwestern provinces, hero Nguyen Trung Truc gathered insurgent troops stationed in this area, forming a military camp that people still call Ba Trai today. Here, a general named Kien (or Kien) killed his beloved concubine because she prevented him from joining the insurgent army. Afterwards, Nguyen Trung Truc's insurgent army proceeded to destroy Kien Giang station. During the years of French colonial rule, Hon Chong was a district where the colonial government established a port to export goods to Ha Tien province. Phu Tu Island and Cave Pagoda are quite famous tourist resorts for Cochinchina people. The reputation of Phu Tu Island started from there. After 1945, Binh An commune was the resistance base of Ha Tien province. During the resistance war against America, the mountain next to Phu Tu island (Ho Lo Son) took place many fierce battles between the Revolutionary army and the Saigon army. After the complete liberation of the South, Hon Phu Tu and Hang Pagoda attracted more and more tourists to visit the sights and the Ministry of Culture recognized the scenic cluster of Hon Phu Tu, Hang Pagoda and Hon Trem as a class-level scenic relic. nation. Binh An commune currently has a fairly complete infrastructure investment, creating favorable conditions for the tourism industry to develop. There are two notable legends passed down from ancient times about Hon Phu Tu: Legend has it that in the past, there were many bird nests in this area. A father and son from the Central region came here to take out their nests. One day, the father went to the island to remove the bird's nest and was entangled by a python. The heartbroken son went out to fight the snake to save his father, but was also killed by the python. People here bring out trees and burn them to kill snakes. There is a legend that once upon a time there was a big storm, two bodies, one old, one young, drifted to the island and were brought in by people to bury. From the above legends, the island was named Hon Phu Tu. We know that in addition to Viet Bac there is To Thi, in the Central region there is Hon Vong Phu and in this land at the end of the South there is Hon Phu Tu. Is it true that Vietnamese culture has proven the unity from North to South of our country, the fidelity of a wife waiting for her husband, and the hardship of those who make a living? Since the country's reunification, some people have fictionalized and created stories about a princess, a love affair... to attract tourists. Even though it is a later fictional story, it has been told by many people and listeners, so it blends into ancient legends, enriching the story of this scenic area.

Kien Giang

December to April

820 view

Hon Son Island

Located between Hon Tre and Nam Du archipelago is Hon Son island with an area of ​​11.5 km2. To date, Hon Son has more than 2,012 households with 8,120 people coming to settle down. Belongs to Lai Son commune, Kien Hai district, Kien Giang province; about 65 km west of Rach Gia city. Here, in addition to fishing villages and fruit orchards, which account for about 20% of the area, the rest is primeval forest with a few old trees, many small trees and vines. Animals mainly include monkeys, squirrels, birds, a few monitor lizards and pythons... According to the old people on the island, Hon Son has another name, Hon Son Rai, because this island used to have many otters living. People on the island have always lived mainly from fishing, in addition to handicrafts such as shipbuilding, processing shrimp, fish, dried squid... But the profession that once made this island famous everywhere was making fish sauce. However, in the past few years, because the source of anchovies around the island, which used to be abundant, has now dried up, a number of fish sauce production facilities have stopped operating. With natural, charming and beautiful beaches reflecting in the vast ocean, Hon Son appears like a sparkling pearl of color; Covered by endless coconut groves running along the coast, it has a wild look, with no trace of exploration; Paved with large, flat stones, standing tall in the middle of nature, it looks majestic and poetic. The most beautiful beach is Bai Bang, bending like a bow with clear blue water, along with rows of coconut trees swaying in the sea breeze. Coming to Hon Son, visitors can swim, enjoy fresh products from the sea, and immerse themselves in the coolness of the sea breeze. On the island there are also places of worship such as Lai Son Temple, Ba Co Chu Temple, Cao Dai Temple, Hai Son Pagoda... all located in Bai Nha hamlet. Hon Son has 7 peaks connected to each other. The peaks all have legends associated with their names, but Ma Thien Lanh is the most famous peak. Not only is it the highest at an altitude of about 450 m above sea level, this mountain peak is also associated with poetic fairy tales and colorful "today" stories of "swordplay" that are loved by people. Islanders spread word of mouth. According to ancient legend, on top of Ma Thien Lanh there is a flat rock, with a beautiful surrounding landscape, so many fairies often come down to have fun, called San Tien, which is a testament to that story. Today, when people come here to explore, after hundreds of years, occasionally there are monks and sad people who come to San Tien to practice meditation. They retreated in a cave with the words "Mai Duong Sword Dharma" engraved. The lives, personalities and behavior of these people are passed down by word of mouth with half-true, half-fictional stories. To conquer Ma Thien Lanh peak, you must start from the center of Bai Nha along thousands of steps located among banana fields, custard apple and mango gardens and patches of primeval forest. About 2 km from Bai Nha, there is a Buddha statue called Lo Thien Buddha by the people here. Go about 400 m further and you will see Pho Tinh Pagoda located in the middle of the mountains and forests. San Tien is about 2 km away. Here, many traces of "mutants" are preserved on the rocks such as names, ages, dates of arrival, dates of departure, years of practice... After conquering Ma Thien Lanh peak, Hon Son also has 5 beaches and 1 pristine rocky rapids, of which Bai Bang has the most beautiful scenery, many leaning coconut trees shading a part of the white sand beach about 1 meter long. km, deserted and calm beach. This is the most suitable place for you to swim. Not only does it have lyrical scenery, this is also a very clean beach. In particular, here there is also Tien stream with clear water flowing from the top of Ma Thien Lanh right down to Bai Bang to make fresh water for you to bathe in after struggling with the ocean waves. To get to Hon Son, visitors can take a high-speed train with a journey of 1 hour and 45 minutes. If you take a regular passenger train, it takes 4 hours.

Kien Giang

November to April

926 view

Pirate Island

The Pirate Islands have 18 islands, including 16 large and small islands and 2 sunken islands. The name "Pirates" has aroused curiosity, unintentionally creating a unique feature, attracting tourists to visit, travel and learn about this archipelago. From afar, the Pirate Islands appear like a poetic and prosperous picture. When the ship docked at Hon Doc island, the center of Tien Hai island commune, the peaceful scene became even clearer. Below the port, there are many fishing boats anchored. Right at the wharf is the commune People's Committee headquarters, medical station, border guard station, school, clean water supply plant, and spaciously built market. According to the introduction, the difference in this archipelago compared to other islands and islands in the Southwest Sea is that it has been connected to the national grid since 2019 to serve daily life and economic development. Coming to Hon Doc island, the first point that tourists often look for is the sovereignty landmark on the island, located on the beach, along the road from the port, turn right to Rada Station 625. The Pirate Islands include the following islands: Hon Keo Ngua, Kien Vang Islet, Tre Lon Islet, Tre Vinh Islet, Gui Islet, U Islet, Giong Islet, Cho Ro Islet, Duoc Islet, Bo Dap Islet, Doi Moi Islet. For a long time, the sovereignty stele has become the pride of islanders and a destination for tourists when coming to Hon Doc. Going around the island, what we saw was completely different from our imagination of the Pirate Islands - where, according to the story, this is where pirates used to hide. People's lives on the island are calm and peaceful... According to recorded history of Ha Tien, in the 17th century, Governor Mac Thien Tich repeatedly ordered his generals to suppress pirates here and the name Pirate Islands appeared from there. A few members of the indigenous pirates still left traces on Tien Hai island. Explaining the name "Pirate", Mr. Nguyen Thanh Ngoc, about 70 years old, living in the Bai Nom area, said: "I have lived on the island for 40 years. In the past, I heard from the elders that the name Pirate Island was born in connection with the appearance of a pirate gang called "Black Sails" operating in this sea. They use deserted islands in the Gulf of Siam as hidden lairs. From here, pirates suddenly appeared and attacked quickly, leaving merchant ships traveling in the area unable to react in time. The money and gold they stole were brought to the island for storage. The name "Pirate" has been known since then. After the revolutionary government took over, security and defense of the vast island and sea area were maintained, residents on the island and ships operating in these waters were peaceful. Currently, Tien Hai island commune has about 480 households living with over 1,900 people scattered on the islands: Hon Tre, Hon Giang, Hon U, Hon Doi Moi but most concentrated in Hon Doc and Hon Tre Lon. Along with the Party Committee and government, on the island there are also armed forces, such as: Rada Station 625 of Battalion 551, Naval Region 5; Border guard station 738 belongs to the Border Guard of Kien Giang province. People on the island make a living thanks to the golden sea that bestows many types of seafood with high economic value, such as fish, shrimp, crabs, squid... In particular, in January 2018, the People's Committee of Kien Giang province decided to recognize this archipelago as a local tourist area, creating more favorable conditions for Tien Hai commune to awaken its potential, develop tourism, and invite attraction. investment and cultural exchange, increase income, and raise the intellectual level of people on the island. Mr. Nguyen Hong Phuc, Chairman of the People's Committee of Tien Hai island commune (Ha Tien city, Kien Giang province), said: "In 2019, the economic value from the commune's aquaculture and fishing resources reached 67 billion VND. The total number of tourists in the year reached more than 71,000, thereby bringing in revenue of more than 31.5 billion VND, an increase of 14.9% compared to 2018. This is one of the important contributing areas to the revenue of the trade, service and tourism industry in 2019, reaching more than 116 billion VND. People at the front of the storm still face many difficulties and their spiritual life is still lacking. With the motto "The station is home, the border is the homeland, the people are blood brothers", in addition to the task of maintaining island security, Tien Hai Border Guard Station and Rada Station 625 have done a very good job. civil mobilization. The island's soldiers, together with the local government, took care of the material and spiritual lives of the people with many activities such as campaigning to build houses in solidarity, and providing financial support to poor students in the program "Step Up". children go to school", free medical examination and treatment for people, rice support when households encounter natural disasters or hunger...

Kien Giang

November to April

807 view

Ba Lua Islands

Located in the waters of Kien Luong district (Kien Giang province), Ba Lua archipelago is a scenic spot still imbued with wild beauty and is considered "Southern Ha Long". According to the remaining traces, the Ba Lua archipelago is the last part of the Ta Lon mountain range that subsided following the movement of the earth's crust during the orogeny period hundreds of millions of years ago. Spreading over an area of ​​about 70km², Ba Lua archipelago includes more than 40 large and small islands such as: Mot island, Lo Coc island, Da Lag island, Heo island, Da Bac island, Dam Duong island, Dam Duoc island, Dam Gieng island, Re Lon island, Re Nho island, Nhum Ba island, Ngang island..., in which, 3 Dam islands are Dam Duong, Dam Duoc and Dam Gieng located quite close to each other, forming a triangle. With an area of ​​about 6 hectares, Dam Duong island is surrounded by strips of fine white sand. Since 2006, a part of the island has been invested in planting many types of fruit trees such as sapodilla, longan, mango, jackfruit, coconut... to form a "garden island". Coming to Dam Duong, visitors will have the opportunity to relax, admire the sea view, and enjoy a variety of fresh seafood. Located about 300m southwest of Dam Duong island, Dam Duoc island has an area of ​​12 hectares, where thousands of mangrove trees grow and develop. That's why the island is called Dam Duoc. Unlike Dam Duong island with lots of white sand, Dam Duoc island has many red pebbles lying all over the island. Along the island's shore, there are bamboo huts with hammocks for tourists to rest and enjoy the cool air. Here, visitors can also enjoy attractive culinary dishes such as sour-cooked cobia, braised cobia with bacon, grouper cooked with porridge, boiled stone crab, grilled crab... Although there has not been investment in tourism services like Dam Duong and Dam Duoc islands, Dam Gieng island (about 100m northwest of Dam Duong) still attracts tourists because of its pristine natural beauty and sandy beaches. , long gravel beach. The reason the island is called Dam Gieng is because on the island there is a freshwater well full of water all year round. Coming to Dam Gieng, visitors can set up their own tents to rest, admire the island, light a campfire to socialize in the evening... Besides the pristine natural beauty, 3 Hon Dams also have the unique feature of being located in shallow seas (water only up to the waist of adults). Therefore, visitors do not need to use a boat but just wade through the water to go from one island to the other. Wading a few hundred meters in the blue sea with the sound of breaking waves will be an unforgettable adventure experience for visitors. Low tide is the ideal time for tourists to wade through the water to admire the sea and catch seafood such as crabs, fish, oysters, snails... From Kien Luong tourist wharf (Binh An commune, Kien Luong district) or Ba Hon wharf (Kien Luong town, Kien Luong district), visitors take about 45 minutes by train to reach 3 Hon Dam.

Kien Giang

November to April

834 view

Nam Du Islands

Located in the southeast of Phu Quoc island, Nam Du archipelago belongs to An Son and Nam Du communes, Kien Hai district, Kien Giang province, about 60km from the mainland. Nam Du has an area of ​​about 1,054 hectares, including 21 large and small islands, of which 11 are inhabited. Possessing a pristine, charming beauty with blue sea, white sand, golden sunshine, coral reefs, schools of colorful fish and a variety of fresh seafood, Nam Du is likened to a miniature Ha Long Bay in the heart of the city. Southern sea, bringing visitors interesting experiences. Hon Lon is the largest island in the Nam Du archipelago, with an area of ​​771 hectares with many beautiful beaches such as: Dat Do beach, Cay Men beach, Ngu beach, Gieng beach... along with rows of green coconut trees, some with up to 70 - 80 trees. five years old. This is an ideal place for tourists to swim, scuba dive to see coral or catch fish and snails on coastal rocks. Coming to Hon Lon, backpackers can rent motorbikes to drive around the unique road along the island. On one side of the road is a steep cliff, on the other side is a jade blue sea, in the distance there are small islands and boats offshore, creating a poetic and charming picture of mountains and water. Visitors can also go to the lighthouse located at an altitude of 296m above sea level to visit the radar station and get a panoramic view of the Nam Du archipelago. From City. Rach Gia, every day there is a high-speed train that takes tourists to Hon Lon at 8:15 a.m. and returns to Rach Gia at 12:15 p.m. From Hon Lon, visitors take about 30 minutes by boat to cross Hon Ngang - the richest and most populous island in the Nam Du archipelago with 900 households, most of whom make a living by exploiting seafood and raising grouper and cobia. in cages. Hon Ngang has the largest seaport in Nam Du, gathering many fishing boats anchored. Coming here, in addition to having the opportunity to bathe in the cool blue sea water, visitors can also admire the towering rows of coconut trees and craggy rapids with many strange, unique, and colorful rocks. Thousand shapes lie on top of each other. Tourists should not miss the opportunity to rent boats to go to the sea to visit fish cages, walk around coastal fishing villages to learn about the lives of fishermen, and enjoy seafood such as squid cooked in porridge, shrimp porridge. grilled with onion fat, stir-fried green catfish with onions, grilled imitation fish with banana skins and many delicious oasis species. In particular, at night, looking from Ngang island to Lon island, visitors will see clusters of sparkling lights, adding to the mystery of the offshore island. On Ngang island, there is also Ba Chua Xu temple, built quite solidly. More than 2km southeast of Hon Ngang is Hon Mau with an area of ​​200 hectares with more than 120 households living. This is an island with a lot of potential for developing resort tourism with beautiful beaches named after the windy season such as Chuong beach with long stretches of white sand and blue sea water; Bac beach (also known as Da Den beach) is attractive with many beautiful rocks, many colors and diverse patterns; South beach has calm waves and calm winds all year round, a place for commercial exchanges and mooring of ships; Nom beach is charming with shady rows of green coconut trees... However, what makes a strong impression on visitors is the gentleness and friendliness of the people on the island. Coming to Hon Mau, visitors can pick their own coconuts to enjoy cool sips of water; personally remove fish caught in nets after a trip to the beach; Cook lunch together or roam around the fishing village to learn about the life and culture of the people here. Tourists will also be led by the fishing village people to visit the place where the giant fish weighing hundreds of tons is worshiped with sacred and mysterious stories. In the evening, visitors can join the locals to light a fire to grill seafood on the rocks along the beach. The journey to explore the Nam Du archipelago will not be complete if visitors miss the opportunity to visit Hon Dau - a small island with only a few households living but with wild beauty, a beach with golden sand and rows of sand. Soaring green coconut trees and fresh air. Not only do they have the opportunity to swim, coming to Dau Island, visitors also have the opportunity to explore the world of magical colorful corals and countless species of fish hidden under the clear blue sea water. There is also primeval forest covering about 90% of the island area. Hon Dau is an ideal place to organize overnight camping and enjoy grilled seafood.

Kien Giang

November to April

787 view

Phu Quoc island

Phu Quoc archipelago is located in the Gulf of Thailand, about 400 km west of Ho Chi Minh City. This place attracts domestic and foreign tourists because of its diverse types of tourism, with rich sea and island resources; diverse forest and marine ecosystems. The most ideal time to travel to Pearl Island is from November to April of the following year. This is the dry season in the South, with little rain, calm sea, calm waves and warm sunshine, suitable for outdoor tourism activities. This season is suitable for resort tours, not suitable for backpackers or backpackers. From about May to October is the rainy season, sometimes there are storms, but Phu Quoc is still crowded because it falls during the summer vacation period. If you go to Phu Quoc this season, you should come around the end of April, when there are still not many tourists and the weather is still nice, prices do not increase too high like during the peak season. October is also the time of changing seasons so there is little rain. Vietnam Airlines, Bamboo Airways and Vietjet Air provide direct flights to Phu Quoc from Hanoi, Hai Phong, Thanh Hoa, Vinh, Hue, Da Nang, Nha Trang, Da Lat, Buon Ma Thuot... Airfare If you're lucky, you can hunt for cheap tickets of around a million VND for both going and returning. Phu Quoc's airport is about 15 minutes from the center of the island. Some high-end hotels and resorts often have free shuttle services from the airport. You should ask more about this service when booking a room in Phu Quoc. In addition to direct flights, tourists have many more interesting options when traveling from Ho Chi Minh City to Phu Quoc such as motorbikes, cars, buses, speedboats or ferries. First-time visitors to Phu Quoc should take the speedboat to avoid seasickness. There are two routes to Phu Quoc, the journey from Rach Gia is about 120 km and takes 2 hours and 30 minutes, and the journey from Ha Tien is about 50 km and takes 1 hour and 30 minutes. You should depart from Ha Tien to shorten the travel time at sea, and the ticket price is also cheaper. Please call the station in advance to buy tickets and ensure the schedule is as planned. If you drive your own car, you should go at night to get on the ferry at around 4 a.m. to experience the sunrise at sea. The route lasts about 6 hours from Ho Chi Minh City to the ferry terminal in Ha Tien. You need to prepare food, drinks, blankets, pillows... and it's best to have two people take turns driving to make the night trip smooth and safe. If you take a bus, you can depart from the center of Ho Chi Minh City. There are many high-quality trips to Ha Tien, ticket prices range from 150,000 VND to 230,000 VND per person, depending on the bus company. Some high quality bus companies you can refer to are: Phuong Trang, Mai Linh, Kumho. Visitors can find on Phu Quoc from affordable motels to world-class luxury resorts. If you want to save money, you can stay at a homestay. If traveling with a company or a family with young children, the best choice for you is a hotel in Duong Dong town, convenient to attractions and shopping. Some 5-star hotels such as Saigon Phu Quoc Resort and Eden Resort often cost over 1,500,000 VND per room per day. 3-4 star hotels cost from 1,000,000 to 1,500,000 VND. 2-star hotels such as Gold Hotel, Lavita Hotel, Sea Star resort, Kim Hoa usually cost 600,000 - 800,000 VND. Unlike Nha Trang with beaches that are easy to visit from main roads, in Phu Quoc visitors often have to go far to get to the beach. So if you want quiet and relaxation, you should stay at a resort, villa or bungalow near the beach. Tourist destinations on Phu Quoc are divided into 4 main areas: Central area in Duong Dong town, South island, North island and East island. Depending on your schedule, you should spend at least two days if you want to explore all the fun spots on the island. In the north of the island you can visit places including: Phu Quoc National Park, Rach Vem fishing village, Vinpearl Safari, Ganh Dau Cape,... In the south of the island, you can visit places such as Bai Sao, Bai Truong, Dinh Ba and Dinh Cau, Dinh Cau Cape, Phu Quoc Prison, Phu Quoc Night Market,... Besides, you can visit small islands such as: Hon Thom, Mong Tay, Gam Ghi, May Rut. If you are a fan of delicious food, you should go to Phu Quoc from May to November. This is the beach season for local people, so there will be a lot of fresh seafood, and the price will also be cheaper. Dishes that you can enjoy include: Herring Salad, Ham Ninh Crab, Grilled Coi Bien Mai, Sea Cucumber, Bun Ken, Melaleuca Mushroom, Sea Urchin, Abalone,... Some famous Phu Quoc specialties you can buy as gifts are pearls, fish sauce, pepper, sim wine... Phu Quoc pearls are quite expensive, depending on the quality, color and size. Reputable pearl shopping addresses are Ngoc Hien and Quoc An pearl farming facilities. Phu Quoc fish sauce is famous for its delicious, pure flavor. Some reputable production facilities you can refer to are: Phung Hung fish sauce factory, Khai Hoan production facility, Thinh Phat, Hung Thinh. Phu Quoc pepper has a spicy and aromatic taste, with firm seeds. You can buy pepper right at Khu Tuong pepper garden or Suoi Da pepper garden, which are famous addresses. Phu Quoc Sim wine is produced in the traditional way by fermenting from rose myrtle and white sugar. This type of wine has good effects on digestion and treating aches and pains. Familiar places to buy sim wine are Sim Son and Bay Giao myrtle wine. Seafood tourists often buy as gifts are sea cucumbers, squid and dried fish. Duong Dong night market has many shops selling these products, prices depending on the season and size. It should be noted that you should not go to Phu Quoc during the stormy season. Hotels and motels are often sold out during peak season, so you should book about a month in advance. Some places on Phu Quoc do not allow tourists to visit, you need to strictly comply and do not enter prohibited areas. Ferries and speedboats to and from the island usually run on a fixed schedule. You should carefully ask about operating times so you don't miss the train or bus. If you get seasick, you should prepare some anti-sickness medicine because you have to move a lot at sea. If you ride a motorbike through the forest, you should find a map of Phu Quoc in case you get lost.

Kien Giang

November to April

923 view

Ang Pagoda

When mentioning Tra Vinh, people think of the land of ancient Khmer pagodas and historical relics with many legends, associated with the journey to explore the South. Tra Vinh province has many Khmer pagodas, of which Ang pagoda is considered one of the largest pagodas, typical of Khmer pagodas in the province. Ang Pagoda, called Wat Angkor Raig Borei in Paly language, is located in Ward 8, Tra Vinh city. The pagoda is located in the scenic cluster of Ao Ba Om and the Khmer ethnic cultural museum, a highlight not to be missed in the tourist map of Tra Vinh. Looking from afar, you will see the temple's buildings with tower-shaped architecture rising straight to the sky, with a magnificent and magnificent beauty but no less solemn. According to historical books, Ang Pagoda was built in the 10th century (990) and was built on its current scale in the 3rd year of Thieu Tri, i.e. 1842 according to the solar calendar. Since then, the pagoda has been restored and repaired many times, including the construction of new auxiliary buildings such as monks' houses, main halls... but the main hall basically remains in the same state as when it was first formed. . Like many other Khmer pagodas in Tra Vinh, Ang Pagoda is a complex of architectural works including a monastery, a lecture hall for teaching Paly and Khmer script... surrounding the majestic main hall. The pagoda faces east, reflecting the Buddhist ideology that Shakyamuni Buddha in the west looked east to save sentient beings. The gate of Ang Pagoda is decorated with very intricate and sophisticated sculpture art with statues of lizards, fairies, and magical birds following traditional Khmer motifs. From the main gate is a wide walkway between two rows of ancient trees with large, tall trunks, creating a majestic stance for the temple. The walkway passes through a wide moat surrounding the area, creating a fresh, cool atmosphere. The pagoda's campus is 4 hectares wide with many endemic plant species on sand dune land such as star, dau, bamboo... including hundreds of ancient star and dau trees that shade the ancient pagoda all year round. The center of the Khmer temple is the main hall (Preah Vihea) worshiping Buddha, which converges and reflects the level of contemporary artisans in the art of architecture, painting, sculpture... The entire main hall is supported by pillars. by a system of 18 columns made of precious wood. Inside the main hall is a large space with 12 pillars decorated with dragon images, painted and gilded. The roof of the main hall of Ang Pagoda is uniquely structured, including three roof levels with beautiful and harmonious colors, of which the top two roofs are very high and steep, creating a sacred feeling that Buddhists must be very humble about. when looking up. The two gables are closed with two elaborately carved triangular wooden panels. The roof mounds have the snake god Naga with a curved crest, symbolizing the bridge between the world and Nirvana. The four walls of the main hall are unique murals expressing Buddhist thoughts, through the spiritual path of Shakyamuni Buddha. On the ceiling are four monumental frescoes showing four stages in Buddha Shakyamuni's life: Buddha's birth, Buddha's renunciation, Buddha's enlightenment and Buddha's entry into nirvana. The Buddha altar in the main hall of Ang Pagoda was also carefully crafted by artisans at that time. The entire pedestal is a lotus flower with many petals placed behind a wooden hammock carved very delicately with many images of flowers, leaves, and animals painted in red and gold. Like other Khmer Theravada temples, the main hall of Ang Pagoda only worships Shakyamuni Buddha in a meditating sitting position. In front of the main hall is a tower containing the remains of the monks who presided over the temple through the ages. What is special is that this is the only five-spired tower among Khmer temples in Tra Vinh. The five-spired tower is the influence of Hindu thought on the universe, nature and humans. After nearly two centuries of solidity and majesty surviving the effects of weather, wind, rain and time, Ang Pagoda is the pride of the Khmer people in particular, and of the Tra Vinh ethnic community in general because Unique, pinnacle values ​​in the art of architecture, painting, and sculpture imbued with Khmer cultural identity, with certain exchanges with Vietnamese, Chinese, Indian, and Thai cultures... In the spiritual life of the Khmer people, the temple is not only a place to practice and perform Buddhist rituals but also a place to preserve and transmit traditional cultural values ​​from generation to generation. With those great material and spiritual values, Ang Pagoda was ranked a national historical-cultural relic by the Ministry of Culture and Information, now the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, in 1994.

Tra Vinh

From January to December

814 view

Co Pagoda

Tra Vinh is one of the provinces in the Mekong Delta where many Khmer ethnic people live. Khmer people are very devout Buddhists with rich and diverse festivals, creating a unique identity for Khmer culture. There are pagodas and temples all over the villages, hamlets, and squirrels in Tra Vinh; Every Khmer pagoda is a work of art, including Stork Pagoda. Nodol Pagoda - Co Pagoda is one of the prominent Tra Vinh tourist destinations that tourists should not miss. Co Pagoda's real name is Nodol Pagoda, or Giong Pagoda, but the Khmer people call it Wat Phno Don because there are many coconut trees around (in Khmer, Wat means pagoda, Phno means sand dune, Don means coconut tree). People often call it Co Pagoda because for more than a hundred years this place has become the residence of thousands of storks of all kinds such as storks, gongs, pigeons... of which the largest population is the stork family with many Types: white stork, ibis, red-headed stork, yellow-headed stork, yellow-billed stork, black-billed stork... Co Pagoda is located in Cay Da hamlet - Dai An commune - Ta Cu district, about 40km south of Tra Vinh City. To get to Co Pagoda, from the center of Tra Vinh City, you follow Highway 54 to Tra Cu district, continue towards Dinh An port (a branch of Hau river) to the welcome gate of Dai An commune, turn On the left side you will see the majestic Co Pagoda gate with colorful patterns and motifs. According to the history of Co Pagoda, the pagoda was built in 1677. Over more than 300 years of existence and development, Co Pagoda has been restored countless times, large and small. The pagoda gate was restored in 1968 and the main hall was restored in 1944. After the most recent restorations in 2009 and 2012, the pagoda was completed and put into use today. Like other Buddhist temples in Tra Vinh province, Co Pagoda has an architectural complex typical of Southern Khmer pagodas. Including works such as the temple gate, main hall, ossuary tower, monk's house, meeting house... arranged harmoniously on a large campus. The temple gate is decorated with many unique and outstanding decorative patterns, attracting eyes from the first visit. The main hall of the pagoda has a quite unique design with curved roofs following the dragon tail model, above there are pointed towers shaped like Xome mountain and images familiar to Khmer people such as the four-faced god Mohabrom. , god bird Kayno, Riehu (Reahu), Mahaknot... The space inside the main hall is decorated very solemnly, the highest position is a large statue of Shakyamuni Buddha, below are smaller statues. The walls in the palace are decorated with many splendid, colorful paintings, representing different Buddhist themes. The grounds of Co Pagoda are surrounded by green bamboo groves, rows of star trees, neem trees, oil trees, shady, and beyond are endless green rice fields,... Visit Co Pagoda in the morning Early or late in the afternoon, visitors can admire with their own eyes the sight of pairs and flocks of storks spreading their wings to search for food and returning to their nests after a hard day of foraging, creating a beautiful scene in the sky. Visiting Co Pagoda, you will feel your soul relaxed, quiet, lighter, and all the hardships, difficulties, and pressures of life will disappear. When visiting the temple, you should dress politely, you can rent Khmer costumes to enter the temple - in accordance with Khmer etiquette and also to take unique virtual photos.

Tra Vinh

From January to December

806 view

Vam Ray Pagoda

Coming to Tra Vinh, it is impossible not to mention the unique Khmer pagodas of the people here. The most prominent one is Vam Ray Pagoda, which was rebuilt from the foundation of a more than 600-year-old temple destroyed during the war. Although newly built, it still carries the ancient and traditional features of Khmer Theravada Buddhism. Vam Ray Pagoda is located in Vam Ray hamlet, Ham Tan commune, Tra Cu district, Tra Vinh province about 35km from Tra Vinh city. Traveling to Tra Vinh, to get to Vam Ray Pagoda, from Tra Vinh city, follow Highway 54 to Tap Son, turn left onto Highway 53 to Tra Cu. Go past Tra Cu about 3km, cross Ham Giang bridge, immediately turn right, go on a small road to Vam Ray pagoda. Right from the outside looking in, the magnificence of this temple makes anyone feel overwhelmed, as if lost in a magnificent, brilliant golden palace. Sparkling yellow radiates everywhere in the temple from the dome, walls, supporting pillars, to even the reliefs and statues. Vam Ray Pagoda has Angkor architectural style, a typical Cambodian architecture. The pagoda has four gates and according to Khmer pagoda tradition, the main gate and main hall face east, symbolizing the Buddhist path of practice from West to East. The entrance to Vam Ray Pagoda is a majestic gate painted in gilded color, the top of the gate is shaped like pointed towers stacked on many floors, hidden in the surrounding green space, making the pagoda gate even more prominent. In the middle of the yard of Vam Ray Pagoda, there is a towering cylindrical column supported by stylized columns shaped like the Naga god snake with 5 heads, used to light candles on festive days, symbolizing that Buddhism will enlighten people. species, helping people live virtuous lives like the snakes that were tamed by Buddha according to the Khmer concept. In the middle of the yard of Vam Ray Pagoda, there is a towering cylindrical column supported by stylized columns shaped like the Naga god snake with 5 heads, used to light candles on festive days, symbolizing that Buddhism will enlighten people. species, helping people live virtuous lives like the snakes that were tamed by Buddha according to the Khmer concept. The inside of the main hall is splendidly decorated with colorful murals imbued with Khmer culture. The running theme of the works is the life of Buddha and Buddhist teachings. The main hall's spacious, elegant and cool space creates comfort for visitors as well as worshipers. Looking slightly to the Southeast of the main hall is the 54m long statue of Shakyamuni Buddha entering Nirvana, placed on a pedestal equivalent to a 2-storey house. The entire statue and pedestal are also painted with gilded lacquer. The artistic peak of Vam Ray Pagoda is reflected in the unique motifs on the dome, walls, columns and stairs, such as the head statue of the four-faced saint Maraprum, the half-human half-bird goddess Kayno, the Marakrit god bird... Not only Vam Ray Pagoda, but all Khmer pagodas in general have always been the center of cultural activities of the community in the area for thousands of years. From pure Buddhist holidays to special Khmer holidays and festivals such as: CholChnamThmay, Sendôlta, Okombok, Robe Offering Ceremony... all take place at the pagoda and are associated with traditional cultural forms of the Khmer people. ethnic and folk games, attracting a large number of tourists to visit.

Tra Vinh

From January to December

823 view

Khmer Museum

Tra Vinh Museum of Khmer Ethnic Culture is located in Ward 8, Tra Vinh city, more than 5 km southwest of the provincial center, located in a complex of cultural and tourist areas, connected with famous relics. Ba Om Pond, the architectural and artistic relics of Ang Pagoda and the Provincial Cultural and Sports Center, are very convenient for students, ethnic culture researchers and tourists to visit, research, learn about. Tra Vinh Khmer Ethnic Culture Museum is a two-storey building with an area of ​​​​more than 1,700 m2, designed and built on the basis of a harmonious combination of traditional Khmer ethnic architectural style and modernity. The campus is 1 hectare wide, with many shady green trees all year round. The museum currently stores, displays, and introduces more than 800 artifacts, images, and documents reflecting the material cultural and spiritual cultural life of Tra Vinh's Khmer ethnic community, from traditional to contemporary. . From the entrance gate is a large yard with many trees, creating a quiet atmosphere for the Museum campus, completely separate from the noise and bustle outside. This is a necessary preparation for visitors, especially researchers, to calm down before focusing on learning comprehensively and deeply about Khmer cultural identity, through artifacts, Images and documents are displayed and introduced. On the campus, in the northern corner is a tower containing the remains of a prominent person, intellectual, and revolutionary activist of the Tra Vinh Khmer people in particular, and the Southern Khmer people in general, Maha Son Thong (1910). – 1997). After studying abroad and receiving a Maha degree (equivalent to a Bachelor of Buddhist Studies), he participated in the pre-uprising period of the revolution, going through two resistance wars against imperialism and the work of building and defending the Fatherland. Maha Son Thong has held many important positions such as Deputy Secretary of the Tra Vinh Provincial Party Committee; Regional Commissioner, Vice Chairman of the National Liberation Front and Head of the Khmer Transport Committee of the Southwest Region; Member of the Presidium of the Central Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front... Most of the ground floor area of ​​the Museum building is an empty hall under the columns with many stone benches so visitors can sit and rest or walk around to discuss cultural issues of concern. The stairs upstairs are located in the middle of the lobby and below the stairs is a lovely semicircular lake with many ornamental fish swimming freely, creating a gentle and joyful landscape. Part of the ground floor area is divided into working rooms for Museum officials and employees. In these positions, responsible people can easily observe all activities as well as be ready to respond to guidance and introduction requests for visitors. The remaining part is the Gallery of the revolutionary struggle traditions of the Khmer people of Tra Vinh in the pre-uprising period, the two resistance wars against French colonialism and American imperialism as well as the current work of building and defending the Fatherland. .

Tra Vinh

From January to December

788 view

Mangrove Forest eco-tourism area

Rung Duoc eco-tourism area is located in Long Khanh commune, Duyen Hai district, Tra Vinh province. This Western tourist destination is located in the mangrove ecosystem along the Southwest coast. This is a place of conservation and habitat for many species of wild animals and plants, as well as aquatic species that are at high risk of extinction. Local people call it mangrove forest because this tree species surrounds the entire ecological area with more than 20 years of age and spreads over a huge area of ​​more than 200 hectares. The mangrove forest is located not too far from the center of Tra Vinh province, only about 7 km from the famous Ba Dong tourist area, so it is quite convenient for tourists to travel. This forest has many types of trees typical of the mangrove ecosystem such as mangroves, fish sauce, dates, parrots... of which the largest number is mangrove trees. This type of tree not only prevents the intrusion of sea water into the mainland but also serves as a habitat for many types of animals typical of mangrove forests. Therefore, this tourist and conservation area has high ecological value. Moreover, the mangrove forest of more than 200 hectares is located in the mangrove forest system along the Southwest coast, so it is carefully cared for and preserved by the government. Tra Vinh is only about 170k from Ho Chi Minh City, so visitors can go to the Rung Duoc tourist area in this province by motorbike or bus. The specific way to move is as follows: By motorbike: Starting from Saigon, you go to Binh Chanh, then turn onto Highway 1 and continue in the direction passing Ben Luc bridge to Tan An city of Long An province. From here, visitors continue to My Tho city, along Highway 60 through Ham Luong bridge to reach Mo Cay district. Continue turning onto Highway 53 and go straight and you will reach Tra Vinh city. From the city center, you only need to go about 51km to reach the Mangrove Forest tourist area. By bus: The journey is quite simple because you just need to go to Mien Dong bus station, choose to buy a bus ticket to Tra Vinh with a ticket price of around 100,000 VND/person. When you arrive at the bus station, choose to travel by taxi or motorbike taxi and you will reach the attractive Tra Vinh tourist destination called Mangrove Forest. Tra Vinh is located in the Mekong Delta region, so it also has a temperate tropical climate typical of this region. Just like the provinces of Ben Tre, Tien Giang, Long An, and Tra Vinh, it is cool all year round, so visitors can come to the Rung Duoc ecological area, Ba Om pond, Long Tri island, and Ho island tourist area at any time. Any time of the year is fine. However, the advice that indigenous people often give tourists is to choose to go in the rainy season because this is the time when trees grow, the climate is pleasant, and animals are more diverse than the dry season. Specifically, from May to November every year, with heavy rainfall and flooding season, the vegetation in Mangrove Forest grows strongly, attracting many animal species to live, feed and breed here. . When checking into Tra Vinh Mangrove Forest, visitors are free to experience fun, sightseeing, and exploration, most notably the following activities: Excursing to the Mangrove forest by road or waterway: depending on your preferences and schedule, you can choose one of two ways to visit, but exploring the river and forest by waterway is often chosen by tourists more because If you go this way, you will be able to sneak into large and small mangrove bushes, with trees that are decades old, growing together below but still leaving space above, creating a vast blue sky. Tourists can freely enjoy the exciting and new feeling when each motorboat floats in the fresh space of thousands of trees, birds and many other typical creatures of the forest - river. Tra Vinh Mangrove Forest also has a diversity of animal and plant species like Can Gio mangrove forest or Nam Can Ca Mau because there are many similarities in climate and soil. The fauna here is truly rich with monitor lizards, squirrels, weasels, cobras, turtles, etc. along with many types of fish, shrimp, aquatic products and many typical birds of the mangrove forest. . Coming to the ecological area, you will feel like you are slowing down, experiencing the feeling of being completely immersed in nature, heaven and earth, freely breathing the fresh, cool air of the countryside. In addition to the above activities, when coming to Tra Vinh Mangrove Forest tourist area, you will also have the opportunity to listen to the river songs, imbued with the countryside flavor of the local people. When sitting on small boats gliding, don't forget to spend some time, chat and learn about the lives of local people. The feeling of hearing rustic melodies, rustic words, and daily life stories of the people of this land amidst the cool and fresh nature is truly very interesting. There are many delicious dishes and famous specialties that have made the name of Tra Vinh cuisine. So when visiting the Rung Duoc tourist area in particular and Tra Vinh in general, don't miss the experience of eating noodle soup, rice noodles, porridge, Ben Co noodle soup, dishes made from shrews, grilled fish of all kinds. over a fire made of dried mangroves, silver shrimp with lemon, brown fish cooked in sour hot pot with fruit, fish sauce, etc. The dishes are sold in many places, but tourists should visit delicious restaurants in Tra Vinh to Feel free to choose and enjoy.

Tra Vinh

November to April

848 view

Cu Lao Tan Quy

Tan Quy island has a part of Cau Ke district, Tra Vinh province and a part of Tra On district, Vinh Long province, famous for being a green island with fruit trees laden with branches, creating a very typical beauty of river gardens. Western country. Tan Quy island is located in An Phu Tan commune, Cau Ke district, about 45 km northwest of Tra Vinh city. To get to Tan Quy island, it only takes about 10 minutes to take a ferry from Ben Dinh beach. However, if you want to see the panorama of nature and admire the beautiful scenery on both sides of Tay Quy island, you can choose to depart from Ben Cat. In addition, visitors to Cu Lao can sit on canoes gliding on the Hau River to enjoy the cool, refreshing air. Tan Quy Island was formed in the first half of the 19th century when the first residents crossed the river to come here to build villages and hamlets. After that, this place was named Tan Vinh village. At the beginning of the 20th century, around after 1920, this place was renamed Tan Quy island until today. Cu Lao Tan Quy is located in the watershed area, so it has fresh water all year round, fertile alluvium... becoming a specialized fruit growing area with all kinds of typical Southern fruits such as: mangosteen, durian, rambutan , strawberry, cow skin longan... Especially Tan Quy mangosteen is popular in domestic and foreign markets because of its high quality and stable output. Tan Quy mangosteen contains a full range of sour and sweet flavors, balancing all the taste buds on the user's tongue. Anyone who eats this mangosteen fruit will understand why it is known as the "queen of fruit". The ripe fruit season is from April to June of the lunar calendar, the entire island becomes a huge display area for specialty fruits, visitors can easily find them on the side of the road or go into the garden to visit the special fruits. this land. The island's people are famous for their hospitality. At every house, guests are invited to enjoy specialties from the garden. Walking under the orchard's foliage laden with fragrant ripe fruit, visitors will be extremely excited to see durian fruits swinging on branches, straight rows of rambutan and longan with wide spreading canopy laden with fruit, along with rows of mangosteens leaning over to reflect their reflections. Coming here, the fatigue seems to disappear because of the cool air, gentle river breeze, and shady trees creating a pleasant feeling of relaxation. Not only knowing how to generate income from orchards, in recent years, when noticing an increasing number of Tra Vinh tourists coming to visit and learn about Cu Lao, some households have renovated their gardens to Open more garden tourism services, becoming a visit and entertainment destination for many tourists from near and far. Tan Quy island eco-tourism areas have built leaf huts or uniquely designed hammocks in a corner of the garden for visitors to sit and rest after walking and enjoying ripe fruit. After that, visitors also learn about many famous specialties in Cu Lao such as: water lily fish hotpot, chicken hotpot cooked with giang leaves, stir-fried squid with mustard greens, grilled tiger prawns... In addition to enjoying the fresh, poetic air, enjoying the delicious taste of garden fruits. Traveling to Tra Vinh, coming here you will be even more excited to enjoy the feeling of cycling, bathing in the river, rowing a boat to watch the river, endless green orchards or taking a boat for an adventure " "Pong Lau fish hunting" with the enthusiastic and hospitable garden people.

Tra Vinh

From January to December

884 view

Ba Dong Beach

Located in a corner on the East coast of Tra Vinh province, between the two estuaries of Cung Hau and Dinh An, a bridge between the mainland and the vast East Sea, Ba Dong Beach is considered one of the most beautiful beaches in the Mekong Delta. Long. The beach is an area belonging to Truong Long Hoa commune, Duyen Hai town, Tra Vinh province. The reason this sea area is called Ba Dong is because when the tide rises and falls, three sand dunes form on the beach. People here call it Ba Dong, meaning sand dune. Ba Dong has a coastline stretching over 10km with the fresh, cool atmosphere typical of the Southern coast. As one of the rare beaches in the Southwest region that still retains its clear water even though the upstream of the Mekong River annually dumps a large amount of silt, Ba Dong beach tourism is currently her number 1 choice. Western children when they need to go to the beach within close range. In particular, this place is attracting more and more tourists from far away in their journey to learn and explore the land of Cochinchina and Luc Tinh. With the distinct beauty that nature bestows, it is no surprise that Ba Dong beach has been exploited for tourism and relaxation since colonial times. After coming to Vietnam, the French implemented many tourism activities to serve indigenous people such as building a coastal resort (now Nha Mat site) and opening a golf course (now Con Cu site). After a period of fierce war, the French withdrew from Vietnam, Tra Vinh province was established, and provincial officials continued to deploy and promote tourism here, making Ba Dong an ideal vacation destination. the best in the West. With a long beach with undulating sand, on both sides are rows of green casuarinas, walking along the beach at dawn or dusk will be a truly chill experience. Different from the clear blue color when the sky is clear, sunset and sunrise at Ba Dong beach put on a bright red outfit, seductive and warm. In the distance, a few fishing boats in the middle of the vast waves of water will evoke a sense of peace in the hearts of travelers. Traveling to Ba Dong beach without immersing yourself in the clear water here is like never having set foot there. This beach has the advantage of a shallow sandy shore, very small, rolling waves, no big waves and a reverse flow effect offshore so it is very safe. Visitors can freely immerse themselves in the fresh nature without worrying about incidents. Due to the peaceful nature of the beach, water sports are quite popular here. Visitors can easily find water motorbike rental services and experience the exciting feeling that this sport brings. Although it is a new model that has appeared recently, the service quality is absolutely not inferior to other beautiful beaches. It would be a mistake for tourists to miss visiting the Korean Wind Power field. This is considered the hottest symbol of Ba Dong beach and the whole Tra Vinh province. Visitors can wear beautiful outfits, bring cameras, walk along the golden bridge connecting the wind turbines and bring back super quality virtual photos. The harmonious beauty between nature and man-made here creates a super impressive scene that visitors definitely cannot miss. This type of adventure tourism is extremely popular with young people. With this activity, visitors will follow the fishing boat to the sea, where the sea bottoms are built, and experience the life of a real fisherman. In addition to helping tourists gain a new perspective on offshore life and relieve all stress and anxiety in the city, this activity also helps people understand more about the reality of the arduous life of fishermen. know how to appreciate the fruits of labor that come from facing the waves and winds.

Tra Vinh

From January to December

876 view

Ba Om Pond

Located about 5 km from the center of Tra Vinh city, Ao Ba Om is currently one of the famous places, attracting a large number of tourists to visit and explore. Bringing in the wild and rustic natural beauty - Ao Ba Om gives you a feeling of closeness and extreme familiarity. With a length of 500m and a width of 300m, surprise and surprise are the first impressions that Ao Ba Om gives visitors when visiting this place. Hearing about the pond, most of you will think it is small, but actually Ba Om Pond is as large as a lake. All around are rows of ancient and perennial trees such as oil trees and star trees. The calm lake surface, clear water combined with the green color of grass and trees create a picture of a peaceful, charming hometown landscape. Star trees, even if they live for a long time, have part of their roots rooted deep in the ground, part of their roots emerging to form many different shapes. Many large roots become seats for guests to stop at, or caves for children to play. In the afternoon, when dusk gradually falls, Ao Ba Om is truly an ideal place for a walk in Tra Vinh. Towering ancient trees shade the entire sky, lean back against the tree trunk or lie under the grass to admire the landscape, sky and earth. Looking at the children running around, playing and cycling around, my heart suddenly felt strangely peaceful. On holidays, when darkness covers, lanterns are released onto the water surface, turning Ba Om Pond sparkling, magical and breathtakingly beautiful. Many types of lamps of all sizes are released into the sky, carrying the wishes of peace, good weather, and lush crops. In addition to visiting the scenery and strolling, coming to Ba Om Pond, visitors can also enjoy delicious dishes such as jaggery cake, noodle soup, vermicelli fish sauce,... at the bustling market on both sides of the road leading to the pond, or other places. Food and drinks filled with childhood flavors such as shaved ice, fried fish balls,... through the street vendors and snack carts around. Simple dishes at affordable prices are what many visitors enjoy when coming here. Leaving behind the noise and bustle of the city, leaving behind the sounds of people and car horns jostling on the road, returning to Ao Ba Om to feel the peace of the village, breathe fresh air, harmony with nature. This will be a memorable experience for every visitor.

Tra Vinh

From January to December

866 view

Tien Chau Pagoda

Tien Chau Pagoda is also known by another name as Di Da Pagoda. This is considered one of the oldest pagodas in Vinh Long province, Vietnam. According to historical records, Tien Chau Pagoda was established more than 300 years ago and became a National Historical and Cultural Monument a long time ago. The temple possesses an ancient and unique beauty, so it attracts many people to visit and explore. believes that this is definitely one of the Vinh Long pagodas with the most impressive and magnificent beauty that you should not miss when traveling to Vinh Long. Vinh Long is a province about 100km from Ho Chi Minh City. This province has a fairly developed road transportation system and extremely good infrastructure, so you can choose to travel by many different means. Among the means of transportation to Vinh Long, those living in Ho Chi Minh City can go by motorbike, drive a car or buy a bus ticket. Based on the experience of some people, it usually takes about 3 hours to travel from Saigon to Vinh Long. Bus ticket prices only range from 100,000 VND/trip to 120,000 VND/turn, so they are extremely suitable for those who want to travel quickly, comfortably and safely. However, if you want to travel by motorbike on your own, you can refer to the following route: From Saigon, you go to Vinh Long city center along National Highway 1A. To get to Tien Chau Pagoda on An Binh island, you need to cross the ferry on Tien River. It only takes about 15 minutes to travel by river and you will arrive at the island. After that, you ask people to find the address of Tien Chau Pagoda. According to folk legends told by the elders living on the left bank of the Co Chien River, Tien Chau Pagoda was built around 1750 at the end of the 18th century. In the past, the monk Giac Nguyen went to practice. Coming to this An Binh island, I can feel the beautiful scenery here. Therefore, he built a small bamboo hut to worship Amitabha Buddha, the leader of the Western world of bliss called Tien Chau Amitabha. In addition, folk also passed down a story related to Tien Chau Pagoda. On cool, moonlit nights, fairies often come down here to bathe in the river and play. Therefore, this river bank is named Tien beach or Bich Tran beach. The hut located next to the river is named Tien Chau. Unlike the majestic and magnificent Jade Buddha Pagoda in Vinh Long, Tien Chau Pagoda will surprise everyone with its extremely ancient beauty. Tien Chau Pagoda was built in an ancient architectural style with 4 roofs: front hall, middle hall, main hall and back hall arranged in a triangle shape. Accordingly, the main hall, rear hall and rear hall areas are adjacent to each other, creating many spacious and airy spaces. Tien Chau Pagoda has a design imbued with the culture of pagoda carving in the 18th century. This carving is most clearly shown by the 96 round wooden columns used to support the entire temple. The carvings here are extremely delicate and sharp, attracting a large number of Buddhist followers to visit and learn. Besides, Tien Chau Pagoda possesses delicate and harmonious beauty when built in both classical and modern architecture. After many restorations, the temple has never once changed its inherent ancient beauty. Entering the grounds of Tien Chau Pagoda, you will see a statue of Guan Yin Buddha standing majestically on a lotus. Lady Buddha is holding a vase of nectar water in her hand, watering blessings for sentient beings. In the left corner of the campus is a statue of Shakyamuni Buddha sitting quietly under the protection of nine dragons and a shady Bodhi tree. On the right is a statue of Maitreya Buddha smiling happily. The interior of Tien Chau Pagoda's inner sanctum is decorated extremely beautifully and splendidly. In the middle of the four pillars is the altar, inside there is a large Amitabha Buddha statue made of clay. Not only that, both sides of the altar also hang lacquered couplets that have extremely great meaning. There are still many valuable artifacts kept in the pagoda such as: a set of lamellas carved with the Eighteen Arhats, delicately carved tureens from the 19th century, wood carvings... After hundreds of years of existence, The temple still stands tall and proud with its timeless beauty. This seems to be seen as a testament to the eternal life of history. Anyone who comes here for the first time will feel the ancient beauty as well as the extremely sacred flow at this temple.

Vinh Long

From January to December

723 view

Cu Lao An Binh

An Binh island includes 4 communes: An Binh, Hoa Ninh, Dong Phu and Binh Hoa Phuoc in Long Ho district, Vinh Long province. With a terrain of land dunes surrounded by Co Chien and Ham Luong rivers, Vinh Long has become an attractive tourist destination, giving visitors unforgettable experiences of a river region characterized by the Southwest. Coming to Cu Lao An Binh, visitors can row sampans through the canals to admire the charming river scenery on both banks. The cool breeze and the singing on the bow of the boat will bring you unforgettable impressions. Or cycle on tree-lined village roads, breathing in the peaceful, quiet garden air. Visit ripe red rambutan gardens or longan gardens, orange gardens, and tangerine gardens laden with fruit, typical of the Western garden type of tourism. Visiting the gardens, visitors can freely enjoy fruits in any season, almost all year round. Specialty fruit gardens such as Mr. Chin Hoan's rambutan garden, Mr. Chin Can's rambutan garden, Mr. Tam Ho's longan and pepper garden, and countless other fruit gardens. Not only can visitors enjoy many delicious fruits, but they can also experience many interesting things such as visiting ancient houses, visiting craft villages imbued with river culture; Experience digging ditches to catch fish, gardening, fishing, preparing food, making folk cakes, listening to opera... A famous spiritual tourist destination of Cu Lao An Binh is Tien Chau Pagoda located on Tien beach on the left bank of Co Chien river. The pagoda was formed in the years 1740 - 1750, is an ancient pagoda not only famous in Vinh Long but also famous in the entire Southwest region associated with the legend of the fairy's beach. Cai Cuong ancient house is known as an architectural work with European appearance mixed with ancient Asian features. Located in Binh Hoa Phuoc commune, on the banks of Cai Muoi canal crowded with boats, this is a place that attracts a large number of tourists to visit. The most attractive feature of the house is the set of wooden panels that bind all three rooms, with delicate carvings of dragons, phoenixes, birds, trees... all painted in gilded vermilion, very eye-catching. Visiting Vinh Sang tourist area, visitors will be able to visit the bird and animal garden, ride ostriches running freely on the sand, fish for crocodiles, learn to walk on monkey bridges, play grass sleds, and ride bicycles around the village roads. , rowing canoes along the canals, spreading nets, fishing or digging into ditches to catch fish... An Binh Island also has traditional craft villages such as Phuoc Dinh Golden Apricot Village. This is a traditional craft village, specializing in growing yellow apricot as ornamental flowers. Coming here, visitors will be able to admire ancient apricot trees that are hundreds of years old and enjoy the atmosphere of the yellow village of blooming apricot flowers during the season. Lunar New Year. Nature has bestowed on An Binh island with healthy trees and sweet fruits in all four seasons and the people of the island have been creative, taking advantage of rivers, canals and orchards as tourist attractions and homestays. After a day of walking, visitors can spend the evening at garden houses in the form of homestay tourism, eating and living with local people. Enjoy typical dishes of the river region such as fried giant fish, crispy fried spring rolls, grilled snakehead fish, pancakes, fruit wine... Fragrant aroma filled with the flavors of countryside gardens and rivers and listening to traditional opera and traditional folk music. Mr. Sau Giao's bonsai garden (Binh Thuan hamlet, Hoa Ninh commune), Mr. Muoi Push's wooden stilt house located on Ninh Hoa canal, or Mr. Hai Hoang's old house with French-style architecture. These are all resting places for tourists wishing to stay overnight.

Vinh Long

From January to December

818 view

Van Thanh Temple

Coming to Vinh Long, a city on the banks of the romantic Co Chien River, visitors will visit many famous historical and cultural relics. One of them is Van Thanh Mieu, a typical architectural work left over from the Nguyen Dynasty after the French army occupied Vinh Long citadel. This place is known as the "Quoc Tu Giam of the South", preserving many precious stories about the studious spirit of our ancestors in ancient times. Vinh Long Temple of Literature is located in Long Ho village, Binh Long district, Vinh Long province, southeast of Vinh Long city, now in ward 4, Vinh Long city. When traveling to Vinh Long, if you want to visit the Temple of Literature, from the center of Vinh Long city, follow Tran Phu street along Long Ho river, only a short distance of about 2km to get there. Van Thanh Temple Vinh Long is one of the first three Van Thanh Temples built in the South. The other two Temples of Literature are located in Bien Hoa city, Dong Nai province and ancient Gia Dinh land. The project was started in 1864 and completed in 1866 by Doc Nguyen Thong, worshiping Confucius and his students. Although nominally promoting Confucianism, in reality this is a venue for cultural activities that promote sages and educate patriotism. When Van Thanh Temple's construction was completed. The Temple of Literature Association was born to take charge of management and worship. The Hue court guided the rituals and sacrifices and assigned 20 temple attendants to take care of Van Thanh Temple. This place became the cultural center of the southwestern region. Scholars and guests gathered here to discuss poetry and world affairs. In 1867, after occupying Vinh Long, the French colonialists destroyed the cultural works left by the Nguyen Dynasty and intended to destroy the Temple of Literature. Implementing the teachings of Mr. Phan Thanh Gian, Mr. Truong Ngoc Lang (ie Mr. Non) sought many measures to protect Van Thanh Mieu - the cultural heritage of Vinh Long land. After occupying Vinh Long, the French colonialists used the excuse of lack of wood to build the Provincial Governor's Palace, intending to destroy Van Thanh Temple. At that time, Ba Ho Truong Ngoc Lang (from Minh Huong) was nominated by his compatriots to join the expeditionary force to retain this cultural work. From then until now, Van Thanh Temple of Vinh Long was renovated in 1872, 1903, 1914, 1933, 1963, 1994, 2006 and 2007. Having gone through many historical events, the building has been restored and renovated many times but still retains its original architecture, and was recognized as a national cultural relic in 1991. The majestic three-entrance gate faces the quiet river, built in the ancient style with a three-storey roof, simple but artistic, with a pair of elegant tureens carved on the two pillars. Behind the gate is the Shinto path leading straight to Dai Thanh Palace. On both sides are two rows of soaring stars of the same age as the Holy Temple. Two straight rows of tall trees give the landscaped garden and relic site a depth and a strangely solemn and quiet atmosphere. On that road, amidst the flowers and leaves, visitors can admire three stone steles that have faded over time. In front of the gate is a stele recording the writings of Mr. Phan Thanh Gian, on the front stating the reason for building the temple, praising the merits of the Saint and the court, on the back praising the names of those with meritorious services. In total, there are three valuable steles marking historical periods associated with the Temple of Literature. In addition to the Phan Thanh Gian stele, there is also a stele recording the temple's restoration in 1903, and a stele recording credit to Ms. Truong Thi Loan (Mr. Truong Ngoc Lang's daughter) for donating land to make flowers and incense sticks. Confucius Temple used to be simple, with tree pillars and a tiled roof on the ground. In 1903, it was replaced with wooden pillars, lined with Chinese bricks, and covered with large and tube tiles. The Confucius Temple has many pairs of parallel tureens and horizontal panels that have historical and cultural value and show the love of learning of the Southern people. The main hall is made in the style of overlapping and spiraling snail steps. The statue of Confucius is worshiped in the middle, flanked by four masters. In addition, the altar on the left and right also worships 12 other great scholars. Outside, two small temples (Ta vu, Huu vu) were built as a place to commemorate the 72 famous students of Confucius. Van Xuong Cac is located right at the entrance to the relic, with two cannons on both sides. These ancient guns from 1921 were placed at the wharf (in front of the current Vinh Long Museum). In 1937, it brought Van Thanh Mieu and in 1960 it was placed majestically on a pedestal. Van Xuong Cac was built in the style of overlapping snail steps. Upstairs is a place to store books and worship Van Xuong De Quan, a god in charge of academic examinations. Downstairs, the middle space is where writers sit and converse, behind is a sophisticatedly carved altar, inside are placed two tablets, with parallel sentences praising the two leading scholars of Gia Dinh land, Vo Truong Toan and Phan Thanh. Simple. Every year, at Dai Thanh Palace, there are worshiping ceremonies for Spring Dinh and Thu Dinh, at Tuy Van Lau, there is a worshiping ceremony for Phan Thanh Gian on the 4th and 5th days of the seventh lunar month, and a worshiping ceremony for fallen loyal mandarins on the 12th day. and October 13 of the lunar calendar. On the occasion of the festival, Van Thanh Temple welcomes a large number of tourists from all over.

Vinh Long

From January to December

770 view

Vinh Sang tourist area

Vinh Sang tourist area is one of the attractive eco-tourism destinations in Vinh Long, attracting many domestic and international tourists. Coming to Vinh Sang tourist area, visitors will have the opportunity to learn about the land and people of the Western river region. Vinh Sang tourist area is located at the beginning of An Binh island, along the bank of Co Chien river, opposite My Thuan bridge, in group 14, An Thuan hamlet, An Binh commune, Long Ho district, Vinh Long province. When traveling to Vinh Long, if you want to go to Vinh Sang tourist area, you will need to go through An Binh ferry terminal and then follow the signs to go another 3km to get there. From the center of Ho Chi Minh City, go about 35 km in the direction of Saigon - Tien Giang Expressway. At the end of the highway, turn right toward My Thuan Bridge. Go about 60 km further, you will reach My Thuan Bridge. Famously, this is the first cable-stayed bridge in the West, spanning the Tien River connecting the two provinces of Vinh Long and Tien Giang. Just downhill from My Thuan bridge, tourists turn left toward Vinh Long. At the first intersection, continue to turn left to the riverbank to Vinh Sang pier. From here, visitors will take the boat through An Binh island to reach Vinh Sang tourist area. With an area of ​​about 2.2 hectares, Vinh Sang is a large natural garden with a system of interconnected canals with a variety of fruit trees, a typical space of river gardens in the Southwest region. This is also a place to preserve many rare species of birds and animals and is an attractive entertainment area with a series of folk and modern games. Coming to Vinh Sang tourist area, visitors can enjoy the feeling of comfort and fresh air in the countryside, and have the opportunity to explore the Southern garden life. The most attractive point for tourists is visiting the gardens in Vinh Sang tourist area. There are many types of fruit trees in the garden such as rambutan, strawberry, mango, etc. and customers who buy tickets to enter the garden can eat freely. At Vinh Sang tourist area, there are many games suitable for many ages. For those who like thrills, you can play crocodile fishing, ostrich riding, and grass skiing. If you want to participate in country games, you can choose games such as: pond slapping to catch fish, water polo, basket boat racing to catch ducks, dinghy rowing, rope walking, monkey bridge, bicycle bridge...etc. In which, the experience of transforming into authentic Southern farmers with the program of catching crabs and snails in black turtleneck costumes and the traditional bandana is the most loved by many people. Tourists will be able to return to their childhood and remember the dear old days of participating in the crab and snail catching program together, using crab hooks to dig deep into the cave and pull out healthy crabs holding up their arms. It's like fighting an enemy. After catching all the crabs and snails, visitors can prepare their own crab and snail dishes boiled with lemongrass in a clay pot, dipped in spicy lemon chili salt, and drink Vinh Sang sticky rice wine that will definitely make visitors nostalgic. near far. In particular, Vinh Sang Tourist Area also has a herd of African ostriches with more than 60 adult birds. This is the largest bird in the world, raised and developed right in the middle of the Mekong Delta. Amid the fresh nature of the Southwest region, visitors can freely transform into "Hugo riding an ostrich" running freely on the sand. This is a service that is very popular with young people. In addition to entertainment, Vinh Sang tourist area also brings unique characteristics of the Southern river region. By cruise ship, you can go deep into small canals, visit famous traditional craft villages of the Southern gardens located along the river; Enjoy the traditional craft of making coconut candy and making sticky rice wine of the people of An Binh island; Visit the bird garden with more than 12 species, nearly 1,000 birds living in a 0.5 hectare pond. Vinh Sang Restaurant is located in the Tourist Area with a system of 3 large and small restaurants and dining booths along the Co Chien River specializing in cooking rustic dishes of people in the western region: such as grilled fish, fish sauce hotpot. , grilled duck, duck hotpot cooked with congee, crab hotpot.... Among them are extremely strange and delicious dishes made from crocodile and ostrich meat, especially lemon-cinnamon chicken hotpot, which is ranked in the list of 99 delicious Vietnamese dishes. After having fun and eating, visitors will watch opera - this is a type of classical Vietnamese theater, often performing classic old stories, with costumes rich in color and style. Designs are specified for each character, combined with unique music and dance to create appeal for viewers, able to overcome language barriers or cultural differences. For the first time in the West, Vinh Long province is making efforts to revive, preserve and promote this traditional art to domestic and international tourists.

Vinh Long

November to April

755 view

9 Hong fruit garden

Not only famous for the bustling Cai Rang floating market and the nostalgic Ninh Kieu wharf, Can Tho also makes many tourists miss it because of its fruitful and fruitful fruit gardens. One of the famous fruit gardens exploited for tourism in Can Tho is 9 Hong fruit garden - a familiar meeting place for tourists from all over when coming to Tay Do city - Can Tho. If you are in the Central, Northern or international provinces, you can book a plane ticket to Saigon (749,000 VND) then travel by bus to Can Tho to go to 9 Hong fruit garden. Besides, visitors can also book a flight to Can Tho (786,000 VND) if they do not want to visit Saigon. Only about 10km from Can Tho city center, you can get to 9 Hong fruit garden by popular means such as motorbike, motorbike taxi, taxi. You just need to take Nguyen Van Cu street to Phong Dien district to get there. The address of 9 Hong fruit garden has been pinned on Google Map so you can follow the directions to get there. With only 20,000 VND/person, you will experience sightseeing, photography and enjoying fruit activities at 9 Hong fruit garden. If you want to experience the buffet of country cakes or other rustic fun activities such as catching fish, making cakes, and enjoying Western specialties, there will be additional charges, but in general it is very affordable, so you can just do it. Have fun without worrying about spending money. You can visit the 9 Hong fruit garden at any time of the year. Every month, each season, the fruit garden brings a new color of different fruits, making visitors who come once want to come again. . To make your visit to 9 Hong fruit garden more interesting and full of experience, you can come here from May to August. This is the time when Can Tho enters summer, there are many types of fruits this season, and the air is dry. Dry and convenient for moving and sightseeing. 9 Hong Fruit Garden is a tourist destination that recreates part of the simple beauty of the hospitable land of the Mekong Delta. Anyone who has come here once will definitely remember the rich garden and river scenery here. 9 Hong Fruit Garden has an area of ​​about 13,000 square meters, and is jokingly called a fruit forest by many tourists because the garden is lush and fruitful with diverse and colorful fruits such as tangerines, durian, star apples, and rambutans. steal,... Here you will be immersed in cool fresh air, with the faint sweet scent of delicious fruits. In addition to the privilege of taking photos as you please with the lush green garden scenery, you can also enjoy fresh fruit just picked from the tree, delicious and succulent. If you have been tired of visiting the thousand-square-meter fruit garden, stop for a moment to experience the folk cake buffet with countless types of cakes from sweet to salty such as coconut-filled cauldron cake that is crispy on the outside and fatty on the outside, soft and fragrant beef cake. , golden Western Khot cake to fill the belly,... In addition, 9 Hong fruit garden also serves many other garden specialties such as: grilled chicken, grilled duck, duck cooked in congee, fried giant fish. ,... With seasonal characteristics, each season the 9 Hong fruit garden will have different types of fruit. To make sure the garden has your favorite fruit, please contact the garden before coming! 9 Hong Fruit Garden has a scene typical of the Southwestern countryside. If you want to have photos with a true garden feel, please prepare a Ba Ba outfit to take photos. Can Tho is often sunny, so when visiting the fruit garden, don't forget to prepare sunscreen, sunglasses, and a hat to avoid the sun.

Can Tho

May to August

777 view

Con Au

Con Au Can Tho not only attracts tourists by the beautiful scenery of nature and rivers, here, you can also experience many tourist activities and enjoy a variety of specialty dishes. This is a small island located in Hung Loi ward, Cai Rang, Can Tho. Con Au is known as one of the most beautiful islands along the romantic Hau River. The reason it is called Con Au is because, in the past, when people came to this area to live, they saw a lot of baby palm trees, so from then on they named it Con Au. Currently in Con Au there are about 70 families making a living by gardening. Therefore, when visiting Con Au, you will admire the immense green natural scenery and fresh, cool atmosphere. You can visit Con Au Can Tho at any time of the year, it is beautiful. However, before going, you should also check the weather forecast in advance to avoid sudden rains affecting your tour. Most tourists come to Con Au on weekends or holidays. So you should arrange your travel time accordingly. Experience traveling to Con Au Can Tho, to explore this place you first need to get to Can Tho by means of transport such as: Plane, bus, motorbike. For those of you living as far away as the Northern region, you can take a plane departing from Noi Bai (Hanoi) to Can Tho airport. If you are in neighboring provinces, the best way is to take a bus or motorbike to Can Tho. Con Au is about 13.7km from Can Tho center, so you can take a taxi or motorbike in the direction of National Highway 1A about 20km to reach this famous eco-tourism area. If you are not familiar with the route, you can ask local people or look up google maps. Con Au tourist area attracts tourists with the beautiful scenery typical of the Western river region and learn about the simple life of the people living here. Visiting Con Au, visitors will enjoy a memorable 'stress relief' trip on the weekend with loved ones and friends. Con Au is located at the foot of Can Tho bridge, with a total area of ​​130 hectares and surrounded by rustic natural scenery and vast green cork forests. Visiting the Con Au Can Tho eco-tourism area, visitors will be able to walk on cool, tree-lined streets enjoying the fresh, relaxing atmosphere. Con Au also has lush fruit gardens grown by the people here with all kinds of Western specialties such as: rambutan, custard apple, mangosteen, durian, plum, green-skinned grapefruit, toad,... If you come to Con Au early in the morning, you will witness people rushing to harvest fruits and vegetables to make it to the market early in the day. Visiting Con Au, visitors can also visit the typical mangrove forests here. If you are afraid to walk, you can rent a canoe driven by local people to weave through the canals to admire the rich natural scenery here. Besides, when you come to Con Au, you can also enjoy all kinds of fresh four-season fruits and specialties of the Western river region such as: Sesbania linden fish hotpot, banh xeo, water lily, goby fish hotpot, etc. .. In addition, Con Au Can Tho tourism also has attractive services for tourists to visit such as canoeing, fishing, digging ditches, relaxing, playing sports and learning about the rustic life of the villagers. countryside.

Can Tho

From January to December

785 view

Xeo Nhum ecological garden

Currently, in Can Tho city there are many garden tourist destinations, including Xeo Nhum Ecological Garden which is a favorite place for many tourists. Because this place has healthy trees and sweet fruits, the space is quiet, suitable for visitors to relax and rest after stressful working days and noisy city life. Xeo Nhum Ecological Garden is located in Hong Loan residential area, Hung Thanh ward, Cai Rang district. Just leave Can Tho, run along Highway 1A toward Soc Trang for more than two kilometers to arrive. With an area of ​​over 2 hectares, Xeo Nhum pleases visitors with its green space of gardens, fish ponds, gardens and beautiful flower fences. The highlight of creating the Xeo Nhum ecological garden is the shady perennial longan trees, next to the cool, romantic rows of green bamboo. The scene in the garden is very poetic, idyllic, rustic with trellises of gourds, luffa, bitter melon, water docks, nets, and rowing boats familiar in Southern villages. The food area around the fishing lake is designed in an airy, quiet space. Sitting here, visitors can enjoy Western-style dishes: steamed bamboo chicken with grapefruit, mangosteen bamboo chicken salad, grilled yellow catfish young luffa salad, seafood grapefruit salad, steamed snails with bottle gourd, and cooked mackerel fish. Acorns... All are "homegrown" of Xeo Nhum, bamboo chickens are raised in the garden, fish are raised in ponds, gourds and luffa are planted in the vegetable garden. At Xeo Nhum ecological garden, you can also experience growing vegetables like a farmer. If you like, you can rent land (each plot area is 10m2, cost about 100,000 VND per month) to grow vegetables, care for them and harvest them yourself. Staff at the garden will take care of the area when visitors are not present. During harvest time, visitors just need to come pick and bring the fruits home, or they can ask the chefs here to process them on the spot into delicious dishes. In addition to the service of growing their own vegetables, visitors can dig ditches to catch fish, go fishing, hook up, catch snails... Especially and the unique mark of Xeo Nhum is the colorful homestays. The rows of colorful and lovely homestays create a very beautiful background for those who like to live virtually.

Can Tho

From January to December

737 view