Beautiful and dreamy in the season of clouds and dew of the Forbidden mountain

(SGTT) – In the summer days, Cam mountain, An Giang province entered the season of clouds and dew. The scene is white with clouds and mist, creating a dreamy look.

(SGTT) – In the summer days, Cam mountain, An Giang province entered the season of clouds and dew. The scenery is white  with the clouds and mist forming a dreamy look.

The houses and forest canopy are hidden in the mist. Photo: Duong Viet Anh.

From the foot of the mountain, the road to the top of Cam mountain is winding, creating a poetic picture. The charming scenery with the green canopy of the forest, the houses on the mountainside escaping hidden in the fog, all created an impressive scene.

Cam Mountain is beautiful and dreamy in the mist. Photo: Duong Viet Anh.

The most tourist attraction at Cam Mountain is the moment when the sea of ​​clouds covers the sky of Cam Mountain. If you are lucky, you will admire this beautiful scenery and feel like you are standing in the middle of the misty land of Da Lat.

          Photo: Duong Viet Anh.

Not only that, visitors can also participate in activities. Other activities such as trekking, mountain climbing, backpacking or walking in the mountains. Especially, when clouds cover the sky of Cam Mountain, this scene is also an inspiration for many photographers and painters who come here to find beautiful moments and create works of art.

 Photo: Duong Viet Anh.

Different from Da Lat city, the temperature in Cam Mountain is higher. However, the terrain of Cam mountain is favorable for the appearance of clouds. The early morning and evening moments, when the sun is getting dark or setting down the mountain, is the time when clouds cover the view at the foot of the mountain.

Photo: Duong Viet Anh.

When the sun rises in the sea of ​​clouds. White and endless, the natural spectacle at Cam Mountain becomes extremely attractive and beautiful. Fog covers the mountains and the pilgrimage center of Thuy Liem lake creates a poetic and mysterious picture.

Cam mountain 'cloud' market is engulfed in fog and clouds. Photo: Duong Viet Anh.

To be able to experience the best moments of Cam Mountain, visitors must move to the top of the mountain. This is not an easy journey, but what you will get is worth your efforts. From the top of the mountain, visitors can find the best views, watching the unspoiled natural beauty of the western mountains.

              A market in the mist. Photo: Duong Viet Anh.

Especially on cold days, Cam Mountain at night shakes the hearts of beauty enthusiasts. A thin fog swooped down, spreading across the pilgrimage center. The light of the pagodas hidden in the mist makes the scene shimmering and fanciful.

Photo: Duong Viet Anh.

Not only the cloudy scene, Cam Mountain also has famous landmarks such as pagodas and temples. Van Linh, Maitreya Buddha statue  33.6m high, Big Buddha Temple, Thuy Liem lake, top of Bo Hong mountain, Thanh Long stream… these make Cam Mountain an attractive destination chofor nature lovers and Southwest culture.

An Giang 775 view

Dương Việt Anh

Source : Sài Gòn Tiếp Thị

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