Unique architecture of Bird Pagoda in Cu Lao Gieng, An Giang

(SGTT) – Located on Cu Lao Gieng, Binh Phuoc Xuan commune, Cho Moi district, An Giang province, Phuoc Thanh pagoda (also known as Bird pagoda) has unique architecture, attracting tourists to visit and admire worship.

(SGTT) – Located on Cu Lao Gieng, Binh Phuoc Xuan commune, Cho Moi district, An Giang province, Phuoc Thanh pagoda (also known as Bird pagoda) has unique architecture, attracting tourists to visit and admire worship.

Coming to Phuoc Thanh Pagoda, visitors will be surprised by the golden color covering the entire temple. Photo: T.T

This place has been recognized by Vietnam Records as the temple with the largest complex of Amitabha Buddha statues and 48 Bodhisattva Saints in 2017. Photo: T.T

The pagoda has two corridors connecting to the top, creating a unique "overpass" that curves around. Photo: T.T

In the temple grounds, at the foot of the Amitabha Buddha statue, there are also symbols simulating the Turtle Tower, One Pillar Pagoda... carved from white stone. Photo: T.T

Initially, Phuoc Thanh Pagoda was built by Venerable Thich Buu Duc in 1872. The land where Phuoc Thanh Pagoda is located was once home to a pair of Flamingos that came to rest and attracted thousands of other birds to flock and fly. the whole field, true to the saying "good land, birds perch". Photo: T.T

Therefore, Venerable Thich Buu Duc chose this land to build Phuoc Thanh Pagoda, which people in the area often call Bird Pagoda. Photo: T.T

A pair of white cranes stand out in front of the temple gate. Photo: T.T

Coming to visit the pagoda, visitors will feel a peaceful and quiet space. Because the space is small, designing high corridors will help people move more easily. Photo: T.T

Walking around the temple, everywhere visitors can delight their eyes with majestic statues of Buddha, Bodhisattva, Arhat... Photo: T.T

The pagoda has a quite small area, but with strange architecture, many stairs connecting the building... creating a different highlight, attracting tourists to worship. Photo: T.T

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Đăng Huy

Source : Sài Gòn Tiếp Thị

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