Ban Gioc Waterfall - majestic beauty in the middle of Cao Bang's mountains

(CPV) – Located in Dam Thuy commune, Trung Khanh district, Cao Bang province, Ban Gioc Waterfall is a famous landscape, featuring a natural, white flow with many cascades. The waterfall not only brings the beauty of the majestic nature, but also the pride of the border region.

(CPV) – Located in Dam Thuy commune, Trung Khanh district, Cao Bang province, Ban Gioc Waterfall is a famous landscape, featuring a natural, white flow with many cascades. The waterfall not only brings the beauty of the majestic nature, but also the pride of the border region. 

Ban Gioc Waterfall is located in Dam Thuy commune, Trung Khanh district, Cao Bang province, about 20 km from the district center. This is a typical iconic tourist destination of Cao Bang province. Photo: Cong Dat 

Ban Gioc Waterfall is more than 60m high with the longest slope of 30m, divided into many successive limestone layers and spread to hundreds of meters. In the middle of the waterfall, there is a large mound of land covered with many green trees, dividing the river into three different branches. 

Water from above pours into the river, Ban Gioc waterfall brings a natural and pure beauty. On sunny days, those rays shine on the waterfall, resonating with the dusty water, creating colors, shimmering fanciful. 

At the foot of the waterfall is a wide river, the water surface is as calm as a mirror. On both sides of the bank are the clear grass with dew, each patch of green forest. 

Ban Gioc Waterfall is divided into 2 branches. Large branch with low elevation, flowing through low limestone steps. The other branch is smaller but taller, flowing gently like a young girl's hair. 

The best time to go to Cao Bang is from September to December, when Ban Gioc waterfall is full of blue water. At the beginning of December, buckwheat flowers and wild sunflowers bloom all over the mountains and forests 

The beauty of Ban Gioc waterfall is always intertwined between majestic and fierce with gentle dreaminess and deep lyricism. 

The beauty of Ban Gioc waterfall is divided into 2 different seasons, the rainy season and the dry season. The rainy season starts from June to September, the water changes color to a fiery red, violently, with white foam, creating a majestic scene. The dry season is from October to May next year, the water is clear and calm. 

Dubbed one of the most beautiful waterfalls in Vietnam, the largest natural waterfall in Southeast Asia, Ban Gioc waterfall - an extremely attractive destination, bringing valuable experiences to visitors. 

Cao Bang 722 view

Bài, ảnh: Phương Thanh

Source : Báo điện tử Đảng Cộng Sản Việt Nam

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