Falling leaves season comes early, Ru Cha has a different beauty

(SGTT) – In the season of falling leaves, Ru Cha mangrove forest (Hue city, Thua Thien Hue province) has a different beauty, attracting tourists to explore and take pictures.

(SGTT) – In the season of falling leaves, Ru Cha mangrove forest (Hue city, Thua Thien Hue province) has a different beauty, attracting tourists to explore and take photos.

Normally, the leaves will fall at the end of autumn, but this year the leaves fall earlier, which is also a beautiful sunny season for visitors to explore Ru Cha mangrove forest. Photo: Hoang Le.

In the leaf fall season, Ru Cha mangrove forest attracts tourists by a strange beauty. Photo: Hoang Le.

Những cành cây khẳng khiu, trơ lá tạo nên những mảng màu trắng xám ấn tượng. Ảnh: Hoàng Lê.

Strolling on the concrete paths winding through the forest, surrounded by tea roots with strange shapes, visitors will have extremely interesting experiences. Photo: Hoang Le.

Ru Cha mangrove forest is known as the only mangrove forest that still exists on the Tam Giang lagoon system - the largest lagoon system in Southeast Asia. Photo: Hoang Le.

Besides the season of falling leaves, visitors can come to Ru Cha in the fall, when the whole mangrove forest turns attractive yellow and red. Photo: Hoang Le.


People carry a net - a fishing tool in Ru Cha mangrove forest. Photo: Hoang Le.

Magical beautiful scenery at Ru Cha in the deciduous season. Photo: Hoang Le.

With beautiful natural scenery, this forest has been voted by readers of Saigon Market Thi in the "Top 7 unexpected beautiful scenes seen from the air" in 2022, within the framework of the program "Top 7 Impressions of Vietnam". . Photo: Hoang Le.

Hue 1085 view

Hoàng Lê

Source : Sài Gòn Tiếp Thị

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