Pink grass covered with frost and snow, Da Lat is dreamily beautiful

(VTC News) - In the first days of the year, the weather is cold, the pink grass hills covered with frost and snow bloom, making the dreamy city so beautiful.

(VTC News) - In the first days of the year, the weather is cold, the pink grass hills covered with frost and snow bloom, making the dreamy city so beautiful.

At the end of December and beginning of January every year, Da Lat is in winter weather, with dew, clouds blending with golden sunshine. Coming to the mountain town at this time, visitors will admire the pink grass hills that look like blooming paintings.

When the sun peeks out from behind the pine trees, night dew still lingers on the grass, making the space very beautiful and sparkling.

Pink grass is a weed, belonging to the coniferous group, growing in small bushes with thin stems and leaves. When the rainy season ends, old grass fades and young grass emerges from the ground. At this time, the grass leaves and tiny flowers are purple and pink.

In the early morning, dew drops are still thick on the grass, shining in the sunlight, so many people also call it snow grass.

Each grass root grows in clumps, close to the ground, no taller than a person's ankle. Each clump of pink grass grows close together, overlapping each other, covering an entire valley or hillside. The pink and purple color scheme makes the scene strange, different from the seasons of the year.

Some locations with beautiful pink grass hills are near the Golden Valley tourist area, the area leading to the Clay Tunnel tourist area, and Thai Phien pink grass hill about 2km from Trai Mat.

The pink grass season in the Lam Dong plateau attracts a large number of tourists of all ages from many provinces and cities. Tourists often come here early to admire the peace and take photos with the pink grass.

As a personal blogger, Phuong Tali also took advantage of the opportunity to save photos during the most beautiful pink grass season. "The grass blooms all over the hills, the scenery seems to be covered in a layer of pink and looks very beautiful," you expressed.

The pink grass of the mountain town covers the entire hill area, creating an extremely poetic scene amidst the pristine mountains and hills. The best time to admire and take photos of pink grass is after sunset at 4pm and at dawn, around 6am - 8am. At that time, the sunlight is gentle, not too harsh, and the grass has a beautiful color.

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Source : VTC News

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