Quietly looking at the bewilderingly beautiful landscape picture of Ninh Thuan

Pristine bays, majestic Cham towers on top of mountains, vast salt fields... are the unique and extremely attractive landscapes of Ninh Thuan.

Pristine bays, majestic Cham towers on top of mountains, vast salt fields... are the unique and extremely attractive landscapes of Ninh Thuan.

"Spectacular" natural scenery seen from Ngoan Muc Pass, Ninh Son district, Ninh Thuan province.

Panoramic view of Ca Na beach, the beach considered the most beautiful in Ninh Thuan, located in Thuan Nam district.

Po Klong Garai Tower - the most beautiful cluster of Cham towers in Vietnam - majestic on top of Trau Hill, located in Do Vinh ward, Phan Rang - Thap Cham city, capital of Ninh Thuan province.

Attractive landscape of Vinh Hy Bay - a small bay known as one of the four most beautiful bays in Vietnam, located in Ninh Hai District.

Scenery at Bai Chuoi, a pristine beach located on Provincial Road 702, Ninh Hai district.

Attractive scenery in Vung Thung beach, Ninh Hai district.

Magnificent scene seen from Po Rome tower, an ancient Cham tower located in Ninh Phuoc district.

A corner of Phuong Cuu salt field, one of the major salt granaries of the Central region, located in Ninh Hai district.

Sheep - a typical livestock species of Ninh Thuan - pass through a rocky beach with interesting shapes in Ninh Hai district.

Ninh Thuan 556 view

Quốc Lê

Source : kienthuc.net.vn

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Vinh Hy Bay

From May to August.

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Hang Rai

From January to December

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Chap Po Waterfall

From November to April

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Red Island

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Mui Dinh Lighthouse

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