Mui Dinh Lighthouse

Automatic narration

Mui Dinh Lighthouse

Mui Dinh Lighthouse is located in the south of Ninh Thuan province, about 40km from Phan Rang - Thap Cham city. Mui Dinh Lighthouse is a location located in the Mui Dinh scenic complex, belonging to Phuoc Dinh commune, Thuan Nam district. Built by the French in 1898, Mui Dinh Lighthouse serves the role of serving the passage of ships around the Mui Dinh area. For fishermen, the lighthouse is like a bright torch in the night sky of Mui Dinh, illuminating the way for ships to travel safely in the dark. According to the lighthouse staff, this is a lighthouse built by the French over a period of more than a year. The lighthouse stands tall on Dinh Mountain, surrounded by vast and endless sand dunes, creating a scene like the vast deserts of North America. To build the lighthouse, workers at that time had to use trucks to cross the sand dune terrain more than 4km to transport materials to the construction site, then continue to transport items up the mountain with high speed. altitude more than 70 m. Realizing the importance of the lighthouse in the movement of fishermen, after peace was restored, the government decided to retain the lighthouse and assigned officials to manage and maintain it. Today, the lighthouse still stands tall and has become an interesting destination for young people who want to explore Mui Dinh. The journey to explore Mui Dinh Lighthouse will pass through roads with beautiful and interesting views. On the way to explore Mui Dinh Lighthouse from Phan Rang - Thap Cham city, you can pass by Ninh Thuan Mongolian Village (Tanyoli Ninh Thuan), a quite beautiful village suitable for check-in and creation. create beautiful virtual live photos. The road to the lighthouse is nestled in a system of mountains and hills with quite complicated travel routes in the Mui Dinh area. Interspersed along the way are small deserts that can touch any travel-loving heart that wants to conquer this place. In the distance is a large beach with endless stretches of white sand. All make the road to the lighthouse more splendid like a fairyland. On the way across the desert, you will encounter clear freshwater lakes like a cool sound in the middle of the desert. Besides, the image of cactus branches stretching between heaven and earth or herds of goats leisurely on the hillside will also make you feel more interesting on the road. Besides crossing small deserts on foot, this area also has off-road vehicles suitable for crossing sand dunes at quite affordable prices such as off-road vehicles with prices ranging from 300,000 to 800,000 VND, depending on the type of car you choose to visit. The journey to conquer the small desert is only a short part of the challenge of exploring Mui Dinh Lighthouse. To get to the lighthouse, you have to cross a steep, quite challenging road. The journey to overcome this steep slope requires the traveler to have great perseverance and endurance. This is the stage that makes it easy for riders to give up because of the high level of challenges and many thorns. However, this is also a road full of beautiful scenes that seem to erase all the fatigue of those who are passionate about conquering. After about 20 minutes of conquering the lighthouse, the scenery interacting between land, sky, and sea will make all the fatigue of the steep climb gradually disappear into the unknown space. On the towering lighthouse, you can completely see the picturesque landscape of Mui Dinh. The scene ahead is a long deep blue sky and a vast sea. Below are rolling white sand dunes that follow each other like painting wonderful paintings. The coastline is dotted with rocks with strange shapes stacked on top of each other as if challenging the conqueror's imagination. On the sea surface, ships and boats suddenly pass through the water towards the shore. Everything blends together to create a color like a fairyland that momentarily descends to the world and immerses itself in human life. The architecture of Mui Dinh Lighthouse seems to retain traces of color mixing over the years. The hundred-year-old lighthouse seems to stand tall against the erosion of the sun and wind. The existing landscape still bears the color of the buildings that have come along over the years, although somewhat ancient, they are not degraded or old. Around Mui Dinh Lighthouse is a beautiful natural landscape with rows of blooming plumeria flowers as if welcoming the feet of young people who accidentally set foot here. Because Ninh Thuan's weather is quite hot and sunny and windy, you need to pay attention to time if you want to conquer this lighthouse. Often young people will choose to go to the lighthouse in the morning and afternoon to avoid heat and exhaustion. At this time, the sun is not too harsh, suitable for check-in photo sessions at the lighthouse. You should also choose clothes that are convenient for moving and have good ventilation because the journey is quite strenuous and challenging. Besides, to protect your body under the sun, you should also bring a hat, sunglasses and sunscreen. If you are not properly equipped, your skin can easily get sunburned under the harsh sunlight here. When starting out, you also prepare two extra bottles of water to use while climbing uphill as well as crossing small deserts. Conquering the steep road is quite tiring and can easily cause dehydration. Bottles of mineral water will help you rehydrate and feel less tired during the trip to the lighthouse. To fully experience the exciting feelings when traveling here, you should try riding a tractor when crossing the deserts to reach the lighthouse. This is an experience that doesn't cost too much if you go in a large group and will become an unforgettable memory when you visit Mui Dinh Lighthouse.

Ninh Thuan 864 view From January to December

Ngày cập nhật : 26/03/2023

Tourist destination in the same city

Mui Dinh Lighthouse

Mui Dinh Lighthouse is located in the south of Ninh Thuan province, about 40km from Phan Rang - Thap Cham city. Mui Dinh Lighthouse is a location located in the Mui Dinh scenic complex, belonging to Phuoc Dinh commune, Thuan Nam district. Built by the French in 1898, Mui Dinh Lighthouse serves the role of serving the passage of ships around the Mui Dinh area. For fishermen, the lighthouse is like a bright torch in the night sky of Mui Dinh, illuminating the way for ships to travel safely in the dark. According to the lighthouse staff, this is a lighthouse built by the French over a period of more than a year. The lighthouse stands tall on Dinh Mountain, surrounded by vast and endless sand dunes, creating a scene like the vast deserts of North America. To build the lighthouse, workers at that time had to use trucks to cross the sand dune terrain more than 4km to transport materials to the construction site, then continue to transport items up the mountain with high speed. altitude more than 70 m. Realizing the importance of the lighthouse in the movement of fishermen, after peace was restored, the government decided to retain the lighthouse and assigned officials to manage and maintain it. Today, the lighthouse still stands tall and has become an interesting destination for young people who want to explore Mui Dinh. The journey to explore Mui Dinh Lighthouse will pass through roads with beautiful and interesting views. On the way to explore Mui Dinh Lighthouse from Phan Rang - Thap Cham city, you can pass by Ninh Thuan Mongolian Village (Tanyoli Ninh Thuan), a quite beautiful village suitable for check-in and creation. create beautiful virtual live photos. The road to the lighthouse is nestled in a system of mountains and hills with quite complicated travel routes in the Mui Dinh area. Interspersed along the way are small deserts that can touch any travel-loving heart that wants to conquer this place. In the distance is a large beach with endless stretches of white sand. All make the road to the lighthouse more splendid like a fairyland. On the way across the desert, you will encounter clear freshwater lakes like a cool sound in the middle of the desert. Besides, the image of cactus branches stretching between heaven and earth or herds of goats leisurely on the hillside will also make you feel more interesting on the road. Besides crossing small deserts on foot, this area also has off-road vehicles suitable for crossing sand dunes at quite affordable prices such as off-road vehicles with prices ranging from 300,000 to 800,000 VND, depending on the type of car you choose to visit. The journey to conquer the small desert is only a short part of the challenge of exploring Mui Dinh Lighthouse. To get to the lighthouse, you have to cross a steep, quite challenging road. The journey to overcome this steep slope requires the traveler to have great perseverance and endurance. This is the stage that makes it easy for riders to give up because of the high level of challenges and many thorns. However, this is also a road full of beautiful scenes that seem to erase all the fatigue of those who are passionate about conquering. After about 20 minutes of conquering the lighthouse, the scenery interacting between land, sky, and sea will make all the fatigue of the steep climb gradually disappear into the unknown space. On the towering lighthouse, you can completely see the picturesque landscape of Mui Dinh. The scene ahead is a long deep blue sky and a vast sea. Below are rolling white sand dunes that follow each other like painting wonderful paintings. The coastline is dotted with rocks with strange shapes stacked on top of each other as if challenging the conqueror's imagination. On the sea surface, ships and boats suddenly pass through the water towards the shore. Everything blends together to create a color like a fairyland that momentarily descends to the world and immerses itself in human life. The architecture of Mui Dinh Lighthouse seems to retain traces of color mixing over the years. The hundred-year-old lighthouse seems to stand tall against the erosion of the sun and wind. The existing landscape still bears the color of the buildings that have come along over the years, although somewhat ancient, they are not degraded or old. Around Mui Dinh Lighthouse is a beautiful natural landscape with rows of blooming plumeria flowers as if welcoming the feet of young people who accidentally set foot here. Because Ninh Thuan's weather is quite hot and sunny and windy, you need to pay attention to time if you want to conquer this lighthouse. Often young people will choose to go to the lighthouse in the morning and afternoon to avoid heat and exhaustion. At this time, the sun is not too harsh, suitable for check-in photo sessions at the lighthouse. You should also choose clothes that are convenient for moving and have good ventilation because the journey is quite strenuous and challenging. Besides, to protect your body under the sun, you should also bring a hat, sunglasses and sunscreen. If you are not properly equipped, your skin can easily get sunburned under the harsh sunlight here. When starting out, you also prepare two extra bottles of water to use while climbing uphill as well as crossing small deserts. Conquering the steep road is quite tiring and can easily cause dehydration. Bottles of mineral water will help you rehydrate and feel less tired during the trip to the lighthouse. To fully experience the exciting feelings when traveling here, you should try riding a tractor when crossing the deserts to reach the lighthouse. This is an experience that doesn't cost too much if you go in a large group and will become an unforgettable memory when you visit Mui Dinh Lighthouse.

Ninh Thuan

From January to December

865 view

Red Island

Hon Do is a fossil coral complex located in My Hiep village, Thanh Hai commune, Ninh Hai district, Ninh Thuan province, about 17 km from Phan Rang - Thap Cham city center, on the famous coastal route. Vietnam, with places that surely everyone who loves backpacking knows about. From Phan Rang - Thap Cham city, follow the coastal road, you will meet Thanh Hai Commune People's Committee on the left, go a little further, there is a trail on the right, follow it and you will reach Hon Do. If you are not confident in your ability to use Google Map, when going on this road, you can ask the locals, who are extremely friendly and enthusiastic. A small trick when you use Google Map in this area : you should use in satellite mode. This will help you easily determine your exact location on the map. Once you have entered and met the sea, congratulations on your arrival. You will experience interesting activities when stopping here. Follow the trail, it will lead you all the way to the cape area. However, because it is a sand road, the most suitable vehicle is a motorbike and you need to drive a little steady. For those who are afraid of driving on sandy roads, or want to trek, you can ask for a ride at people's houses or border guard stations. Otherwise, you can still drive straight to the cape and start your exploration journey. Except for stormy days, all times of the year are suitable to explore Hon Do Ninh Thuan. However, depending on the amount of time you have and the purpose of the trip, you can choose the time to visit Hon Do. Different red. If you go in one day, you can visit Hon Do in the early morning or afternoon to catch the sunrise and sunset. Because this is one of the most beautiful sunrise and sunset spots in Ninh Thuan. If you have a lot of time, you can come here in the afternoon to watch the sunset, then camp overnight, catch the sunrise and swim here. The entire Hon Do Ninh Thuan area is covered by poplar forest, with no people living, so the wild features still remain. Therefore, trekking here is a suitable activity for those who love to explore and are healthy. Go through the border station and reach the beach and you can start your trekking journey. On the trekking route, you will see many trails, so rest assured, it is very difficult for you to get lost. If you have enough time, you should enjoy all your time at Hon Do with camping activities. If you want to camp overnight, Hon Do Ninh Thuan is an ideal place. However, you should avoid the lunar calendar year, this is the time when Cham people come here to pray for the island (praying for rain). And so, when setting up camp here, you should pay attention to cleaning up before leaving. When setting up camp, you should choose a location suitable for weather conditions (wind direction) and combine it with your other purposes. In the Northeast: There is a beach, best suited for camping, swimming and catching the sunrise (because sunrise happens in a very short period of time). In the southwest direction: The beach is very calm and calm, so it is best for you to avoid the wind, set up camp and swim. When traveling to Hon Do, you need to note the following points. For peace of mind and comfort when exploring, you can park your car at a local person's house or at a nearby border station. Because the rock at the top is very sharp and pointed, remember to be careful, it's best to wear shoes. To get down to the steps below and take beautiful photos, you need to arrive at low tide and need a pair of sandals to ensure safety. Moss is most beautiful from January to February of the lunar calendar, so if you want to "hunt" for moss, you should go during this time. Indigenous fishing activities will take place at low tide. So if you want to fish here, you should check the tide schedule in advance to arrange a reasonable time. This is a pristine area without any services, so remember to bring enough water for your trip.

Ninh Thuan

From February to December

822 view

Chap Po Waterfall

Chaper waterfall, also known as Cha Po waterfall, Cha-per (according to the name of the Raglai - Pôr people: Flying; can be understood as "flying waterfall") is a majestic, pristine waterfall in Phuoc Tan commune. , Bac Ai district - Ninh Thuan. The waterfall is located about 60km northwest of Phan Rang Thap Cham city center, about 10km from National Highway 27B. First, if you are from other provinces, you can choose bus, plane, train... to Phan Rang City - Ninh Thuan. Then, to get to Chaper waterfall most easily, you have 2 ways to move as follows: Method 1: From Phan Rang city, you go along Highway 1A to the North for about 5km, you will see Ca Du intersection, turn left, then continue about 40km to meet Highway 27B, continue to turn left about 3km and there will be a road. only to Ma Lam village. From the village, there will be a sign leading to Chaper waterfall, just follow and you will reach it. Method 2: you can run along Highway 27A to Highway 27B, turn into Phuoc Tan commune, go through the villages of Da Trang, Ma Ty, Ma Lam along the forest road, you will reach Chaper waterfall. For the most convenience, turn on google location, then search for the destination Chaper waterfall, the system will automatically guide you to your destination quickly and accurately. Usually people go to the waterfall in the morning and end the trip in the afternoon. However, to have a trip full of experience, you can ask to stay at a local people's house, prepare and enjoy regional dishes that are local specialties, and listen to stories. legendary epics or simply listening to the sounds of the mountains and forests. The story goes that Chaper waterfall is the incarnation of a beautiful woman in the majestic mountains and forests. According to legend, in the past, people living here lived a nomadic lifestyle, having to move to many places, looking for places near streams and river banks to earn a living. A family on the way to find a place to live saw this small waterfall and decided to choose this place to live. Time passed by, they lived happily and not long after gave birth to a little daughter named Chaper. The older she got, the more beautiful and gentle she became, making many boys in the area fall in love with her. Then one day, the sun god was away, the rain god appeared and sent torrential rains that continued day after day, continuously washing away all the crops of the villagers and even Chapo. When the sun god returned, everything was too late, Miss Chaper was no more, but people saw her image hidden in the rainbow light with her long hair flowing along the water. And to commemorate that girl, the villagers named the Chaper waterfall. Chaper waterfall in Ninh Thuan is over 50m high and nearly 40m wide, nestled in the middle of the mountainous region with the quiet and mysterious beauty of the Raglai people. Coming here, visitors can watch the cool, clear waterfall from above flowing down the rocks like a fairy with long, gentle, beautiful hair amid the vast mountainous landscape. This is a beautiful check-in location, preserving memories of memorable backpacking trips. Besides, when coming here, visitors can also immerse themselves in the cool waterfall with the breath of the mountains and forests, the waterfall is clean and completely natural. Next to the waterfalls there are large rocks where visitors can rest and admire the wild and mysterious mountain scenery. What could be better than after sightseeing, exploring, bathing under the waterfall, you and a group of friends can organize a party on a stone table, under the waterfall with pre-prepared dishes or enjoy local products on the spot? foods made by local people such as: baking potatoes, noodles, eating forest fruits; Enjoy grilled wild boar, grilled fish, can wine, etc. Besides, coming here, you can also hear the resounding epic melodies or the legendary Chapi guitar, along with the whispers of the mountains and forests of Bac Ai. With the beauty that nature bestows, Chaper waterfall has been a destination for eco-tourism development associated with the cultural identity of the Raglai ethnic group being embellished and protected. This is a destination that promises to please everyone. every tourist.

Ninh Thuan

From November to April

881 view

Hang Rai

Hang Rai is a tourist attraction located in the Marine Protected Area of ​​Nui Chua National Park. Possessing a wild, spacious beauty mixed with a bit of mystery that touches people's hearts, this destination is likened to a fairyland lost in the human world. This is one of three locations on the tourist tour route: Vinh Hy - Hang Rai - Vuon Grape. When hearing the name Hang Rai, surely everyone is curious because of its uniqueness and a bit of strangeness. Legend has it that this is a place that attracts many sea otters to live in caves formed from stacked rock populations. The name Hang Rai was born from there. Not only is the name strange, Hang Rai also possesses an extremely unique and novel beauty, with strangely shaped rocks eroded by ocean waves over time. They stack on top of each other to form majestic and wild caves, large and small. Hang Rai is known as a waterfall on the sea. Over time, the rocks congealed and eroded to form a lithic table suspended in the middle of the sea. When the ocean waves hit, they suddenly turn into waterfalls with silver streams sparkling in the sunlight, extremely beautiful. The most special feature of Hang Rai is the ancient coral reef that is thousands of years old and has special geological and historical value. As the sea receded, the water receded, revealing a coral reef with rough traces and many caves. It is these ancient coral reefs that crystallize the wild, majestic and somewhat rustic beauty of Hang Rai. You can also visit Karang Ninh Thuan rock beach to admire similar ancient coral reefs. Coming to Rai Cave, you can quietly sit on the strangely shaped rocks and watch the very poetic scenery of sea and sky merging into one. In addition, anyone who comes here must be amazed by the clear blue water reflecting sparkling streaks of sunlight, creating a poetic, magical, and incredibly splendid scene. Hang Rai is a very special destination with a beauty that cannot be mixed with anywhere else. The majestic, wild scene suddenly becomes extremely magical and dreamy when sunset falls.

Ninh Thuan

From January to December

1021 view

Vinh Hy Bay

Vinh Hy is a small bay located in the Northeast in Vinh Hai commune, Ninh Hai district, Ninh Thuan province, about 40km from Phan Rang city. This place is known for the beauty of the sea, mountains and pristine bays, bringing the pure rustic beauty of nature. This place has pristine beauty, calm waters, calm waves, and the emerald green color of the bay is as beautiful as a watercolor painting. As a place that has not been affected too much by human hands, coming here visitors will admire the most poetic and majestic landscapes. Vinh Hy Bay is located in Ninh Thuan province, characterized by the climate of the Central South region. However, the bay is surrounded by mountains and forests on all sides, so the sea area in the Bay is quite calm and peaceful all year round, the weather is mild and pleasant, you can visit here at any time of the year. year. But with Vinh Hy travel experience, the ideal time for you to explore Vinh Hy is summer from May to August. This is the time when Vinh Hy beach is wonderfully beautiful, sunny, calm, clear blue water. Jade color, convenient for you to enjoy the island space. With the experience of traveling to Vinh Hy, there are many impressive places to visit, let's take a look at the places and activities that you should not miss during your trip to Vinh Hy. The first is Hang Rai, a place located on the pass route to conquer Vinh Hy Bay, in Nui Chua National Park, a place blessed by nature with extremely impressive landscapes, with stacked rocks. on top of each other and the lava fields have strange shapes. It is a very cool virtual living location, with mountains and oceans, a majestic but also poetic space. You should especially experience watching the sunrise here, to admire the sight of the sun dyeing the entire sky pink. wide. Next is Nui Chua National Park. This is a location about 15 minutes from the bay across the suspension bridge, where there is a rich and diverse flora and fauna ecosystem. Coming here you will feel the fresh air, a peaceful space of the mountains and forests. You will be immersed in nature, the green forest, the cool stream will make your soul more refreshed, throwing away all the worries out there to enjoy the most peaceful moments. When coming to Vinh Hy and skipping the scuba diving activity to see coral, your trip will not be truly complete. With only diving goggles and a snorkel, you will be guided to dive and explore the colorful world at Vinh Hy. Bay. Please once explore the underwater world, admire the colorful splendor of the coral system and beautiful fish. Along with the activities of exploring and experiencing ideal places in Vinh Hy, don't forget to enjoy fresh seafood dishes in Vinh Hy waters at extremely cheap prices, but the quality is unquestionable. You can enjoy seafood on rafts at sea, restaurants or you can buy seafood from fishermen early in the morning, with many options such as squid, fish, snails, shrimp, crabs,...

Ninh Thuan

From May to August.

902 view

Discover Ninh Thuan

The North: Van Ho - Moc Chau - Mai Chau - Where Northwest Identity Spreads (Experience 5-star Avana Retreat service)

Destination : Hanoi , Son La , Hoa Binh

Schedule : 3 days 2 nights

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Book tour

North: Ha Long - Lan Ha Bay - Cat Ba - Sea Dance (Paradise Grand & M-Gallery Hotel Perle D'Orient class cruise experience)

Destination : Quang Ninh , Hai Phong

Schedule : 4 days 3 nights

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The North: Sapa - Lost in Europe (5-star luxury experience Hôtel de la Coupole - MGallery)| 30 Tet

Destination : Lao Cai

Schedule : 3 days 2 nights

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The North: Tu Le - Son La - Moc Chau - Mai Chau - Colorful touchpoints in the Northwest (Experience 5-star service)

Destination : Son La , Yen Bai

Schedule : 5 days 4 nights

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Combo Journey to Explore Saigon by Double Decker Bus and Enjoy the Evening on the Indochina Cruise

Destination : Ho Chi Minh City

Schedule : 1 day

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Hanoi - Ha Long Bay - Bai Dinh Pagoda - Trang An - Tuyet Tinh Coc

Destination : Hanoi , Quang Ninh , Ninh Binh

Schedule : 4 days 3 nights

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Flower and Sea Journey: Da Lat - Nha Trang

Destination :

Schedule : 5 days 4 nights

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The West: Chau Doc - Tra Su Melaleuca Forest - Ha Tien - Rach Gia - Can Tho - Experience the West's Newest Expressway

Destination : Can Tho

Schedule : 4 days 3 nights

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Phu Quoc: Truc Lam Ho Quoc Zen Monastery - Bai Sao (3-star hotel) | Stimulate tourism

Destination : Kien Giang

Schedule : 3 days 2 nights

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