An ancient temple more than 300 years old in Thai Binh 'transformed' after a major restoration

(VTC News) - After a major restoration, the more than 300-year-old ancient temple worshiping King Ly Nam De and the Queen in Vu Thu district (Thai Binh) has a new look but still retains its original ancient features.

(VTC News) - After a major restoration, the more than 300-year-old ancient temple worshiping King Ly Nam De and the Queen in Vu Thu district (Thai Binh) has a new look but still retains its original ancient features.

The more than 300-year-old temple in Thai Binh 'transformed' after a major restoration

Hai Thon Temple (Xuan Hoa commune, Vu Thu district, Thai Binh) is an ancient temple more than 300 years old, worshiping King Ly Nam De and Queen Do Thi Khuong. Hai Thon Temple was recognized by the State as a national historical and cultural relic in 1986.

Hai Thon Temple is located on a high mound, 4,500 square meters wide. The temple was built in a rectangular format, with 2 buildings and 8 compartments, surrounding a longan garden. That longan garden has now become a lush ancient garden. According to the Ngoc genealogy of the relic, Hai Thon temple is located on the former private residence of Mrs. Do Thi Khuong (wife of King Ly Nam De).

In the year of the Snake, 1689, the villagers rebuilt two large architectural buildings (two-letter style). During Thanh Thai's reign (Nguyen Dynasty), the villagers built an additional 7-compartment building and changed the temple yard into a flower garden. After "renovating the back" of the Te front building into a harem, the 7-room building was made into a pavilion, changing from a double-shaped architecture to a triple-shaped architecture, opening a large yard and building a 10-inch gate with flower-pillar walls representing the left and right gates. subject as the current state of the monument today.

In particular, in the harem where King Ly Nam De and Queen Do Thi Khuong are worshiped, there is a reprint of a previous ancient painting. This is one of the large and beautiful 19th century lacquer paintings in Thai Binh province. The painting is 0.9m wide, 2m long, made of lacquered wood, painted with black paint, using 4 main colors: yellow, red, dark gray, blue. The theme depicts King Ly Nam De and Queen Do Thi Khuong like other altar paintings of the same era.

Informing PV VTC News, Mr. Do Van Manh - Xuan Hoa Commune Cultural Officer, Standing Deputy Head of the Hai Thon Temple Relic Management Board, said that after 5 months of restoration and embellishment of 6 project items Up to now, Hai Thon Temple has a new look in accordance with the project documents approved by competent authorities, especially the roof system of the temple.

The tiled roof system replaces 90% of the new tiles of the two front and middle buildings. The new tiles are made to resemble the old tile prototypes at the Le Dynasty relic. The harem is roofed with old tiles of the Le Dynasty.

The entire railings of the front and middle palaces were replaced with ironwood. The railings of the harem were also completely replaced with ironwood.

The foundations of the 3 palaces of the pre-tection, middle-tea and harem, the entire front yard of the pre-tection palace and the yard in front of the ritual gate were replaced with new Bat Trang tiles, size 30 x 30cm.

The front steps of the three palaces are bundled with green stones, connecting the three entrances and creating a drainage system for rainwater flowing down from the roof to be collected into the reservoir behind the right side of the temple.

Some carved patterns and mascots supporting the roof from the Le Dynasty are still kept intact.

The screen in front of the harem worshiping King Ly Nam De and Queen Do Thi Khuong is carved with motifs, patterns, and gilded lacquered mascots from the Le Dynasty that still remain intact to this day.

The altar of the Trung Te altar is a unique work of art containing historical, cultural, fine-art values ​​and carving techniques on wooden altar objects made during the Le Trung Hung period, 17th century.

On both sides are two bronze hats placed on the altar, which are carefully preserved and protected.

In particular, the temple has a golden-painted wooden altar throne. The altar dates back to the 17th century and was collected at the Thai Binh Museum before 1999.

After 5 months of restoration, Hai Hamlet Temple has taken on a new look for local people and visitors from all over to offer incense, worship, and pay tribute to the merits of the King and Queen for establishing the Van Xuan State. The funding source for this restoration comes from the owner of a large corporation who is a native of Thai Binh with an amount of billions of dong.

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Source : VTC News

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