The magical beauty of the infinity sea and the Milky Way in Thai Binh

ANTD.VN - Recently, Thai Binh's "infinity sea" has become a phenomenon attracting a large number of young people to explore and check in. The reason why the sea is called infinity is because when the tide recedes, the water is only ankle-level, stretching endlessly like a giant mirror that is extremely fanciful and shimmering... The beautiful infinity sea made by photographer Nguyen Tung, a young photography enthusiast living in Hanoi, has captured the shimmering, fanciful beauty, but equally romantic and especially the beauty of nature. People's movements on the beach of Thuy Xuan commune.

ANTD.VN - Recently, Thai Binh's "infinity sea" has become a phenomenon that attracts a large number of young people to explore and check in. The reason why the sea is called infinity   is because when the tide recedes, the water is only ankle level, stretching endlessly like a giant mirror, extremely fanciful and shimmering...  Photo series The beautiful infinity sea made by photographer Nguyen Tung, a young photography enthusiast living in Hanoi, has captured the shimmering and fanciful beauty, but equally romantic and especially the beauty of nature. People's movements on the beach of Thuy Xuan commune.

Thuy Xuan commune beach (Thai Thuy district, Thai Binh province) is called "infinity sea" by photographers and young people because of its unique beauty that few places can find.

The image was taken at nearly 5 am, the sea surface is like a large mirror reflecting the sky, creating a unique infinity space.

In addition to the surreal beautiful scenery, we also witness the working scene of the people here

Photo of people getting up early to harvest clams and snails before the sun rises

To capture this moment, visitors should come to Thuy Xuan from the previous afternoon and get up early to prepare the camera to welcome the sunrise

On calm days, the calm sea surface without ripples will produce pictures that are true to the name of the infinity sea. The scenery of heaven and earth as one here will make any visitor fall in love

Thuy Xuan infinity sea is an alluvial beach about 7km long, in the picture is where fishermen are looking to catch snail nails

The wonderfully beautiful labor picture of the people in the sea

The sea is like a giant mirror reflecting the clear blue sky, creating an infinity space

Also here the image of the galaxy was also fortunately recorded by Nguyen Tung. He shared, "I'm so lucky to see this painting, it's such a wonderful and magical scene."

Heaven and earth seem to merge into a moment to start a new day on the sea

The ideal time to hunt this moment is usually between 1 and 3 am

You should also bring a tripod to shoot a timelapse video of the sunrise over the infinity sea

The images of workers appear to be simple, close, and have a rustic beauty

However, in order to see the Milky Way or the "infinity sea", we still have to talk about luck because the weather or tide factors will make it impossible for us to admire.

According to locals and some experienced photographers, hunting the "infinity sea" scene is highly dependent on tides and weather.

In addition, to visit the "infinity sea" and have the most impressive photo series, visitors need to choose a day with few clouds and calm wind. Late summer, early autumn (from July to October) is the ideal time when the wind is light and the dawn is beautiful

Nguyen Tung, the author who made the beautiful "infinity sea" photo series, is a lover of discovering Vietnam's landmarks.

Thai Binh 724 view

Nguyễn Tùng

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