List of 10 most ancient historical sites in Thai Binh

List of 10 historical relics in Thai Binh that preserve many historical and cultural values ​​from each period to the present. Explore the following article now to not miss these sacred and wonderful relics.

Historical relics in Thai Binh are the clearest evidence to show the resilience and indomitability of our people from the time of fighting against foreign invaders until now. Through many ups and downs, the relics still stand today so that the next generation can feel proud of a majestic nation. Join 63Stravel to visit the following list of 10 historical sites in Thai Binh to understand more about this land!

Top 10 famous historical sites in Thai Binh

Explore 10 historical sites in Thai Binh now to better understand the history, culture, and people of this sacred land!

Tien La Temple

This is the place to worship General Vu Thi Thuc - an excellent female general under the Trung Sisters. Tien La Temple has a large area, spacious temple architecture, and splendid beauty. The central palace is considered to have unique architecture, built in the style of a communal house. Every year this place always attracts visitors from all over to worship and make pilgrimages. In particular, the Tien La Temple festival is held on the 15th day of the third lunar month, helping tourists and people here to visit and explore folk games such as lion dancing, fighting, wrestling, and fighting. chicken, playing bamboo flute...

Đền Tiên La - Ngôi đền lâu đời của vùng đất Thái Bình

Tien La Temple - The oldest temple of Thai Binh land

Address: Doan Hung commune, Hung Ha district, Thai Binh province

Ticket price: Free

Luu Xa Temple

This is the place to worship Luu Khanh Dam and Luu Ba - two historical celebrities of the Ly Dynasty, located in the historical relic cluster in Hung Ha district, Thai Binh. Along with Bao Quoc Pagoda, it has become a famous historical relic that has been preserved to this day. Luu Xa Temple has undergone many renovations and has now become an ideal spiritual tourist destination for many visitors.

Đền thờ Thái úy Lưu Khánh Đàm (Đền Lưu Xá) ở Thái Bình

Temple of Captain Luu Khanh Dam (Luu Xa Temple) in Thai Binh

Address: Bao Quoc, Hung Ha, Thai Binh

Ticket price: Free

Possess, own, or hold

It is one of the ancient pagodas with a long history in Vietnam, known by another name: Than Quang Tu Pagoda. Keo Thai Binh Pagoda has a large scale. Through many renovations, the pagoda not only retains its ancient architecture but also becomes more beautiful. Many people who come to visit and worship leave comments that this is the most beautiful ancient temple in Vietnam.

Chùa Keo Thái Bình – Kiến trúc xa xưa còn nguyên vẹn đến nay

Keo Thai Binh Pagoda - Ancient architecture still intact to this day

Address: Keo Village, Vu Thu District, Thai Binh Province

Ticket price: Free

Tomb area of ​​3 Tran kings

The tomb area of ​​the 3 Tran Kings is a historical relic, a place to worship the Tran Dynasty kings of the ancient Long Hung palace. Accordingly, this place has 3 mounds of earth raised like hills. According to the people here, this is the tomb of the three early Tran Dynasty kings.

Di tích lịch sử Khu lăng mộ và đền thờ các vị Vua triều Trần

Historical site Tombs and temples of Tran Dynasty Kings

From East to West, the outermost mound is Chieu Lang, the burial place of King Tran Thai Tong. The middle mound is Du Lang, it is said that this is the burial place of King Tran Thanh Tong. The remaining mound to the east is Duc Lang, the burial place of King Tran Nhan Tong. Built on a large campus with many trees. The Tombs of the 3 Tran Kings is a historical relic that should not be missed when you have the opportunity to visit this land of Thai Binh.

Address: Tam Duong, Hung Ha, Thai Binh

Ticket price: Free

Temple of the Salt Lady

The Temple of the Lady of Salt is the place to worship Mrs. Nguyen Thi Nguyet Anh (Third concubine of King Tran Anh Tong) - who has made great contributions in teaching people here how to make salt and trade salt for good. help make life prosperous. Thanks to that, every year on the 14th day of the 4th lunar month this place organizes the Salt Lady Festival to commemorate her achievements, as well as worship and pray for the best luck.

Di tích lịch sử Đền thờ Bà Chúa Muối

Historical relic of Ba Chua Muoi Temple

Address: Thuy Hai Commune, Thai Thuy District, Thai Binh Province

Ticket price: Free

Dong Bang Temple

Dong Bang Temple is a historical relic in Thai Binh that is attracting many tourists across the country to visit. This place preserves many traditional cultural beauties of Thai Binh people. Dong Bang Temple was built according to Hue and Northern architecture. Even after many years of existence, the temple still retains its original architecture and solemnity. This promises to bring deep emotions and feelings to each visitor when looking at the architecture and decoration of this place.

Khám phá đền Đồng Bằng - Ngôi đền thiêng liêng cổ kính Thái Bình

Explore Dong Bang Temple - Ancient sacred temple of Thai Binh

Address: An Le Commune, Quynh Phu District, Thai Binh Province

Ticket price: Free

Hai Thon Temple

Existing for more than 300 years, Hai Thon Temple still maintains its unique architectural and artistic features. This is where Ly Bi recruited soldiers to stand up against foreign invaders. Since then, Hai Thon Temple has become a place to preserve historical evidence and is ranked by the government as one of the famous historical relics in Thai Binh.

Miếu hai thôn - Công trình văn hóa, tâm linh độc đáo

Temple of two villages - Unique cultural and spiritual work

Address: Phuong Tao Village, Xuan Hoa Commune, Vu Thu District, Thai Binh Province

Ticket price: Free

Comrade Nguyen Duc Canh memorial area

Comrade Nguyen Duc Canh Memorial Area is an attractive spiritual tourist destination with tens of thousands of tourists coming here every year to visit and offer incense. The memorial area was built with a total area of ​​3.04 hectares with items such as a memorial house, a memorial house, and a place to welcome guests. Coming to the relic, visitors not only feel the quiet, spacious space and beautiful landscape but also review the history and interesting stories about national hero Nguyen Duc Canh.

Khu tưởng niệm đồng chí Nguyễn Đức Cảnh thu hút hàng vạn du khách dịp đầu năm

Comrade Nguyen Duc Canh's memorial area attracts tens of thousands of visitors at the beginning of the year

Address: Diem Dien Town, Thai Thuy District, Thai Binh Province

Ticket price: Free

Uncle Ho Memorial House

Uncle Ho's Memorial House is a place built to preserve and display images, artifacts, and documents related to the revolutionary career of President Ho Chi Minh. Thanks to that, the next generation has the opportunity to research and learn about the country's history, as well as Uncle Ho's pure moral example. Up to now, Uncle Ho's Memorial House has become a national historical relic and is open to tourists who come here to visit and explore.

Khu lưu niệm Chủ tịch Hồ Chí Minh - Địa chỉ đỏ giáo dục truyền thống yêu nước, cách mạng

Memorial area of ​​President Ho Chi Minh - Red address for educating patriotic and revolutionary traditions

Address: Dai Dong village, Tan Hoa commune, Vu Thu district, Thai Binh

Ticket price: 20,000 VND/person

A Sao Temple

Located right on the banks of the Hoa River, A Sao Temple is the place to worship politician and military leader Tran Hung Dao. This place is associated with his heroic battles, along with ancient rituals and festivals. Entering the campus, visitors will feel the solemnity with many emotions mixed with interesting historical stories. If you travel to Thai Binh, don't miss this historical site!

Khu di tích A Sào - vang vọng lời thề bên sông Hóa

A Sao relic area - echoing the oath on the Hoa River

Address: An Thai Commune, Quynh Phu District, Thai Binh Province

Ticket price: Free

Above is a list of 10 historical relics in ancient Thai Binh that are becoming a destination for many domestic tourists. This is a sacred and proud destination of the nation that if you have the opportunity to visit Thai Binh province, you should visit once!

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Discover Thai Binh

Dong Chau Beach

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Con Vanh eco-tourism area

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Con Den eco-tourism area

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Possess, own, or hold

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Dong Bang Temple

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Bach Thuan garden village

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Dong Xam silver carving craft village

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