'Super top' cloud hunting camping spot in Quang Ninh

In the fall, Phuong Hoang peak (Uong Bi City, Quang Ninh) often appears with seas of clouds floating in the early morning. Many tourists flocking to check-in commented that the scene here is as beautiful as the famous cloud hunting spot Ta Xua.

In the fall, Phuong Hoang peak (Uong Bi City, Quang Ninh) often appears with seas of clouds floating in the early morning. Many tourists flocking to check-in commented that the scene here is as beautiful as the famous cloud hunting spot Ta Xua.

Phoenix Peak is right next to Uong Bi City, about 40km west of Ha Long City. Here, in the early morning, streams of clouds often appear flowing over the top of the hill

In the cool weather of autumn, the sea of ​​clouds rolling around the mountains in the early morning makes the scene here more romantic than ever.

No less than Ta Xua, Phuong Hoang peak also has a beautiful sea of ​​floating clouds

The strip of clouds sometimes resembles a gently flowing stream

When dyed pink by the rays of the dawn sun

The wild beauty of Phuong Hoang peak is adorned with a sea of ​​clouds, creating a beautiful scenery that is rarely found anywhere else

To hunt for clouds in the early morning, many families choose to camp overnight, enjoying the cool air while watching the sunrise.

Recently, Phuong Hoang peak is a place that attracts people who are passionate about traveling

Young girl engrossed in checking in with the sea of ​​clouds

Weekend is the time when many families choose Phuong Hoang peak as a place for picnics and entertainment, immersing themselves in nature

About 135km east of Hanoi center, Phuong Hoang Hill (also known as Ba Floor Mountain, located in 12 Khe village, Bac Son ward, Uong Bi city, Quang Ninh province) is an attractive place for tourists to visit. experiences, photography or camping in recent years.

The hill has an altitude of nearly 500m. Tourists travel from Uong Bi city to Bac Son ward about 8km and then climb from the foot of the hill to the top in about 30 minutes.

Visitors can park their car to trek about 1.5 km or ride a motorbike or rent a motorbike taxi to take them to the top of the hill. The lawns at Phoenix Hill are very suitable for exploring and camping on weekends.

Note that the destination is still wild and does not have many tourist services, visitors mainly bring their own things and avoid littering.

Quang Ninh 603 view

Theo Phạm Công/Vietnamnet

Source : kienthuc.net.vn

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