Check out 16+ historical relics in sacred and long-standing Son La

Historical relics in Son La attract tourists to explore, carrying many meaningful historical values. Follow 63Stravel to explore these relics.

When mentioning Son La, people will immediately think of scenic spots, poetic plum blossom seasons or immense tea hills. Not only that, this place exists and stores many historical relics in sacred and long-standing Son La. Join 63 Stravel to learn about famous historical sites in Son La!

Top 16+ most attractive historical sites in Son La for you to explore

Son La not only has beautiful tourist attractions but also many long-standing historical relics that many people come to explore. Below is a list of historical sites in Son La that you can save and experience if you have the opportunity to come here.

Ta Vai Bridge

Ta Vai Bridge, located in Ta Vai village, Chieng Hac commune, Yen Chau district, is a famous historical relic of the province. During the resistance war against the French and Americans, the bridge not only had significance for people's livelihood but was also an important traffic artery. During the war, Ta Vai bridge suffered 1,272 bombs from American aircraft but still stood firm, ensuring smooth traffic.

Cầu Tà Vài nơi ghi dấu ấn lịch sử tại Sơn La

Ta Vai Bridge is a historical place in Son La

The fierce battle at Ta Vai bridge witnessed the resilience of the militia and self-defense forces and the army, determined to protect traffic arteries. From March to December 1966, the 14th Anti-aircraft Artillery Battalion, with the support of local people, arranged anti-aircraft artillery to protect the bridge. The solidarity and stubborn fighting spirit of the militia and soldiers have kept this vital road clear in all situations.

White Bridge historical site

The White Bridge historical relic is located on National Highway 6A (old Road 41), a bridge over Nam La stream, connecting the Northern Delta provinces with Son La, Dien Bien and Lai Chau. With a length of 45m and a width of 7m, White Bridge was designed and built in 1963, carrying strategic significance in the two resistance wars against the French and the Americans.

During the period 1965-1968, the White Bridge became a target for bombardment by the US Air Force, enduring 34 battles with 870 bombs and hundreds of rockets, causing the bridge to be completely destroyed. However, in 2003, the bridge was rebuilt with a modern design, 48.1 m long and 14 m wide and officially inaugurated in 2006.

Di tích lịch sử Cầu Trắng nổi tiếng tại Sơn La

Famous White Bridge historical relic in Son La

The White Bridge is not only a historical witness of the resilience, solidarity and patriotism of Son La's army and people, but also evidence denouncing the crimes of American imperialism. This place marks typical faces such as national emulation soldier Nguyen Kim Tien, who contributed to ensuring smooth traffic, transporting food and weapons to the Northwest and Upper Laos.

Walking on the White Bridge today, feeling the great change in life, we appreciate the sacrifices of previous generations even more. White Bridge, ranked as a provincial historical relic by the People's Committee of Son La province on September 15, 2008, is forever a symbol of revolutionary spirit, connecting the past, present and future, arousing pride in patriotic traditions of the homeland and country.

General Vo Nguyen Giap's forest

General Vo Nguyen Giap Forest, often affectionately called "Ong Giap Forest", is located in Gia Phu commune, Phu Yen district, Son La province. Originally called Ban Not forest, this forest was renamed to show gratitude and respect to General Vo Nguyen Giap. With an area of ​​about 200 hectares, Ong Giap forest is surrounded by two mountain ranges, dense trees and covered with clouds all year round.

Ong Giap Forest is a historical relic and attractive tourist destination. Unlike many other forests, the forest is still intact with giant cho chi trees, lat, doi, mango, dracontomelon and towering po mu trees. The quiet space of the old forest is adorned with the gurgling sound of the Don stream day and night, reminding of the heroic history of this place.

Sơn La giữ màu xanh cánh rừng mang tên Đại tướng Võ Nguyên Giáp

Son La keeps the green forest named after General Vo Nguyen Giap

The forest was the first military base of General Vo Nguyen Giap and our army. Important locations such as the observatory on Hien stream hill, the military field medical station on Bua stream and the command post on Tac Te stream on Tang Tu hillside still exist, marking memories of heroic battles. hero.

Visiting Ong Giap forest, visitors will immerse themselves in the historical space, feel the majesty and appreciate the sacrifices of previous generations. The forest is not only a symbol of patriotism but also a precious natural heritage, arousing pride in the nation's revolutionary tradition.

Archaeological relic of the stone roof of Mon village

The Ban Mon Stone Roof Relic is the first archaeological relic discovered in Northwest Vietnam. In 1927, French archaeologist Madeleine Colani excavated and discovered many stone tools, jewelry, and snail shells here. After that, a number of researchers investigated further, and in 2006, the Stone Roof of Mon village was recognized as a provincial relic. In 2017, the Provincial Museum invested in renovating this relic.

Di tích khảo cổ mái đá bản Mòn được xếp hạng di tích quốc gia

The archaeological site of the Mon village stone roof is ranked as a national monument

In April 2021, the Provincial Museum coordinated with the Institute of Archeology, the Vietnam Archaeological Association and the People's Committee of Thuan Chau district to organize an excavation and discover two prehistoric graves along with more than 1,000 stone artifacts and nearly 2,000 pieces of pottery. , many of which date from 10,000 to 5,000 years ago. This discovery proves that the Stone Roof of Mon village was once a residence, a stone ax workshop, and a burial place. With great value, this relic was ranked as a National Monument on March 20, 2023.

The stone roofs of Mon village contain many national historical, cultural and scientific values, related to the prehistoric community that once lived here. This is a valuable source of data for scientists to research and decode the values ​​of relics, contributing to preserving and promoting the nation's cultural heritage. At the same time, promote local socio-economic development. The stone roofs of Mon village are also a unique geological and archaeological heritage, a valuable tourism resource of Son La during the period of opening, integration and regional connection.

Temple of Lady Han

When you come to Son La, don't miss the opportunity to visit a special temple from the 17th century. This temple is not only an example of patience and strong restoration, but also contains many stories Interesting and mysterious history.

After the main temple was flooded under the Son La hydropower plant, restoring this temple to its original form was an amazing feat. What is remarkable is that the temple still retains its beauty and attraction, being a sacred place that attracts tourists from all over.

Đền thờ Nàng Han - Linh Sơn Thủy Từ ở Sơn La

Temple of Han - Linh Son Thuy Tu in Son La

According to legend, this temple is related to the story of Han - the only daughter of the lord of the Kho Mu people in Chieng Phung (or Quynh Nhai today). The story of Miss Han carries the mark of love, intimacy and deep filial piety.

Visiting this 17th century temple, you will not only admire the ancient architectural beauty but also have the opportunity to learn more about the history, culture and special traditions of this locality. This is definitely an interesting and meaningful destination in the journey to explore Son La.

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Archaeological site of Tang Me tomb cave

If you have the opportunity to come to Son La, do not miss visiting Tang Me Tomb Cave, one of the unique and rare relics, recognized as a National Monument since 2014. Located in Loi village, commune Suoi Bang, Van Ho district, this tomb cave is an ideal destination for those who are passionate about adventure and want to explore.

To get to Tang Me tomb cave, you will have to spend about 30 minutes walking from the center of Suoi Bang commune, crossing the trail and climbing over steep cliffs. However, this risk will be rewarded when you arrive at the tomb cave located halfway up the mountain.

Kỳ bí thế giới mộ cổ táng treo trong hang ở di tích khảo cổ hang mộ Tạng Mè

The mysterious world of ancient burial tombs hanging in the cave at the archaeological site of Tang Me tomb cave

Tang Me Tomb Cave has unique and strange characteristics. The most prominent feature is the coffins made from split wood, shaped like boats and decorated with sophisticated "swallow tail" images. The artifacts inside the coffins provide valuable information about the lives of ancient residents thousands of years ago.

This relic is not only a testament to the long-term residence of ancient people in Van Ho district, but also a valuable resource for scientists researching the history, culture and society of the land. This. At the same time, preserving and promoting the value of Tang Me tomb cave also contributes to promoting local economic and tourism development.

A Phu Cave

A Phu Cave (also known as Tham Cop Cave) is a unique and rare destination, located in Hong Ngai village, Hong Ngai commune, Bac Yen town, Son La province. This cave is described as the mouth of a frog biting its prey, with a majestic mountain face and many narrow niches. A Phu Cave is not only a place where visitors can explore the wild natural beauty but also a place to mark the local history and culture. Located in a primeval forest, with an airy and cool climate, this cave attracts many people who want to explore and experience.

Hang A Phủ địa danh mang giá trị lịch sử, văn hóa

A Phu Cave is a landmark with historical and cultural value

A Phu Cave consists of two doors on the East and West sides, connected to each other and divided into three compartments. The third chamber is the largest, with a high ceiling and a rough cave floor. The coffins are made from split wood and exquisitely decorated, showing the artistry of the ancients. In addition to the natural beauty and profound history, the local government has also taken measures to protect and preserve A Phu cave. The landscape around the cave is still preserved, without encroachment or environmental destruction. This is not only a tourist attraction but also a unique cultural heritage of this land.

Co Noi Junction historical site

When you arrive in Moc Chau, don't forget to visit the historical relic Nga Ba Co Noi - a place marking the important history of the Dien Bien Phu battlefield. This is not only the place of fierce battles but also the place that witnessed the unjust sacrifices of hundreds of soldiers. Majestic history has recorded unforgettable memories of the nation's children. You should stop here to remember and pay tribute to the heroes who sacrificed for their country.

Ngã ba Cò Nòi vang mãi khúc tráng ca bất tử

Co Noi intersection resounds forever with an immortal epic song

Ancient rock beach of uncle cave

Hang Chu village, located in Hang Chu commune, Bac Yen, Son La, is an attractive destination in the Northwest region inhabited by the Mong ethnic group. To get to the village, visitors have to cross forest roads, cross streams and difficult mountain slopes. Here, people discovered the ancient Khe Ho stone field, with unique and strange carvings.

Khám phá di sản bãi đá khắc Khe Hổ tại Sơn La

Discover the heritage of Khe Ho carved stone field in Son La

Located in Hang De village, not far away, four stone blocks have been engraved, located 5 to 16 meters apart. The intricate, spiral and strange patterns have attracted the attention of researchers and lovers of historical discovery. Khe Ho is located deep in a narrow valley, a must-see destination for those interested in archeology and culture. Discovered in 2011, this relic is currently a hot research topic with the desire to discover more historical and cultural mysteries of the Vietnamese people.

Hate Stele Km 64 relic site

When experiencing Moc Chau and visiting the Km 64 Hate Stele relic site in Thao Nguyen Moc Chau town, visitors will be immersed in an emotional historical scene. This is a commemorative place for the brave people of the North during the resistance war against the US to save the country. Located next to National Highway 6, 135 km from Son La town, this relic is located in the middle of the intersection of Son La - Hanoi and Phu Yen, with the main side of the stele facing National Highway 6, convenient for tourists. sightseeing.

Di tích bia căm thù - khắc cốt ghi tâm với giặc Mỹ

Monument of hatred - engraved with the American enemy

To recognize the indomitableness of the people and to arouse national pride, in 1969, the government and people of Thao Nguyen Moc Chau town erected the Hate Stele at Km 64, with a clear message: "Eternally engraved in my heart the implacable hatred of the American invaders." 

This is not only a historical symbol but also a warning and reminder of the nation's solidarity and determination in protecting the country's independence and freedom. Hate Stele Km 64 is not just a relic, but an inseparable part of the rural soul and resilient spirit of the people of Northern Vietnam.

Historical relic of Na San stronghold group

The Na San stronghold group in Son La is not only one of the main military bases of the French colonialists in the Northwest but also a symbol of the perseverance and courage of our army and people in the war for independence. create. Right from the early years of returning to occupy Son La - Northwest, the French colonialists chose Na San to build a solid military base system. With the strategic location and convenience of the mountains, they built a closed facility spanning over 10 square kilometers, called the Na San stronghold group.

This group is built according to the model of a closed arc, with 17 continuous bases. These bases are reasonably distributed in the area, including transport airports, food and weapons storage systems, and closely protected tunnels and trenches.

Tập đoàn cứ điểm Nà Sản trong chiến dịch Tây Bắc sau 70 năm

Na San stronghold group in the Northwest campaign after 70 years

The fierce battle at Na San during the Northwest campaign in 1952 contributed significantly to the final victory of the war. Our army and people destroyed many enemy forces, captured many weapons and ammunition, forcing the enemy to retreat and be completely isolated.

After the campaign, the Na San stronghold group was not only a symbol of victory but also a clear testament to the disastrous defeat of the French colonialists. Marking the end of a dark period, Na San was ranked as a National Historical Site in 1998, honoring the efforts and sacrifices of the nation in the war for independence.

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Thuan Chau Flag Tower historical site

The Thuan Chau flag tower historical relic, located in Pan village, Chieng Ly commune, Thuan Chau district, proves a special event on May 7, 1959, when President Ho Chi Minh and the Party and Government leadership visited Northwest region. On that day, on the occasion of the 5th anniversary of the historic victory of Dien Bien Phu and the 4th anniversary of the establishment of the Thai - Meo Autonomous Region, Ho Chi Minh and the Government delegation visited Son La province. In Thuan Chau, more than 10 thousand people and compatriots from 30 ethnic groups participated in a rally to celebrate the event.

Di tích lịch sử Kỳ đài Thuận Châu - Nơi Bác Hồ lên thăm Tây Bắc

Thuan Chau Flag Tower Historical Site - Where Uncle Ho visited the Northwest

In the close atmosphere of a great family of nations, President Ho talked and interacted with everyone. Representatives of the Party and Government honored the achievements of the Thai-Meo autonomous region, awarding the First Class Labor Medal to the army, people, government and party of this region for their contributions in the resistance war against the French. and contributions in peace building. The Thuan Chau flag tower, certifying this meaningful historical event, was recognized as a National Historical Site on April 20, 1995.

Son La Provincial Museum

When you enter Son La Province, Son La museum is definitely a destination not to be missed. This is not just a regular tourist destination but also a shining historical relic, located within the grounds of Son La Museum and Prison.

Bảo tàng Sơn La - Nơi lưu giữ những chứng tích lịch sử đầy tự hào

Son La Museum - A proud place to preserve historical evidence

Son La Museum is not only a place to display ancient relics from prehistoric and early historical times, but also a place to preserve and deeply reflect the unique culture of 12 ethnic groups living in Son La. You can admire thousands of unique artifacts, from everyday tools to traditional costumes, from paintings to sculptures.

In particular, the museum also owns an impressive collection of ancient Thai and ancient Dao books, with nearly 1,000 books of many different genres such as epics, epics and folk poems. This is a great opportunity to explore the rich culture and history of this land.

The Guilin Stele dominates

When you arrive in Son La province, you cannot miss a meaningful historical and cultural relic, the Que Lam Ngu Che stele. This place preserves the autographs of a great figure - King Le Thai Tong. During the journey to conquer the Northwest region, when stopping at La Cave, also known as Tham Ke, the king was fascinated by the peaceful beauty of the landscape here. That was when he wrote the poem "Guilin Ngu Che", a literary work that shines on the vertical cliff of the cave entrance.

Di tích Văn bia Quế Lâm Ngự Chế – Bút tích của vua Lê Thái Tông

Que Lam Ngu Che stele relic - Autograph of King Le Thai Tong

This is not only a secret of history, but also an attractive tourist destination when you explore this land. The epitaph "Guilin Ngu Che" is an inseparable part of Son La's special historical and cultural story, waiting to be discovered and experienced.

Ban Heo banyan tree

In the historical footsteps of Son La hometown, the ancient banyan tree in Heo village became a symbol affirming the strong revolutionary spirit. Through countless events, from difficult days, this place has witnessed the strong solidarity of the party committee, government and people of Ban Heo. Along with that, the descendants of Mr. Ca Thi Khien - who worked as a liaison for revolutionary cadres at Son La prison - still preserve and develop the spirit of their homeland.

Ở Sơn La có "cụ" cây đa cổ thụ 500-600 tuổi khổng lồ có tới 2 thân kỳ lạ

In Son La, there is a giant 500-600 year old banyan tree with two strange trunks.

Located in group 2, To Hieu ward, Son La city, the Heo banyan tree has become a secret connection point between Son La prison and outside revolutionary forces. Here, Ms. Ca Thi Khien worked hard to help and protect the contact point, contributing to the success of the struggle for national independence. Today, this banyan tree is not only a historical relic, but also a destination for tourists when visiting the museum and Son La prison.

Son La Prison Relics

Resting on the historical side of Son La hometown, Son La prison is a destination not to be missed for those who love exploring history. This used to be the place where 14 political prison groups with more than 1,000 prisoners were detained. Although the material conditions were extremely harsh, this place nurtured many outstanding soldiers, contributing to the victory of the August Revolution in 1945.

Nhà tù Sơn La - “địa chỉ đỏ” giáo dục truyền thống cách mạng

Son La Prison - "red address" for educating revolutionary traditions

Son La Prison is living proof of the brutality of the French colonial regime against the Vietnamese people. Built in 1908, the prison has witnessed thousands of Vietnamese people being imprisoned and tortured. With harsh regimes and torture methods, this place became a living hell. However, unexpectedly, the resilient soldiers turned this prison into a training school, a place to nurture the indomitable will to fight.

Son La Prison today has become a destination to better understand the tragic past of the Vietnamese people and forever remember the indomitable will of those who sacrificed for freedom and independence. This is an important material evidence, demonstrating the patriotic spirit and indomitable will of the Vietnamese people, attracting a large number of domestic and foreign tourists to visit, study and research.

Above are 16+ historical sites in Son La that you can come and experience. Please save this list for your exciting travel experience in Son La. Don't forget to follow 63 Stravel to update the latest Vietnam travel information!

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