Medlar flowers blooming in Cheu Village, Son La

(SGTT) - When coming to Lang Cheu commune, Bac Yen district, Son La province, around the end of February and early March every year, visitors will have the opportunity to see hawthorn flowers blooming white.

(SGTT) - When coming to Lang Cheu commune, Bac Yen district, Son La province, around the end of February and early March every year, visitors will have the opportunity to see hawthorn flowers blooming white.

The medlar tree (also known as cat apple) is found in many forests in the highlands of Son La province, including Lang Cheu commune. Photo: Ger Hang

Cheu village is a highland commune in Bac Yen district, Son La province, located at an average altitude of about 800 meters above sea level. Photo: Ger Hang

The average annual temperature in Cheu Village is about 15 degrees Celsius, the majority of residents are Mong ethnic people. Photo: Ger Hang

Medlar flowers have 5 petals and yellow pistils. Photo: Ger Hang

The flowers are ivory white, not pure white like plum flowers, apricot flowers, and pear flowers. Photo: Ger Hang

From the end of February to the end of March every year is the time when this flower blooms the most. Photo: Ger Hang

The medlar was originally a species that grew naturally in the forest, but was later found by people and brought back to plant on the hills and villages to harvest the fruit soaked in wine and honey... The fruiting season usually falls in September - ten. Photo: Ger Hang

According to Mr. Ger Hang, a local tour guide, currently, due to the strong Lao wind, the hawthorn flowers in Cheu Village have begun to fade. Accordingly, visitors can pay attention to the time and come here next year to see the flowers in full bloom. Photo: Ger Hang

Coming to Son La, visitors can also visit many other memorable tourist attractions such as:

1. Moc Chau

Moc Chau has four seasons: spring, summer, autumn, winter with mild weather and flowers and fruits all year round. In January, the plateau is green with budding tea hills, peach blossoms, plum blossoms, apricot blossoms, cherry blossoms...see details

2. Son Moc Huong Cave

With an area of ​​6,915 square meters, Bat Cave contains an underground water source that never dries up. The name Bat Cave originates from the fact that in the past, there were large colonies of bats living and nesting here, but now they have left elsewhere. However, the name Bat Cave is still called by people here to this day as a familiar name from a long time ago. See details

3.Son La Prison and Son La Museum

Son La Prison was built by the French colonialists in 1908 with an initial area of ​​500 m2. The prison is built quite solidly: the walls are built of stone and brick, the roof is covered with corrugated iron, there is no ceiling, the beds for prisoners are also built of stone, the surface is cemented, the outside edge is fitted with a system of vertical leg shackles. along the length of the floor. See details

4. Pha Luong Mountain

Possessing an impressive height above sea level of 2,000 m, the mountain peak is located in the Vietnam - Laos border area and has received the love of many tourists in recent years. After arriving at the center of Moc Chau district, you need to travel another 40 km to reach the foot of the mountain. In addition to the name Pha Luong peak, visitors can also use the name Bo Lung to talk about this tourist destination. See details

5. Tien Phong Lake

Tien Phong Lake in Son La is a typical place of wild and majestic beauty, but extremely romantic in the Northwest mountains and forests. Visiting this land, visitors will admire the charming feng shui and enjoy the fresh air of nature, and have many interesting experiences when yachting on the lake. See details

Son La 394 view

Gia Nghi - Ger Hang

Source : Sài Gòn Tiếp Thị

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Pha Luong Mountain

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