Top beautiful tourist attractions in Son La - attractive to tourists

Coming to Son La, visitors not only have the opportunity to admire the amazing natural scenery but also have the opportunity to experience unique cultural features and learn about the lives of ethnic minorities. Are you ready to explore attractive tourist destinations in Son La? Let's get started now!

Located in the Northwest region of Vietnam, Son La is a destination not to be missed when traveling to this area. Coming here, visitors will admire the harmony of majestic natural landscapes and unique cultures of indigenous peoples. Please join 63Stravel to refer to the top tourist attractions in Son La through the article below.

Top most popular tourist destinations in Son La

1. Moc Chau

Moc Chau is not only the most attractive destination of Son La province but also an attractive land with the simple, rustic beauty of the Northwest mountains. Each season in Moc Chau brings its own unique and attractive experiences. In particular, the most beautiful and attractive season is in the late winter - early spring months, when the banyan flowers, cherry blossoms, plum flowers, and yellow mustard flowers bloom brightly.

Ngỡ ngàng Mộc Châu tháng 12 đẹp rạng ngời níu chân du khách

Surprised by the radiant beauty of Moc Chau in December, attracting tourists

With picturesque backpacking routes, Moc Chau is an ideal destination for those who love to explore the wild beauty of nature. This is not only a place to relax and enjoy the peaceful space but also a place to unleash your creativity with sparkling beautiful photos.

Vẻ đẹp Mộc Châu - địa điểm thu hút những tâm hồn yêu du lịch

The beauty of Moc Chau - a destination that attracts souls who love travel

If you want to experience the poetic beauty of the Northwest mountains, take the time to visit Moc Chau and discover the surprises this place has to offer. Surely you will have memorable and unforgettable experiences when you come here.

2. Travel to Son La hydropower reservoir

Son La Hydropower Plant, a massive project built on the Da River. This place is not only an important source of energy but also a special destination that attracts tourists because of its wild beauty and diverse tourism potential.

Ngất ngây mùa hoa gạo đỏ bừng bên hồ thủy điện Sơn La

Be ecstatic about the red rice flower season next to Son La hydroelectric lake

The large hydroelectric lake with a length of more than 150km and an area of ​​about 16,000 hectares has created an ideal environment for the development of lake tourism. Ethnic villages living near the Son La Hydropower Plant area have cooperated to build unique tourism models such as Bon village and Na Tau village, bringing economic and cultural development opportunities to the community.

Nhà máy thủy điện Sơn La - công trình của những kỷ lục đáng tự hào

Son La hydroelectric plant - a project with proud records

Traveling to Son La Hydropower Lake is not only an interesting trip of discovery but also an opportunity to better understand the diverse and vibrant ethnic culture of the Son La highland. This will definitely be a memorable and meaningful experience for those who love to explore and learn about local culture.

3. Pine forest in Ang village

About 2km from Moc Chau town is a large-scale Ban Ang pine forest with an area of ​​nearly 43 hectares. This is a destination that attracts many tourists when coming to Moc Chau - Son La.

Khu Du Lịch Sinh Thái Rừng Thông Bản Áng

Ang Ban Pine Forest Ecotourism Area

Stepping into the forest, visitors seem lost in a green world of lush pine trees. The fresh, gentle atmosphere combined with the smooth green of the pine forest creates a wonderfully relaxing space.

Rừng thông Bản Áng - Không gian trong lành nằm giữa núi rừng Tây Bắc

Ban Ang pine forest - Fresh space located in the middle of the Northwest mountains and forests

From the small trails, people can fully admire the wild scenery of the peaceful green pine-covered mountain ranges. Exploring Ban Ang pine forest is definitely an interesting experience when coming to Moc Chau.

4. Son Moc Huong Cave

Son Moc Huong Cave, also known as Bat Cave, is located right in the center of Moc Chau town. With an area larger than 6,000 square meters, the cave includes 3 unique cave systems, formed over thousands of years. This place is known as the first cave of the Northwest region, located next to Highway 6, convenient and easy for tourists to visit.

Entering the cave, visitors can see stalactites with many beautiful shapes and colors. From the ceiling and cliffs appear natural works of art such as lions, elephants, fairies...

This place not only possesses tourist value, but also has historical significance when many ancient artifacts are discovered. The cave used to be inhabited by ancient Vietnamese people thousands of years ago. With its magnificent natural beauty, Son Moc Huong cave is considered a great work of natural art, worth a visit for tourists when coming to Moc Chau.

5. Ta Xua cloud hunting paradise

Ta Xua Peak, nicknamed "dinosaur's spine", has long attracted backpackers passionate about exploring the Northwest region because of its wild beauty and challenging adventure activities. Conquering the small and steep road leading to Ta Xua peak, along with hunting clouds in the morning, are memorable experiences that you cannot miss when coming here. October to April is considered the ideal time to carry out this activity.

From the top of Ta Xua, you will admire the majestic scenery with green terraced fields, rooftops with kitchen smoke in the distance and the feeling of being able to touch the clouds and sky with your hands. The road to the top requires careful preparation, especially transportation and a steady steering wheel. If you do not have experience or want to join the group, you can join cloud hunting tours on Ta Xua peak.

6. Muong Tac Field

For a long time, people in the Northwest have passed down the saying: "Nhat Thanh, Nhi Lo, Tam Than, Tu Tac" to determine the majesty and importance of the rice fields in the Northwest mountains. In this list, Muong Thanh field in Dien Bien is considered the largest, followed by Muong Lo field in Yen Bai, Muong Than field in Lai Chau and Muong Tac field in Son La.

Muong Tac field with an area of ​​more than 1,600 hectares, immense along the Tac stream, embracing all three sides of Phu Yen town. This is the highlight of the land with winding terraced fields, carefully preserved and cared for over generations.

The gentle and charming beauty of Muong Tac field not only enhances the beauty of the highland district town but is also an ideal destination for tourists who enjoy exploring and learning during their Son La travel itinerary.

7. Yellow Purple

Xim Vang commune, Son La province is famous for its terraced rice fields stretching and winding along the mountain slopes. In particular, the fields in the villages of Hang Go Bua, Song Chong, Cua Mang... are arranged very beautifully.

The cool climate and altitude above sea level create an eye-catching golden color for the rice fields. Visitors feel relaxed in the natural scenery here.

As an attractive check-in point of Son La, Xim Vang attracts a large number of tourists to visit, experience and capture beautiful moments. This place promises to bring visitors many interesting emotions. A trip to Son La would be incomplete if you miss the opportunity to explore the beautiful terraced fields at Xim Vang.

8. Son La Prison and Son La Museum

In addition to exploring natural beauty, visitors can also spend time visiting the historical relics of Son La prison and Son La museum. Although not as popular as other tourist destinations in Son La, if you love history, this is a destination not to be missed.

Son La Prison is also known as the "hell on earth" of the Northwest region, once holding 14 groups of political prisoners with more than 1,000 prisoners. Although living conditions were extremely difficult and lacking, it was here that many outstanding soldiers who contributed to the victory of the resistance war such as Le Duan, Van Tien Dung, and Truong Chinh were successfully nurtured and trained. Besides the prison relics, there are also martyrs cemetery 8 and Long Sap border gate for you to visit.

Son La Museum exhibits mainly national culture. Currently, this place still preserves thousands of relics from prehistoric and early historical times, book sets of ancient Thai and ancient Dao... Built by the French colonialists in 1908, with an initial area of ​​about 500m2, Solidly built with beds for prisoners made of stone.

9. Pha Luong Mountain

Located at an altitude of nearly 2,000m above sea level, Pha Luong mountain is a destination not to be missed when coming to Moc Chau. The road to the top takes about 2 hours of climbing, with rugged and bumpy terrain. Despite many difficulties, the eyes of those who conquer the peak will be rewarded by the spacious natural scenery.

From the top of the mountain, visitors will see the panoramic view of Moc Chau mountains and forests. The fresh air combined with the rich natural scenery will definitely bring you unforgettable emotions and want to come here again.

10. Moc Chau tea hill

Moc Chau in Son La has long been famous for its premium tea products. Therefore, the top tourist destinations in Son La cannot lack this vast green tea hill in Moc Chau.

Đồi chè Mộc Châu có gì mà giới trẻ rần rần kéo đến Check-in thế?

What does Moc Chau tea hill have that makes young people so eager to check-in?

The most suitable time is from February to December every year. Visitors can check-in at the Taiwanese tea hill with a unique heart shape or the Moc Suong and Tan Lap areas with beautiful landscapes.

Mộc Châu đẹp ngỡ ngàng với những đồi chè xanh bạt ngàn

Moc Chau is surprisingly beautiful with vast green tea hills

Immersed in the green grove laden with fragrant tea fruit, visitors will feel the characteristics of Moc Chau through this green heritage. This is a destination not to be missed when arriving in beautiful Son La.

11. Tien Phong Lake

Tien Phong Lake still retains its wild beauty in the heart of the mountains and forests. In particular, the clear blue water of the lake symbolizes the harmony of nature, evoking peaceful emotions. Coming here, visitors can admire the charming landscape painting.

In addition to admiring the poetic scenery, you can experience boat trips, explore caves... enjoy the fresh cool breeze combined with natural sounds. During your trip to Moc Chau, Tien Phong Lake is the destination for you to capture impressive moments and immerse yourself in the wild beauty of nature.

12. Dai Yem Waterfall

Also known as Nang waterfall, "Ban Vat waterfall". The reason why it is called Dai Yem is that according to legend, the waterfall is the bib of a girl who saved a boy from the flood water. Located in Moc Chau district, Dai Yem waterfall is a beautiful treasure that nature bestows on Son La.

With a height of more than 100m, the waterfall falls into 2 branches: a 9-storey branch and a 5-storey branch, creating inviting white water. The surrounding area has a luxuriant, shady ancient fruit forest. After checking in, you can sit under the shade of a tree admiring the waterfall.

April to October every year is the best time to see the beautiful waterfall. Visitors can check in to admire the scenery and then relax under the canopy of trees, breathing fresh air, contemplating the beautiful legend of this place.

13. Pha Din Pass

Pha Din Pass is one of the famous "Four Great Passes" of Vietnam. Possessing a length of 32km, the pass is located on the border between Son La and Dien Bien. Pha Din in Thai means "the place where heaven and earth intersect".

Previously, Pha Din Pass was a vital route transporting weapons and food to serve the Dien Bien Phu Campaign in 1954. Today, when going up the pass, visitors can still feel the heroic spirit of our people and soldiers. resistance period. With its majestic landscape, Pha Din has become a symbol marking the heroic history of the Vietnamese people.

14. Thung Cuong village (Thong Cuong)

Located deep in the mountains of Son La, Thung Cuong is a cool, peaceful village. Especially in November every year, this place turns white with canola flower fields. Standing out among the white color is the highlight that makes Thung Cuong become romantic and poetic.

This is also the time when tourists flock here. Even if you just check in to see the fresh flowers, Thung Cuong still offers a memorable scene. Amidst the peaceful space, visitors can immerse themselves in nature and unleash their creativity.

15. Moc Chau beef farm

The large-scale Moc Chau dairy farm is an attractive tourist destination not to be missed when coming here. Built in 1958, the farm was the first place to develop and raise dairy cows in Vietnam.

Here, visitors will admire the beautiful image of cows enjoying the green pastures. In addition to watching grazing activities, you can learn about the farm's farming and milk production process. This is not only a place to relax but also contributes to promoting traditional crafts of the highlands.

Son La is truly an enchanting land with many attractive check-in and sightseeing spots. The article has suggested tourist attractions in Son La, but that is just a summary. In fact, Son La has many other surprises waiting for you to discover. It's time to plan a specific itinerary! Quickly pack your luggage and explore Son La with your friends and teammates. Wishing you a memorable adventure in beautiful Son La!

Son La 193 view


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Discover Son La

Dai Yem Waterfall

From January to December

449 view

Tien Phong Lake

From January to December

493 view

Pha Luong Mountain

From March to April

495 view

Son La Prison and Son La Museum

From January to December

464 view

Son Moc Huong Cave

From January to December

1189 view

Moc Chau

January to December

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