When coming to Moc Chau, remember to visit the wild Nang Tien waterfall of the Northwest mountains and forests

(VTC News) - Nang Tien Waterfall is one of the names that tourists often tell each other that they must visit during their trip to explore Moc Chau.

(VTC News) - Nang Tien Waterfall is one of the names that tourists often tell each other that they must visit during their trip to explore Moc Chau.

Moc Chau is famous for the majestic Pha Luong peak, Ban Ang pine forest or lush green tea hills that attract tourists to visit.

Besides the vast natural scenery and cool weather all year round, there are also wild and majestic waterfalls that create special highlights, giving visitors interesting experiences. And Nang Tien Waterfall is one of the names that tourists often tell each other that they must visit during their journey to explore Moc Chau.

Photo: reviewmocchau.vn

Nang Tien Waterfall is located in Na Cha village, Chieng Khoa commune, Moc Chau district. The waterfall has clear water, with an extremely impressive jade green color.

Photo: Ryan Frost

The waterfall has 3 levels, surrounded by primary vegetation with green moss and ferns growing from the rocks. Also because it is surrounded by forests and cool green trees, the space here is always cool and fresh, giving visitors a very relaxing and pleasant feeling.

Photo: Thien An

Photo: Thien An

On the first floor there is a short stream with gently flowing water. Visitors can rest, admire the scenery, or take a dip or bath in the waterfall. The second and third floors of the waterfall have more rugged terrain, but in return, the landscape on these two floors is much more spectacular and impressive. On sunny days, the light shining down on the waterfall combined with the white foam pouring down creates incredibly shimmering colors.

Photo: Wild horses

With a landscape still full of wildness, this place still has certain potential dangers from nature, so visitors to Nang Tien waterfall need to be careful to ensure their own safety.

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Source : VTC News

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