Cua Tu stream trekking experience for first-timers

(SGTT) – Located about 45km from Thai Nguyen city, Cua Tu stream is a new trekking spot, close to nature, discovered by many tourists recently.

(SGTT) – Located about 45km from Thai Nguyen city, Cua Tu stream is a new trekking spot, close to nature, discovered by many tourists recently.

Recently, tourism combined with physical activities such as trekking, cycling ... has become a new trend, attracting tourists who are passionate about exploring and experiencing mountains and wild nature.

Blogger Tran Le Ngoc Thang, living in Hanoi, once explored Cua Tu stream in two days. Below is the male blogger's experience of trekking and discovering Cua Tu stream.

Cua Tu stream has a wild landscape. Photo: Tran Le Ngoc Thang

Where is Cua Tu stream?

Cua Tu stream is located across the East slope of Tam Dao range, in Hoang Nong commune, Dai Tu district, Thai Nguyen province. This stream consists of 7 waterfalls flowing through the cliffs and forming a cool lake in some waterfalls.

Cua Tu stream seen from above. Photo: Dinh Huynh

Ngoc Thang shared that the name of the stream originates from a local legend. “The elders told that this place was once associated with the love story of a man and woman. Because the family prevented them, the two invited each other to go upstream and make a vow to live and die together, "said the male blogger.

Cua Tu stream is located across the East slope of Tam Dao range, in Hoang Nong commune, Dai Tu district, Thai Nguyen province. Photo: Dinh Huynh

Surrounding Cua Tu stream are large ancient trees. To explore the stream, visitors must trek through large moss-covered rocks and swim across the lake.

First time trekking Cua Tu stream

Having explored many places in Vietnam, but this is the first time Ngoc Thang trekking at Cua Tu stream. Male blogger said "Suoi Cua Tu has 7 waterfall gates, if you have never been to trekking, visitors just need to go to waterfall gate 1. The walking distance is about 2km long, of which 700m are wading streams".

If you have never been to trekking, you just need to go to the waterfall gate 1. Photo: Tran Le Ngoc Thang

The trekking to the mouth of waterfall 1 usually takes about a day to complete because of the steep terrain and many obstacles. For visitors who are in good health and regularly practice sports, they can explore more waterfall gates 2 and 3 in the next day.

Guests can enjoy boating, sightseeing or swimming. Photo: Dinh Huynh

The starting point of the trekking is Dong Khuan village, Hoang Nong commune. Walking about 2km, visitors will see Cua Tu stream flowing between 2 steep cliffs. From here, visitors can go boating, sightseeing or swimming. At the end of the stream is a large cave, going deep inside will come to the mouth of waterfall 1.

For tourists who are in good health and regularly practice sports, they can explore more waterfall gates 2 and 3. Photo: Tran Le Ngoc Thang

During the trekking journey, Ngoc Thang stopped at four main points with quite unique names: jumping waterfall (jumping into the lake from a height of 8m), sliding waterfall (natural stone slide), "massage" waterfall (the name of the waterfall). by locals) and paradise waterfall.

Particularly for the slide waterfall, visitors can participate in sliding on a chute carved from natural stone blocks. To ensure safety, visitors need to wear life jackets and follow the instructions of local guides.

Meal while exploring Cua Tu stream. Photo: Photo: Tran Le Ngoc Thang

Should you go alone or on a tour?

The stream area has many trails in the forest. To avoid getting lost, guests can book trekking tours at the property. If only trekking waterfall gate 1, visitors can go on their own but should have a guide to assist because the lakes are relatively deep.

To avoid getting lost, guests can book trekking tours at the property. Photo: Dinh Huynh

If trekking waterfall gates 2 and 3, it is imperative to follow a tour or guide because the road is quite winding.

“To book a trekking tour, visitors should contact the property directly. I choose Hoang Nong homestay, which is about 3km from the trekking point to facilitate travel. The total cost ranges from 2 to 2.2 million VND/person, including tour fees, meals, round-trip transportation from Hanoi to Thai Nguyen, "said Mr. Ngoc Thang.

The unspoiled beauty of Cua Tu stream. Photo: Dinh Huynh

Detailed trekking schedule

Ngày 1

  • 9:00: Di chuyển từ Hà Nội đến Hoàng Nông homestay. Có xe đón tận nơi và đến thẳng homestay.
  • 11:30: Nhận phòng, vệ sinh cá nhân và ăn trưa.
  • 14:00: Bắt đầu chặng trekking đến cửa thác 1.
  • 17:00: Quay lại homestay ăn tối, nghỉ ngơi để lấy sức cho chặng trekking đến cửa thác 2 và 3.

The beauty of Cua Tu stream attracts many tourists to explore. Photo: Dinh Huynh

Ngày 2

  • 8:00: Bắt đầu lên đường trekking đến cửa thác 2 và 3.
  • 10:00: Nghỉ ngơi và ăn trưa.
  • 14:00: Quay lại homestay và ngâm chân thư giãn bằng nước lá.
  • 16:30: Lên xe di chuyển về Hà Nội.

The cool air at Cua Tu stream is suitable for summer. Photo: Dinh Huynh

Note when trekking

Visitors should wear rubber shoes with good grip or anti-slip shoes because moss clings a lot on the rocks; Trekking visitors need to wear long clothes, apply sunscreen and insect repellent. Besides, visitors should also bring snacks when trekking to avoid losing strength and lowering blood sugar.

Green space at the stream. Photo: Dinh Huynh

The best time to trek Cua Tu stream is from June to November. At this time, it is not raining and it is sunny.

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Source : Sài Gòn Tiếp Thị

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