Ghenh Che Lake - New community tourist attraction in Thai Nguyen

Possessing attractive landscape beauty, fresh air, Ghenh Che Lake is an eco-tourism destination that attracts a large number of tourists.

Possessing attractive landscape beauty, fresh air, Ghenh Che Lake is an eco-tourism destination that attracts a large number of tourists.

Hồ Ghềnh Chè - Điểm du lịch cộng đồng mới của Thái Nguyên.

Recently, Thai Nguyen Provincial People's Committee has issued Decision No. 1570/QD-UBND on recognition of Ghenh Che community tourism site in Binh Son commune, Song Cong city, Thai Nguyen province by Ghenh Che community tourism cooperative. - Binh Son - Song Cong organize and manage.

Ghenh Che Lake is an irrigation lake, built in 1986 with an area of ​​about 80 hectares, including 45 peninsulas, serving water to irrigate more than 300 hectares of agricultural land for two crops of Binh Son commune.

Ghenh Che Lake at night has a shimmering and attractive beauty.

Ghenh Che Lake has convenient traffic infrastructure, the internal roads of the hamlets and the tourist spots are all concrete roads, visitors can easily travel by many means such as cars and motorbikes. Ghenh Che Lake area now has 2 parking lots of about 700m2, which can basically meet the needs of vehicles for visitors and tourists. Along with that, at Ghenh Che lake, there are a full range of dining, shopping, and accommodation services to meet the needs of visitors...

Also in Binh Son commune, there are Cang Ba Van National Historic Site, Provincial-level Cultural and Historical Relic of Dinh - Ba Van Pagoda, 5 traditional tea villages, cooperatives and tea production facilities, and camps. Ba Van horse, traditional cuisine, folklore of 8 ethnic groups living in the area... Therefore, in addition to visiting some islands in the lake area, visitors can connect with organizations to visit and experience care. squirrel, collect, process and pack tea at cooperatives, traditional tea villages as well as monuments, grasslands, horse camps...

Visitors experience tea picking at Cao Son Tea Cooperative, the connecting point in the sightseeing journey at Ghenh Che Lake.

To develop tourism, since September 2019, Binh Son commune has established Ghenh Che community tourism cooperative with 19 members, of which 10 members are officially engaged in community tourism. The cooperative does business in 7 service groups including: Tour operator, promotion support service, tour organization, accommodation, inland waterway transport... to meet the needs of sightseeing. , entertainment, dining and resting of visitors.

Currently, Ghenh Che community tourism cooperative has completed a number of works to serve the reception of guests such as: Reception area, parking lot, food restaurant, community accommodation, shuttle boat for visitors to visit around. lake. Along with tourism development, the cooperative also expands the aquaculture model, focusing on raising commercial fish such as carp, carp, and persimmon, combined with ornamental fish. Thus, it is possible to both serve the needs of eating and for guests to admire when visiting Ghenh Che lake. In addition, the cooperative also cooperates with some people who have natural island land and lotus ponds to diversify experiences for visitors.

In recent years, Ghenh Che Lake has become an attractive community-based tourism destination of Thai Nguyen province, attracting a large number of tourists to visit and experience. Being recognized as a community-based tourist destination helps make tourism activities at Ghenh Che lake in accordance with regulations, ensuring sustainable and effective development./.

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