Golden season in the highlands

In 2023, Vo Nhai highland district will cultivate nearly 5,000 hectares of double-crop rice, reaching 104% of the plan. Of which, nearly 3,260 hectares are planted in the growing season alone, with nearly 500 hectares of hybrid rice (accounting for 15% of the area). It is estimated that for the whole year, Vo Nhai will harvest nearly 27 thousand tons of rice, with an average rice yield of over 5.4 tons/ha.

In 2023, Vo Nhai highland district will cultivate nearly 5,000 hectares of double-crop rice, reaching 104% of the plan. Of which, nearly 3,260 hectares are planted in the growing season alone, with nearly 500 hectares of hybrid rice (accounting for 15% of the area). It is estimated that for the whole year, Vo Nhai will harvest nearly 27 thousand tons of rice, with an average rice yield of over 5.4 tons/ha.

Đến thời điểm này, toàn huyện Võ Nhai thu hoạch được khoảng 30% diện tích lúa mùa. Vụ mùa năm nay, sản lượng thóc của huyện ước đạt 17,3 nghìn tấn.

Dan Tien commune has a small rice cultivation area, about 190 hectares/year, but is a famous local specialty Bao Thai rice producer of the district. In the photo: Mr. Dinh Van Chien's family, Phuong Ba hamlet, transports specialty Bao Thai rice in bags from the field to home.

Some areas in Vo Nhai district lack agricultural labor, farmer households lease fields with rental fees calculated at 30% of output. In the photo: Mong ethnic people in Lan Chieu area, La Ma hamlet, Lau Thuong commune, harvest rice on fields rented from people in the hamlet.

At a small field in Vang hamlet, Lien Minh commune, the combine harvester could not move, so farmers were forced to harvest manually, then thresh the rice in the field by machine. In the photo: Nguyen Van Xuyen's family threshes rice to bring home to dry.

Ms. Trieu Thi Doan's family, in Na Hau hamlet, Nghinh Tuong commune, has about 4 acres of seasonal rice. Because the field is at a high altitude and the area is small, it is not possible to rent a combine harvester, so it must be harvested by hand.

Mr. Trieu Van Thang, 37 years old, in Na Hau hamlet, Nghinh Tuong commune, uses fresh straw after harvesting as food to feed 5 buffaloes in the form of fattening.

Ms. Nguyen Thi Tinh (83 years old, in Nhau hamlet, Lien Minh commune) dries newly harvested rice.

The ripe rice season makes the highland landscape more beautiful. In the photo: A traditional stilt house of the Tay people in Sang Moc commune.

Combined harvesters create unique shapes in the fields.

Thai Nguyen 543 view

Hoàng Hưng

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