Historical revolutionary relic house number 86 - Phan Chu Trinh

Historical revolutionary relic house number 86 - Phan Chu Trinh

The National Relic of House 86 Phan Chu Trinh (currently No. 5 Phan Chu Trinh, Ward 2, Vung Tau City) was once the home of French official Pierre Chappus located on Phan Chu Trinh Street, at the foot of Nho Mountain. The house was built in the old French architectural style of the early 20th century. During the war, this house used to be a place to hide revolutionary activists. Mr. Pierre Chappus has a French father and a Vietnamese mother. He is a private official of the French government, owner of the Vung Tau Lighthouse Department. The house of Mr. Pierre Chappus at that time was built with blue stone walls and a tiled roof, located on a plot of land about 100 meters in front of Phan Chu Trinh street and 80 meters deep. Around the house there are many fruit trees such as coconut, mango, custard apple, star apple, guava, lemon... Behind the house there is a very large lotus pond and a lychee tree the size of two people. Although Mr. Pierre Chappus is a French official, he is sympathetic to the Vietnamese revolution, and especially respects leader Nguyen Ai Quoc. While material conditions and life were extremely difficult, he supported the Viet Minh with money, rice, and 50 cows. He used his house at 86 Phan Chu Trinh as a place to hide and protect secret officers, including comrade Nguyen Hoai Duc, Vung Tau City Captain. At that time, Mr. Pierre Chappus's family always kept 5-7 dogs, each with a name. Whenever they heard a stranger coming, the dogs barked to alert the front door, and the officers immediately crept into the garden. The fruit tree exits through the back door. In the cases where acquaintances (officers) entered the gate and the dogs barked, he just had to call each dog's name and they would lie still and not bark. During the anti-American period, the house at 86 Phan Chu Trinh was agreed by Mr. Pierre Chappus for the revolution to be used as the Ba Ria - Long Khanh Provincial Party Committee Office, showing his sympathy for the Vietnamese revolution. He emotionally told the cadres: "You guys just use my house to work. In case I am captured by the enemy and die, it will be an honor for me to die for the Vietnamese revolution." In 1957, the Ba Ria - Long Khanh Provincial Party Committee Office was officially located at Mr. Pierre Chappus's house. Standing members of the Office include comrade Trinh Phong Dan and comrade Ho Si Hanh. At this time, Mr. Pierre Chappus's family kept 10 dogs, this was an important "force" that very effectively guarded the house, protecting the safety of revolutionary cadres working secretly. By the end of 1958, the Ba Ria - Long Khanh Provincial Party Committee Office had to move to another place to ensure secrecy, but the house at 86 Phan Chu Trinh was still a base for officials to come and get help, mobilize money and support. material for revolution. Mr. Pierre Chappus died in 1959 at his house at 86 Phan Chu Trinh, at the age of 81. On August 4, 1992, the house at 86 Phan Chu Trinh was recognized by the Ministry of Culture, Information, Sports and Tourism as a National Monument. Accordingly, on holidays and New Year, Doan Ket High School often organizes for students to clean and visit the house at 86 Phan Chu Trinh, and at the same time introduce them to the history of the struggle to preserve the long-standing and heroic nation of the nation. Source: Ba Ria - Vung Tau electronic newspaper

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Rating : National monument

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