Phu Loi Prison Relics

Phu Loi Prison Relics

Phu Loi Prison Relics is located on Mot Thang Twelf Street, Phu Loi Ward, Thu Dau Mot Town. The current total area is 77,082m2, and was recognized by the state and ranked as a national historical relic on July 10, 1980. , and existed for eight years (1957-1964). But with an indomitable spirit of resilience, Phu Loi prisoners united and fought heroically to victory. With the plot to invade the South, using demagoguery and terrorism to the campaign of "denouncing communism" and "destroying communism" within just 2 or 3 years after the Geneva Accords, My Diem caused countless troubles. Many crimes throughout the South. By saying "it's better to catch a wrong person than miss one", they have built more prisons. Phu Loi Prison is one of the major US-Diem prisons in the South, built in mid-1957 to imprison and torture revolutionary soldiers and patriots at that time. The first number of prisoners they brought to Phu Loi was 4 women and about 100 men, and by the end of 1957 it had increased to 3,000 prisoners. They divided the prison into many areas: administrative area, soldiers' family area, An Tri Vien area - called "An Tri Vien" area but actually a prison. The prison area includes 3 camps: Chi Lang, Bach Dang, Dong Da. All 3 camps have 9 cells marked A,B,C,D,... each camp is separated by a thick barbed wire wall. Surrounding the three camps are two high walls, with several layers of barbed wire, and an electric lighting system at night, completely isolated from the outside. In the middle of the prison there is a high dome to observe the entire camp. There are 4 entrance gates and 4 strictly guarded bunkers around. There are two main gates: the first gate carries the sign "Phu Loi Correctional Center", the second gate carries the sign "An Tri Vien". By the end of 1958, the number of prisoners reached nearly 6,000 people, of which 1,000 were female prisoners. Prisoners from all over the country unfortunately fell into the hands of the enemy and were gathered here. The harsh regime of Phu Loi prison was no different from many other prisons at that time, eating rotten rice, rotten fish, salt, fish sauce with maggots... Living in dirt, lacking water, lying in cells, tiger cages, labor camps. forced labor for diseases without treatment... and brutal beatings... and they set up very harsh "24 prohibitions" as an excuse to beat prisoners. In the face of both terrorist and demagogue tactics, scenes of brutal torture and excruciating exile, the brothers and sisters in prison still maintained their steadfastness and strong will to fight. That is thanks to the Party's leadership and the self-discipline in cultivating and training the revolutionary moral qualities of patriots and communists. Through practical experience in the secret movement, in just a short time, Party members in the camps were able to organize communication lines with each other, and groups of Party members in secret cells were formed one after another. create. In early 1958, Phu Loi Central Party Committee was established. During their years here, the prisoners were directed by our Party's secret organization. The Representative Board, the Tam Giao Team, or the Compatriots in each prison act as the core of the struggle, step by step fighting with the enemy demanding to improve life, against repression, and against torture of prisoners. It's all thanks to the steadfastness of the members of the Communist Party of Vietnam. Phu Loi Prison became a proof of US and puppet crimes in South Vietnam; This place is a symbol of the courage of party officials, revolutionary comrades and patriots who fell in prison for independence, freedom, peace and happiness for their homeland. Source: Binh Duong Province Electronic Information Portal

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