Gia Long Tomb

Gia Long Tomb

Gia Long Tomb is located in the Thien Tho mountain range, in Huong Tho commune, Huong Tra district, Thua Thien Hue province, 16km from Hue City center. Gia Long Tomb is a complex of many royal tombs. The mausoleum's architecture seems simple but majestic. This entire mausoleum area is a mountain complex with 42 hills, large and small mountains, of which Dai Thien Tho is the largest mountain chosen as the forecourt of the mausoleum and is the name of this entire mountain complex. Construction of the mausoleum began in 1814 and was completed in 1820. From the bank of the Perfume River to the mausoleum, there is a wide path, with tall, green pine trees and winter melon trees on both sides, creating a cool, quiet atmosphere. Two majestic pillars are located on the outside, signaling the mausoleum area. The king's mausoleum is located on a large, flat hill. Before, there is Dai Thien Tho mountain as a backdrop, then there are 7 mountains as a backdrop. On the left there are 14 mountains as "left dragon" and on the right there are 14 mountains as "right white tiger". The overall mausoleum is divided into 3 areas: In the middle is the tomb of the king and Queen Thua Thien Cao. Beyond the adoration yard, there are rows of majestic stone statues and seven levels of the worship yard, the Precious Saint at the top of the hill. In Buu Thanh, there are 2 stone tombs created according to the concept of "The Virtuous Universe" symbolizing happiness and fidelity. On the right is the palace area, of which Minh Thanh Palace is the center where the first Emperor and Empress are worshiped. Previously, in Minh Thanh Palace, there were many memorabilia associated with Gia Long's war life. On the left side of the mausoleum is Bi Dinh, now only the large stele with the song "Holy Duc Than Cong" composed by King Minh Mang, praising his father, is delicately and sharply carved. There are also neighboring mausoleums in this area such as Quang Hung mausoleum (second wife of Lord Hien Vuong Nguyen Phuc Tan), Vinh Mau mausoleum (wife of Lord Ngai Vuong Nguyen Phuc Tran); Toai Thanh mausoleum (second wife of Nguyen Phuc Luan and Gia Long's mother),... Thien Tho Huu mausoleum of Mrs. Thuan Thien Cao Queen, mother of King Minh Mang, next to it is Gia Thanh palace used for worship. Gia Long Tomb is a wonderful picture between nature and architecture that creates the majestic grandeur of the landscape. King Gia Long's real name is Nguyen Phuc Anh, his last name is Chung, born in 1762, the third child of Nguyen Luan. In 1773, the Tay Son revolted, 12-year-old Nguyen Phuc Anh followed Lord Nguyen Phuc Thuan to Quang Nam. In the fall of the year of the Rooster (1777), Nguyen Phuc Thuan died in battle, Nguyen Phuc Anh escaped alone to Tho Chu island, and then fled to Siam for refuge. In July 1792, King Quang Trung died, his son Quang Toan was still young. Nguyen Phuc Anh organized an attack and destroyed the Tay Son dynasty. He ascended the throne, took the reign name Gia Long, established the capital in Phu Xuan citadel (Hue) and named the country Vietnam. On Dinh Mui day, December of Ky Mao year (1819), Gia Long died at the age of 59, on the throne for 25 years, on the throne for 17 years. Gia Long Tomb (also known as Thien Tho Lang) is the resting place of the first king who founded the Nguyen Dynasty. Source: Vietnam National Administration of Tourism

Hue 1043 view

Rating : National monument

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