The sacred beauty of the Forbidden Mountain

(LDO) – Forbidden Mountain has countless caves, caves, electricity… and each place has its roots associated with myths with imaginary, magical and sacred elements.

(LDO) – Forbidden Mountain has countless caves, caves, electricity… and each place has its roots associated with myths with imaginary, magical and sacred elements.

If you want to find a place to "recharge" your energy during the weekends, An Giang is the destination that you can visit. The most prominent in the landscape painting called "Thuy Thuy Son Ky" is Thien Cam Son (also known as  Forbidden Mountain). This is the highest mountain in the Mekong Delta, the mountain is like a majestic tower, the climate is cool, the water is charming, the trees are green, and hundreds of flowers bloom in all four seasons.

Tuyệt sắc linh thiêng vùng Núi Cấm - Ảnh 1.

Wreaths of clouds hovering on the slopes of Cam Mountain

Spend the peak of Cam Mountain

The mountain has an altitude of 705 m, occupies a circumference of 28,600 m, Bo Hoong peak on Cam mountain is the highest peak in That Son range. A trip to the top of Bo Hoong to escape from the world, visitors will have the opportunity to purify their souls and return to their inherent peace and freedom.

Visitors start this journey with a cable car to travel in the air, taking in the eyes of the infinitely beautiful natural scenery, the vast green um, the rice fields are carpeted with golden yellow in the seasons, the mountains run the same time. in the form of a bow in the majestic That Son mountain range in the position of "Dragon worshiping, tiger worshiping" towards the massive Cam Son.

Tuyệt sắc linh thiêng vùng Núi Cấm - Ảnh 2.

Forbidden Mountain Cable Car

As soon as you step off the cable car, you will feel the wonderfully cool weather, the wind whistling in your ears. The fairy door opens to a completely different world, the capital of magnificent pagodas one after another, the largest Maitreya Buddha statue in Asia, the poetic Lake Thuy Liem...

Along with religious activities of pilgrimage, worship, the emotional circuit gently awakens the good mind in each person in a magical way. The sacred beauty of the Forbidden Mountain has appeared in real time, with a sincere heart of "The Mountain Gods, the Five Young and the Seven Mountains" to bless and maintain health, peace, and good work. as the.

Tuyệt sắc linh thiêng vùng Núi Cấm - Ảnh 3.

Massive Van Linh Pagoda with three ancient towers

Van Linh Pagoda is one of the places of worship not to be missed when coming to Cam Mountain. This temple has a special position with its back leaning on the slopes of Vo Bo Hoong, facing Thuy Liem lake, the campus is planted with many flowers and ornamental plants... both solid, majestic and airy.

The main part of the main hall is where the splendid, dignified, and contemplative gilded Buddha images are located, creating an aesthetic impression amidst the idyllic landscape of the mountains.

The Buddha hall is decorated with dignity, in the middle of the shrine, the statue of Buddha Shakyamuni meditating is sculpted from a monolith weighing 2 tons. The 40-meter high Quan Am sand treasure was built according to the model architecture of Bodh Gaya in India, including 7 floors, Buddhist recitation hall, Lumbini garden, wax statue of Venerable Thich Tri Tinh... The panorama creates a poetic landscape, harmony between religious architecture and natural scenery.

Legend of Thuy Liem Cave

Forbidden Mountain has countless caves, caves, electricity... and each place has its roots associated with the natural structure and associated with myths with imaginary, magical and sacred elements. In it, there is Thuy Liem cave - mysterious with only a few rays of light shining from the outside, on the ceiling are strangely shaped stalactites, below is a fresh flowing stream.

Tuyệt sắc linh thiêng vùng Núi Cấm - Ảnh 5.

Cam Son in the spring season sings joyfully

It is said that this place used to be the kingdom of monkeys. They gather here because there are countless delicious fruits, go to the mountains to pick sweet fruits to eat, and down to the stream in the cave to drink water. Therefore, in addition to worshiping Buddha, Thuy Liem cave also worships Ong Te to help local people and visitors from all over the world realize their good wishes.

In the rainy season, Thuy Liem Dong is shimmering with the stream pouring down from above, long and white. Inside the cave is very deep, tinged with mystery, often visitors only go within 10m to get spring water from the source to drink, wash their face and feel lighter and healthier in themselves.

Tuyệt sắc linh thiêng vùng Núi Cấm - Ảnh 6.

Mahayana Thien Ton Cave - vestige of the monkey kingdom

Tuyệt sắc linh thiêng vùng Núi Cấm - Ảnh 7.

Quiet mossy cliffs tinged with time

Listen to the "singing stream in the mountains" when murmuring and contemplating, when the clear high notes resonate with the wild melodies of the old forest, forming an endless "love song". Not a talented musician, nor a dreamer, but in each person's soul as if awakened, there are many fresh and romantic emotions along with the beautiful flow of the Thien Forbid landscape. amazingly amazing way.

Visitors should try once to set foot here to enjoy the many beautiful scenes of nature given to this mountainous region, immerse in the cool space and enjoy the poetic things of the highland. Surely the discovery of Forbidden Mountain will bring visitors and families wonderful moments of relaxation!

An Giang 474 view


Source : Người lao động

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