Explore the 1-0-2 natural cave path in Vietnam

Driving through Nguom Bang cave is truly a unique experience, because this is the only natural cave in Vietnam used as a road tunnel.

Driving through Nguom Bang cave is truly a unique experience, because this is the only natural cave in Vietnam used as a road tunnel.

Passing through Provincial Road 207 in Ha Lang district, Cao Bang province, visitors from far away are surprised when this route runs through a very unique cave.

This is Nguom Bang cave, a natural cave through the Phia Ran mountain range, connecting two hamlets of Ban Thuoc, Dong Loan commune and Bang Tren hamlet (now Hop Nhat hamlet), in Ly Quoc commune, Ha Lang district.

Due to the scary legends about a mysterious creature living in the cave, in the past very few people dared to go through Nguom Bang cave. Instead of going through the cave, people made a small road over the mountain to go.

Until recent years, not many people went through this cave because the cave is quite long, the cave floor is bumpy and very dark.

In 2003, the cave was renovated and became part of Provincial Road 207. From a deserted place, the cave became the main road of the whole district.

Today, Nguom Bang cave is nearly 100 meters long, more than 10 meters wide, and 10 meters high. Both sides of the cave walls have many traces of the chiseling and expansion process.

However, the western end of the cave still retains a part of the natural cave with a fairly large area, which can accommodate up to a hundred people.

This place has many stalactites with magical shapes, as if wanting to puzzle the imagination of those who visit.

The temperature in the cave is always cool in the summer and warm in the winter, a characteristic of limestone caves.

During the rainy season, a small stream will flow through the cave floor, gathering at the cave entrance to form a small lake

Driving through Nguom Bang cave is truly a one-of-a-kind experience, as this is the only natural cave in Vietnam that is used as a road tunnel.

The two cave entrances still retain their natural architectural features, covered with dense vegetation, completely different from the artificial appearance of common road tunnels.

The pristine and majestic landscape leaves those who have the opportunity to admire it overwhelmed.

It can be said that this unique cave is a very interesting destination for tourists who love to explore new things in Cao Bang.

Cao Bang 874 view

Quốc Lê

Source : kienthuc.net.vn

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