Phia Oac National Forest - Phia Den: 'Jewel' of Cao Bang

Phia Oac - Phia Den National Park (Nguyen Binh district) is likened to a precious gem that nature bestows on the borderland of Cao Bang.

This place has a very special geological structure with high mountains, many rare minerals such as gold, silver, tin, tungsten, uranium ore... Phia Oac - Phia Den still retains its primary forest and ecosystem. diverse, many rare species of flora and fauna. In particular, this place has beautiful natural scenery, fresh and cool air, snow in winter and is an ideal place for ecotourism development. 

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Phia Oac - Phia Den with vast grasslands and mountains. Photo: Trong Dat/VNA 

Anh Vi Tran Thuy, an officer of the Management Board of the Global Geopark "Non Nuoc Cao Bang" said: Phia Oac National Park, Phia Den is a very special area. International geological and environmental experts appreciate it very much. The most special feature here is that the young mountain system is still in the process of continuing to change and develop. For foreign tourists, they not only travel to see beautiful scenery but also love to learn and discover the differences in geology, geomorphology, and stratigraphy of nature. Therefore, they love to come to this area to visit, learn and explore. In the future, this area will be a key tourist area of ​​Cao Bang province. 

Phia Oac - Phia Den National Park was established in January 2018 on the basis of reclassification from the protected area level; stretching over the territory of Thanh Cong, Quang Thanh, Phan Thanh, Hung Dao communes and Tinh Tuc town (Nguyen Binh district, Cao Bang province). The total natural area of ​​the Nature Reserve is 10,000 hectares, including more than 8,000 hectares of natural forests. This forest was previously established as a Nature Reserve by the Council of Ministers (now the Government) in 1986. On January 11, 2018, the Prime Minister approved the decision to officially establish the National Park. Gia Oac - Phia Den on the basis of classification from the level of the Nature Reserve. 

Phia Oac - Phia Den is the name of the two highest peaks in the national park. Phia Oac Peak has an altitude of 1,931 m, which is likened to the "roof" of the western part of the province. The forest here belongs to the type of evergreen closed forest, subtropical humid rain; There are 1,287 species belonging to 786 genera in 202 plant families of 6 plant branches, including many rare plant species listed in the Vietnam Red Book... Currently, the park has 496 species of vertebrates, in addition there are thousands of species of invertebrates, insects, etc. Among the animals listed in the list, 58 species of rare and precious animals have been identified, including 30 species listed in the Vietnam Red Book. ; 12 species of reptiles, of which 3 are critically endangered; 3 species of frogs, of which 2 are critically endangered. This is an extremely rare resource, these animal genetic resources have high economic value and conservation value. 

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Peak Phia Oac with a winding road between the old forest, with sun, wind and cloud cover, promises to be an interesting experience for tourists who want to conquer and explore. Photo: Trong Dat/VNA 

Regarding the natural landscape, Phia Oac - Phia Den is like a "fairy tale" place. On clear, sunny days, standing on the top of Phia Oac mountain, visitors can zoom their eyes into the distance, observing the majestic mountain scenery. With a cool climate, low average temperature and high humidity, Phia Oac - Phia Den is a paradise for flowers. Ordinary flowers when grown in Phia Den will give different quality than those grown in other places because of the large, fat flowers, bright colors, and sweet fragrance. In addition, Phia Oac - Phia Den also has many flowers that grow naturally in the forest with wild and enchanting beauty, especially azaleas, wild orchids blooming brilliantly in spring. In winter, on cold days, visitors will enjoy a magnificent landscape like in Europe when the top of Phia Oac is covered with a white color of snow and ice. 

Discovering the great potential of Phia Oac - Phia Den, Mr. Hoang Manh Ngoc, a son of Nguyen Binh hometown, has invested in building a plantation specializing in planting and processing high-quality tea for export; growing flowers, clean vegetables and medicinal herbs bring high economic efficiency. Ngoc confided: “It is not wrong to say that Phia Oac - Phia Den is a huge treasure. This place, in addition to geomorphology, minerals, tourism, another very special thing that attracts me is the cool climate that is very suitable for the development of agriculture and medicinal plants. This Phia Oac mountain itself was formerly a huge treasure of precious medicine of Vietnam with especially rare species such as orchids, flowers, ginseng... only regret not knowing. methods of exploitation and preservation should be gradually exhausted. I am cherishing the dream of restoring rare medicinal species in this place, processing and bringing to the market. Currently, I am planning to transfer Ngoc Linh ginseng and cordyceps to grow on Phia Den. 

Mr. Sam Viet An, Director of Cao Bang Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism said that the province has a policy to attract businesses to invest in tourism in Phia Oac and Phia Den. Enterprises and corporations that fully meet the criteria for protecting the ecological environment and the best landscape will be licensed by the province to operate. Along with Ban Gioc Waterfall Tourist Area, Pac Bo National Special Monument, in the future Phia Oac - Phia Den will become a key tourism development of Cao Bang province. 

Quoc Dat (VNA)

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Quốc Đạt (TTXVN)

Source : Báo Tin Tức

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