11 Tips for a perfect and comfortable beach trip

Refer to 11 tips to make your beach trip perfect and comfortable right below so you don't miss out on important items during your trip!

A meaningful and complete beach trip requires you to carefully plan and prepare many things. Please join 63Stravel to refer to the following 11 tips to make your beach trip perfect and comfortable so that you won't have any regrets on your trip!

11 Tips for a perfect and comfortable beach trip

If you are planning to travel to the beach, don't miss the 11 useful tips below! Surely these will be good things for you to have the most meaningful outing.

Come up with ideas for costumes and accessories

If you're scheduled to go on a beach trip, don't prepare your luggage at the last minute! This easily makes you tend to stuff everything into your backpack and miss out on some of the most necessary items and outfits for the trip. Research all destinations and choose appropriate equipment and clothing.

Chọn trang phục hợp lý, thoải mái nhất để du lịch biểnChọn trang phục hợp lý, thoải mái nhất để du lịch biển

Learn some language

This will be very useful for you to easily interact with anyone at the tourist destination. Because each region in Vietnam has different ways of speaking, especially the local accent is difficult to grasp. Refer to this information on the Internet or from friends to be more confident during your trip.

Protect personal belongings

You should not bring valuable items with you on a beach trip because there are many risks such as losing them, being robbed, or sometimes managing valuable items prevents you from fully enjoying the trip. When traveling to the beach, you should only bring valuable items such as communication devices, cameras, a little money, keys, etc.

Bảo vệ hành trang cá nhân của bản thân

Protect your personal belongings

Don't forget a waterproof bag

A waterproof bag will help you protect your electronic devices and personal belongings from getting wet while playing in the water. This will be an effective tool for you to feel secure to experience the trip without worrying about damaged or waterproof items.

Monitor the weather

Regularly monitor weather-related warnings, including weather services or information issued by local authorities. This helps you avoid dangers during your trip, including: thunderstorms, lightning, heavy rain, flash floods, flooding...

Sử dụng các app theo dõi thời tiết để nắm rõ tình hình tại điểm du lịch

Use weather monitoring apps to understand the situation at tourist destinations

>> Reference: Compilation of the world's most expensive flights for the super rich

Buy a travel insurance package

Any travel insurance package will be very useful so that when you encounter a risk, you will save a large amount of money. In particular, when traveling to the beach or abroad, you should take the time to learn about insurance packages provided by reputable insurance companies.

Mua gói bảo hiểm khi đi du lịch

Buy an insurance package when traveling

Take lots of photos

A perfect and meaningful beach trip cannot lack beautiful, sparkling photos to show off to friends, relatives or keep as souvenirs. Record the beautiful moments during your trip, this is a meaningful gift for yourself that will make you feel happy when you look back many years later.

Tạo một album ảnh du lịch biển cho riêng bạn

Create your own beach travel photo album

Bring lots of underwear

Underwear does not take up much space in the suitcase and is really necessary for a long beach trip. Because of many beach activities, your clothes are constantly wet or after a day of fun you need to change into dry clothes, so be fully prepared with this outfit!

Watch for swirling currents

A trip to the sea is very impressive, very beautiful but also has many dangers. In particular, avoid ocean currents that have whirlpools or currents that collect large amounts of water and drain into the sea. This is not a safe area for you to play and experience water activities. Also, pay attention to signs prohibiting swimming to ensure safety.

Luggage is guaranteed to be reasonable

When traveling to the beach, you should not prepare high heels, restrictive clothes, or cumbersome accessories. This will make it difficult for you to move and feel uncomfortable when walking on the beach or experiencing water activities. You should prioritize simple clothes and items such as flip-flops, thin t-shirts, shorts...

Chuẩn bị mọi thứ đầy đủ và cần thiết nhất cho chuyến đi

Prepare everything completely and necessary for the trip

>> Should read: Typical tourist destinations of each province in 63 provinces and cities in Vietnam - P1

Bring sunscreen

Not only women, but men should also not forget to bring sunscreen suitable for your skin type. This not only helps protect your skin but also makes you more confident when walking on the beach in hot weather.

Chuẩn bị kem chống nắng khi đi du lịch biển

Prepare sunscreen when traveling to the beach

However, choose sunscreens with a gentle scent and high water resistance so that your skin is better protected even when soaking in water!

Above are some tips to make your beach trip perfect and comfortable that everyone should not ignore. Please save it so you can refer to it when you need it!

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