Hanoi is so beautiful during the season when the trees change leaves

The trees of Sesame and Polyscias fruticosa... all over the streets of Hanoi are in the season of changing their leaves, simultaneously turning red and yellow, making many street corners of Hanoi bright and warm in the days of March.

The trees of Sesame and Polyscias fruticosa... all over the streets of Hanoi are in the season of changing their leaves, simultaneously turning red and yellow, making many street corners of Hanoi bright and warm in the days of March.

On March days, walking on the streets of the Capital, you will see sesame and almond branches rustling changing new clothes. Yellow and red leaves move with the wind. With every step you take, you can hear the rustling sound of leaves spread all over the sidewalk.

Hang Dau water tower (Hoan Kiem district) has 3 sesame bud trees. Foliage mixed with yellow and red colors, creating a romantic scene.

The leaves of the sesame plant change color from green to yellow, then dark red.

The canopy of trees mixed with yellow, red, and green colors makes the space more attractive than ever.

Yellow and red leaves fall all over the streets of Hanoi, making the capital's scenery more romantic and poetic.

This unique scene attracts young people to come here to take photos.

Many streets in Hanoi are filled with the red color of sesame and almond trees during the leaf-changing season, adding to the color of the streets.

The afternoon view of West Lake with its canopy of trees makes people's hearts flutter.

Hanoi's leaf-changing season usually lasts about 2 - 3 weeks before new leaves appear.

During the changing seasons in Hanoi, the weather is quite pleasant, ideal for people and tourists to enjoy the scenery.

When arriving in Hanoi, the capital of the country, tourists can visit many other tourist attractions such as:

1. One Pillar Pagoda

One Pillar Pagoda was started construction in the year Ky Suu 1049, under the reign of King Ly Thai Tong. According to folk legend, in a dream, King Ly Thai Tong dreamed of Guan Yin Buddha sitting on a lotus, radiating light and inviting the king to come with him. See details

2. Ba Dinh Square - Uncle Ho's Mausoleum

Ba Dinh Square is located right in the center of Hanoi capital at 2 Hung Vuong, Dien Ban, Ba Dinh district. Ba Dinh Square is where President Ho Chi Minh read the Declaration of Independence. The square is open for visitors to visit from 5:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. every day. See details

3. Sword Lake

Hoan Kiem Lake is located in the center of the capital, surrounded by 3 streets: Hang Khay - Le Thai To - Dinh Tien Hoang. Previously, the lake also had a number of other names such as Luc Thuy Lake (green lake) or Thuy Quan Lake (because the lake used to be a place to train naval soldiers to fight). In the 15th century, the lake was renamed Hoan Kiem Lake (returning the sword), associated with the story of returning the precious sword to the golden turtle of King Le Thai To. See details

4. Hanoi Old Quarter

Referring to the history of Hanoi's 36 streets or Hanoi's Old Quarter, we probably have to go back to the period from the Ly - Tran dynasties, when this residential and commercial area began to form, with residents from all over the villages. around the Northern Delta gathered and became the busiest area in the capital at that time. See details

5. Temple of Literature

Temple of Literature is located in Dong Da district, Hanoi, right in the middle of 4 main streets including Nguyen Thai Hoc, Ton Duc Thang, Temple of Literature and Quoc Tu Giam. Traveling to Hanoi with thousands of years of culture, this is definitely a place you should visit. See details

Hanoi 449 view

Lê Phú/Báo Tin Tức

Source : baotintuc.vn

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