"Hunting" cherry blossoms in Ba Vi National Park

In early January, when the swallows announce the return of spring and the weather becomes warmer, Ba Vi National Park takes on a new outfit with beautiful natural scenery.

In early January, when the swallows announce the return of spring and the weather becomes warmer, Ba Vi National Park takes on a new outfit with beautiful natural scenery.

At this time, visitors to Ba Vi not only "hunt clouds" but can hunt many types of precious flowers including Japanese cherry blossoms.

Cherry blossoms at Ba Vi National Park begin to bloom.

Coming to Ba Vi around January and February, besides blooming spring flowers such as azalea and red maple trees, cherry blossoms are a new "specialty" at the National Park.

Talking to a reporter from Hanoi Moi Newspaper, Director of the Center for Environmental Education and Services (Ba Vi National Park) Nguyen Phi Hung said that about 3-4 years ago, the National Park had a plan to plant cherry blossom varieties. Japanese peach trees in some locations such as core 400, core 600. Currently, on Ba Vi mountain there are about 20-30 cherry trees, some of which are located on resort grounds, and are well cared for. Therefore, in spring, cherry blossoms bloom, bringing a very beautiful scene to Ba Vi Mountain.

Cherry blossom garden in a resort in Ba Vi

Mr. Nguyen Phi Hung added that from late January to February, cherry blossoms begin to bloom. Currently, some trees have begun to have buds and sporadic blooms.

“To hunt for beautiful cherry blossoms, tourists need to come at the right time. From now until more than a month from now, the flowers will bloom. However, because the tree is still new, the amount of flowers may not be thick and numerous but it can still bring beautiful scenery for tourists to enjoy," Mr. Nguyen Phi Hung said.

Cherry blossoms start blooming in January and will be in full bloom in about a month.

Many photographers "hunt" for cherry blossoms.

According to Mr. Hoang Van Phuong, Operations Manager of Melia Ba Vi Mountain Resort, currently, cherry blossoms on the resort's campus have begun to bloom and will bloom in about 1 month. This is the right time for tourists to go camping, experience nature and take beautiful photos.

"Currently, we have received many accommodation reservations, including international guests to relax and admire flowers in the spring," said Mr. Hoang Van Phuong.

This season, the maple trees begin to turn red leaves.

Ba Vi National Park with many beautiful scenes.

Currently, at Ba Vi National Park and in resorts, they provide camping and trekking services to experience exploring mountain climbing routes, explore French ruins, and cycle in the mountains. Many sports tourism services such as: Mountain climbing, cloud hunting (site 900, site 1,100), flower hunting, camping in the pine forest (site 400), playing by the stream... are being chosen by many tourists. . Prices for all types of services are publicly listed by the units.

According to the Ba Vi National Park Management Board, in the first 3 months of the year, the number of visitors coming to Ba Vi to experience is very large, often tourists combine going to the New Year ceremony and enjoying the poetic nature at the National Park. In 2023, the number of visitors to Ba Vi National Park will welcome 500 thousand, of which the largest number will be during the wildflower season in November and December with 140 - 150 thousand visitors and during the festival season at the beginning of the year.

Hanoi 483 view

Hoàng Lân - Ảnh: Phương Pattrick

Source : hanoimoi.vn

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