List of 10+ Part Time jobs related to travel

List of 10+ part-time jobs related to travel that are quite suitable for young people today. If you are still looking for the right job, then please refer to the following suggestions.

The tourism field always has quite a variety of jobs for people to choose from. In particular, part-time jobs related to tourism do not require too much time but still help increase income and experience. Did you know? Below, 63 Stravel will suggest to you a list of 10+ hottest travel-related part-time jobs that you can consider choosing.

Top 10+ hottest part-time jobs related to travel

Although the income from part-time jobs does not bring too much income. However, for those who want to earn extra income and are passionate about work related to tourism. So don't miss the interesting jobs below!

Collaborator sells tours

This is one of the part-time jobs related to tourism that is receiving the attention of many young people in the country. With a rich customer source, quality and diverse domestic tourism services. Your job is to find interested partners to introduce suitable travel services. The job has free and comfortable time so people can easily do and earn extra income.

Nhiều công ty du lịch tuyển dụng CTV bán tour du lịch

Many travel companies recruit collaborators to sell tours

Collaborators sell airline tickets

Airline ticket sales collaborator (collaborator) is a job that attracts many young people today to pursue. Accordingly, you will cooperate with an airline ticket agent and search for customers who need to buy airline tickets to advise and sell tickets. For each airline ticket sold, you will receive a corresponding % discount according to the agent's regulations. The job has free time, the salary is based on the number of air tickets you sell, so it is quite reasonable for you to pursue work in your free time.

Contributors write articles about travel

If you have a talent for writing, this is also an ideal job for you. You can contact travel companies or SEO partners in the travel sector to register to write content articles about travel, tourist destinations, hotels... The income level for this job is quite diverse, requiring each individual's hard work and perseverance. So if you want to pursue this favorite job and earn extra money, you can still try it!

Trở thành CTV Content SEO về du lịch chia sẻ kinh nghiệm

Become an SEO Content Collaborator about travel and sharing experiences

Tour guide assistant

Extremely attractive income, the ability to travel, improve knowledge... These are the reasons why tour assistant jobs are always HOT. This is one of the part-time jobs related to tourism that many students register for. The job does not require a fixed time, as long as you are free you can register to work. Thereby, it is possible to increase relationships in the tourism industry. At the same time, it helps to gain experience for yourself.

Part Time Interpreter

Part-time interpreters are always a "thirsty" profession in the labor market. In particular, with the growing domestic tourism industry, this job requires more and more. If you are fluent in foreign languages, this is a pretty good job for you to earn a high income.

Phiên dịch viên du lịch cho các đối tác kiếm thêm thu nhập

Travel interpreter for partners to earn extra income

Part Time tour guide

When mentioning the list of 10 part-time jobs related to tourism, perhaps tour guide is the first job you think of. Currently, the need to welcome international tourists to Vietnam is increasing. Many tourists want to travel alone, so this is your opportunity to apply for a job and find the most attractive income.

Restaurant waiter (per shift)

Currently, there are many restaurants and hotels recruiting part-time or casual employees during the day. Whether you are a student or a young person looking for a part-time job, you can prioritize this job. Restaurant service staff do not require much experience or skill. On the contrary, the income level is also quite reasonable. Thereby, you can learn many skills, how to handle situations and gain confidence at work.

Part-time photographer

Part-time photographer is a job loved by many students today. With this job, you can both satisfy your passion and earn quite attractive income. You just need to have a camera and find tourists and people who want to take photos to experience this exciting job.

Trở thành một thợ chụp ảnh cho các công ty vừa kiếm thêm thu nhập vừa thỏa đam mê

Becoming a photographer for companies both earns extra income and fulfills your passion

Part Time tour operator

You are passionate about tour design, you want to develop an interesting trip for tourists. So don't ignore the Part Time tour operator job. Although the job requires high skills and qualifications, the working time is also quite long. But if you are truly passionate about your work, perhaps earning extra income from your favorite job is no longer difficult for you.

Receptionist (per shift)

The receptionist's duties are to answer phone calls, answer information from guests, welcome guests, check whether the service meets guests' needs, make payments, receive and deposit items, etc. The work is not heavy but requires knowing how to behave and communicate.

Tiếp đón du khách khi trở thành một lễ tân của khách sạn/nhà hàng

Welcoming guests when becoming a hotel/restaurant receptionist

Along with that is a good-looking appearance, understanding information from customers, being agile, knowing at least one foreign language... If you meet the above requirements, this is a quite suitable part-time job for you to accumulate. Accumulate your own knowledge and skills.

Above is a list of 10+ hottest part-time jobs related to travel today that everyone can refer to. To gain more income and experience in the tourism field, you can consider and choose one of the above jobs to experience! Wishing you the most suitable choices.

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