TOP culinary dishes that international tourists love when coming to Vietnam

Cuisine is always one of the best ways to discover a country's cultural identity. That is especially true for Vietnamese cuisine - where each dish is not only a product of the art of processing but also contains spiritual values ​​and cultural traditions. Check out the top culinary dishes that international tourists love when coming to Vietnam.

Vietnamese cuisine is proud to captivate the world with hundreds of rich dishes, bearing strong regional imprints. From the cooking style to the way spices are used or the food is decorated, international visitors are amazed by the rich flavors as well as the cultural stories told through each Vietnamese dish. Let's join 63Stravel in reviewing the top culinary dishes that international tourists love when coming to Vietnam in the article below. Everyone can refer to it and make a list for their trip to enjoy!

TOP culinary dishes that international tourists love to enjoy when coming to Vietnam


Banh mi - a familiar and typical dish of Vietnam has become a symbol of the country's culinary culture. Although not a strange dish, bread still attracts the attention of many international tourists.

Bánh mì Việt Nam vào danh sách 24 món bánh kẹp ngon nhất thế giới

Vietnamese banh mi is on the list of 24 most delicious sandwiches in the world

Ranked high in the list of the world's most delicious dishes, Vietnamese bread has surprised and delighted many people. From culinary magazines to famous bloggers, banh mi always receives praise and recommendations as a dish not to be missed when coming to Vietnam.

With a crispy crust and diverse fillings, banh mi is not only a harmonious combination of ingredients but also a symbol of the diversity and richness of Vietnamese cuisine. Not only is it delicious, but bread is also very convenient and easy to find. With dozens of different types of fillings, visitors can freely choose according to their preferences. From burgers, pate, sausages to fried eggs or sausages, each type of bread offers a unique and distinctive flavor.

 Bánh mì Việt được du khách quốc tế ưu ái khen "ngon nhất thế giới"

Vietnamese bread is favored by international tourists as "the best in the world"

With increasing popularity and popularity, banh mi has become an indispensable part of Vietnamese people's daily meals and is also an ideal destination for tourists who want to enjoy street food in Vietnam.

Quang noodles

Mi Quang - an undeniable culinary symbol of Quang Nam, has been recognized as one of 12 Vietnamese dishes with Asian culinary value by the Asian Records Organization. With typical noodles made from shredded rice paper and various fillings from chicken, shrimp, crab, fish... Mi Quang has captured the hearts of those who have enjoyed it.

Mì Quảng - Món ngon hơn 500 tuổi nhưng chưa bao giờ lỗi thời!

Mi Quang - Delicious dish over 500 years old but never out of date!

Under the layer of soft and smooth noodles is a delicate combination of many raw vegetables such as basil, fresh lettuce, baby cabbage... In particular, the rich broth from pork bones, roasted peanuts, green onions, herbs and red pepper creates so the unmistakable characteristic flavor of this dish.

Mì Quảng được công nhận là giá trị ẩm thực Châu Á

Mi Quang is recognized as an Asian culinary value

With its unexpected and seductive flavor, Mi Quang is a perfect choice for every meal and has become one of the typical and famous dishes of Vietnamese cuisine that is highly appreciated by tourists.

Beef noodle soup

Pho - a culinary symbol of Vietnam, always ranks first in the list of top culinary dishes that international tourists love when coming to Vietnam. With rich broth, soft noodles and diverse fillings from beef, chicken, to raw vegetables, pho has become one of the most loved and appreciated dishes around the world.

Phở bò ẩm thực Việt được du khách ưa thích

Vietnamese beef pho is popular with tourists

From popular shops to luxury restaurants, beef pho has become a destination not to be missed when enjoying Vietnamese cuisine. It is undeniable that the appeal of "Pho" makes anyone who talks about Vietnamese cuisine surprised and praised. Coming to Vietnam without enjoying pho is truly a big mistake.

Cao Lau

Cao Lau, a specialty of three provinces in Central Vietnam, from Hue, Da Nang to Quang Nam. But it is highly appreciated by tourists when enjoying it in Hoi An, Quang Nam. The origin of this dish is still a controversial topic, some people believe that cao lau originates from Japanese udon noodles, while others propose that cao lau is of Chinese origin, derived from the phrase Cao Lau. The word "cao lau" means that if you want to eat, you have to go upstairs.

Ẩm thực Cao Lầu được du khách khen ngon

Cao Lau cuisine is praised by tourists for its deliciousness

Cao Lau is similar to Quang noodles but is more sophisticated in the way it is prepared and enjoyed. Cao Lau fibers are made from rice soaked with Melaleuca wood ash from Cu Lao Cham. Then blend with Ba Le well water to preserve the ancient flavor. This dish is often served with char siu pork, herbs, cinnamon tea, pork rinds or crispy fried pork skin and crushed roasted peanuts. Cao Lau is often sold at restaurants on the 2nd floor, helping diners enjoy the atmosphere of Hoi An ancient town in a delicate and special way.

Bun cha

Bun cha - a Vietnamese dish that was voted by National Geographic as one of the "Top 10 best street foods in the world 2014", is truly a special and impressive flavor. Fragrant hot grilled patties, soaked in a bowl of sweet and sour dipping sauce with mouth-watering papaya and pickles, served with vermicelli and raw vegetables blend together to create an irresistible delicious flavor for any visitor. .

Ẩm thực bún chả - món ăn hấp dẫn du khách thưởng thức

Bun cha cuisine - an attractive dish for tourists to enjoy

Bun cha does not need much introduction because it has been highly rated on many top culinary rankings. These are the top culinary dishes that international tourists love when coming to Vietnam.

Village cereal loops

In the fall, Hanoi gives the people of the capital a rustic gift imbued with the soul of the countryside, which is the delicious taste of green rice, a traditional gift associated with many generations. Vong village's green rice with a fresh green color and the characteristic aroma of young rice, the small grains are wrapped in lotus leaves, bringing a gentle aroma that makes anyone who tastes it unable to resist being surprised. and fluttered at the sweet, delicate taste of green rice.

Cốm làng Vòng - nồng nàn hương vị mù thu Hà Nội

Com Vong village - passionate flavors of autumn in Hanoi

The delicate green grains contain a sweet flavor, preserving the essence of earth, sky, sun and wind. Creating a dish that makes every diner feel fascinated and immersed in the gentle aroma of green rice, truly a symbol of traditional Vietnamese culinary culture.

Spring rolls

Goi cuon, one of Vietnam's typical dishes, was once honored to be included in the list of "Top 50 most delicious dishes in the world" voted by CNN channel. This dish is made from simple ingredients such as rice paper, pork, shrimp, bean sprouts, vermicelli, raw vegetables... All wrapped in a soft layer of rice paper outside. The beauty of spring rolls is also enhanced when rolled beautifully and roundly, without breaking.

Gỏi cuốn hấp dẫn du khách thưởng thức

Spring rolls attract tourists to enjoy

However, the real "soul" of this dish is the dipping sauce. There are up to 3 different types of dipping sauces for spring rolls such as: black bean sauce, sweet and sour fish sauce and seasoning fish sauce. Depending on taste, customers can choose the appropriate dipping sauce. That is the highlight that makes goi cuon special and attractive, a dish that is not only delicious but also shows the sophistication and creativity in Vietnamese cuisine.

Khot cake

Banh Khot comes from the sound when making cakes. Cakes appear a lot in the South, but each place has its own unique characteristics. Made from rice flour, each cake is topped with a piece of crispy fried shrimp.

Bánh khọt - Món ăn đường phố trứ danh không thể bỏ qua

Banh Khot - Famous street food not to be missed

Guests can enjoy this dish in the traditional style, rolled with lettuce leaves and herbs and dipped in a rich dipping sauce. This is an experience not to be missed for any tourist visiting Vietnam.

Noodles with tofu and shrimp paste

Not many famous dishes in Vietnam cause as much controversy as vermicelli with tofu and shrimp paste. Even when traveling far away, it is still an interesting topic with the confusing contrast "smells like hell, tastes like heaven". But vermicelli with tofu and shrimp paste is still considered a symbol of Vietnamese cuisine with its rich flavor.

Bún đậu mắm tôm - Món ăn gây tranh cãi, hấp dẫn du khách thưởng thức

Vermicelli with tofu and shrimp paste - A controversial dish, attractive to tourists to enjoy

Swallowing the first bite, diners are initially overwhelmed by the strong smell of fish sauce but quickly overturn their feelings, conquered by the unique flavor. Diverse ingredients from green vegetables, tofu, sour rolls... harmoniously combined with a bowl of shrimp fish sauce. Each soft and chewy vermicelli thread delicately weaves in flavor. The chefs' recklessness creates addictive dishes that have become symbols of Vietnamese culinary culture.

Northwest Kitchen Buffalo Meat

Kitchen buffalo meat is one of the most delicious dishes of Northwest cuisine, where the dishes are delicate and rich in natural flavors. Buffalo meat is skillfully processed, carefully marinated with natural spices such as lemongrass, chili, garlic... creating an attractive aroma, leaving an interesting bitter taste on the tip of the tongue.

Thịt trâu gác bếp – Đặc sản núi rừng Tây Bắc

Kitchen buffalo meat - Northwest mountain and forest specialty

The process of grilling over iron mineral charcoal makes the meat soft and chewy, with a crispy outer crust. The harmonious blend between the sweetness of buffalo meat and the flavor of the mountains and forests satisfies both the taste and sight.

Pork rolls

The dish is not only beautiful but also has a unique flavor. A plate of rice paper rolls with pork is carefully arranged, with a layer of fat and boiled peanuts creating an attractive color. However, the secret of this dish lies in the rich bowl of fish sauce. Seasoning sauce is meticulously prepared from lemon, sugar, garlic, chili and minced pineapple.

Bánh Tráng Cuốn Thịt Heo ẩm thực được du khách ưa thích

Pork Rice Paper Rolls are a popular dish among tourists

The soft sweetness of the pork, the freshness of the vegetables and a bit of sourness and spiciness from the fish sauce create a wonderful combination in each piece of rice paper roll. This dish has a unique flavor that makes anyone who enjoys it unable to help but be fascinated and captivated.

Pork rice paper rolls are not only a beautiful dish but also a wonderful flavor experience. International tourists coming to Vietnam all want to enjoy and praise the deliciousness.


Banh Xeo, a dish that was honored at the American folk festival in 2007 and praised by CNN television channel. With a crispy, golden-colored crust, the inside combines all kinds of fillings such as shrimp, meat, bean sprouts... Banh xeo is often eaten with raw vegetables and sweet and sour fish sauce.

Điều gì khiến bánh xèo hấp dẫn du khách khi tới Việt Nam thưởng thức?

What makes banh xeo attractive to tourists when coming to Vietnam to enjoy?

This cuisine originates from Western Vietnam, but has become a culinary symbol of Vietnam loved by international tourists. Banh Xeo has a rustic and attractive combination. The delicious taste of Banh Xeo has made many international diners fascinated and consider this a dish not to be missed when coming to Vietnam.


To end the list of top culinary dishes that international tourists love when coming to Vietnam with a sweet dessert, try enjoying the wonderful taste of Vietnamese sweet soup. In shops, cafes or even all over the streets, you can easily find attractive tea stalls.

Chè - ẩm thực đa dạng được du khách yêu thích khi ghé Việt Nam

Che - a diverse cuisine loved by tourists when visiting Vietnam

Diverse types of tea, there are dozens of choices to satisfy your taste and needs. From traditional mixed sweet soup, delicious black bean sweet soup, to special dishes such as fragrant banana sweet soup or delicious fresh mango sweet soup, each type of sweet soup has its own uniqueness and brings unforgettable experiences.

When you enjoy Vietnamese tea, you will be immersed in a world of rich flavors. Vietnamese sweet soup is not only a delicious dessert, but also a part of Vietnamese culinary culture.

Above are the Top culinary dishes that international tourists love to enjoy when coming to Vietnam. All are delicious and unique dishes that attract tourists to visit Vietnam.

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